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MARYLAND JOCKEY JOCKEYP1MLIGO CLUB P1MLIGO SPRING MEETING 1921 ENTRIES CLOSE MONDAY APRIL 11 11FOR FOR THE FOLLOWING EVENTS PREAKNESS For ThreeYearOlds Entire Colts and Fillies 40000 Added of which 5000 to the second 3000 to the third and 2000 to the fourth STARTING FEE 1000 One Mile and OneEighth OneEighthPIMLICO PIMLICO OAKS 5000 ADDED ADDEDFor For TlireeYearOld Fillies One uml OneSixteenth allies alliesPIMLICO PIMLICO SPRING HANDICAP 5000 ADDED ADDEDFor For TIireeYenrOlrts and Upward One and OneSixteenth MileK MileKGREEN GREEN SPRDTG VALLEY STEEPLECHASE HANDICAP 5000 ADDED ADDEDFor For Four YearOlds and Upward Two Miles MilesSPRING SPRING JUVENILE 2500 ADDED ADDEDFor For Two YearOlds Four and OneHalf FnrlonKs FnrlonKsPIMLICO PIMLICO NURSERY Foals of 1919 2500 ADDED ADDEDClosed Closed September 22 1O2O with aO7 Entries Race Sehednled for Wednesday Slay 4 Four and OneHalf Furlongs No Entrance Fees Four Mones in Stakes OVERSIGHT PURSES A3TO HANDICAPS 1300 S135OO S25OO For Blanks and Information Apply to VVM P R1GGS Secretary 350 Equitable Bdg Baltimore Md