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CHAGRIN FALLS ENTRIES Tor Wednesday May 4 Probabilities Weather clear track fast Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago lime 215 0 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance b Blinkers BlinkersFirst First Race 58 Mile Mile3ycarolds 3ycarolds Special AVcights Todays TodaysInd Ind Horse Wt Roe AAVtHan 53846 Segurola 105 1 03 109 X700 X70053S702 53S702 Miss Cook M 109 695 53812 Maudie AVilson M109 107 109 690 03840 Tommie C M 114 685 685Becton Becton b c by Highjinks Gail Cook by AVaterboy 114 Second Race 58 Mile 4yearolds and upward Claiming 53781 Lucie May 105 102 4 110X700 110X700539U4 539U4 blr Hall 110 102 4 1151695 50936 Pin Money 9 115X6JIU 50339 bBonna A M 5 110 685 53677 AVilton Meteor Mlll J05 4 115 685 53905 Stilpo M 8 115 680 539933 Miss Ouri M 105 l01s 0 110X6SO 110X6SOThird Third Race 58 Mile 4yearolds and upward Claiming 53003 Anna Jackson 208101 4114X700 539002 Ogden Girl 110 102 4 110X695 53733 = Olive James 102 105 4 110X690 110X690KMWl KMWl Lord Byron 7 115 690 53993 Dancer 8 115 690 53754 Major Fisk 106103 4115X685 4115X6852C916 4115X6852C916 2C916 Dixie Mina 10 114 680 53998 bF G Corley 5 119 680 680Fourth Fourth Race 34 Mile 3ycarolds and upward Claiming 53845 SECOND COUSIN 107 113 4 116 725 53224 Princess Lou 109 115 4 113 715 53819 = bMaiden Aoter 102 118 4 113 710 53849 Financial Rooster 115 l13l h 4 121X710 53904 bThtinderbird 106U19h 4 113X703 53846 Illinois Lad 7 120 705 50942 blligh Horse 112 116 8 118X705 118X70550S54 50S54 bSteve 96 113 4 113X700 539963 Mary Mallon 95115 4 113 700 700Fifth Fifth Race 58 Mile MileCleveland Cleveland NewsLeader Purse Purse3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 53995 My Gracie 113101 6103X700 53995 bOlympian King 110 100 6 113 69 53616 bMadam Byng 107101 5 113695 53667 Joe Goodman 104 100 3 108X690 47769 bCuba 108 101 4 10S0680 52095 Loch Leven 104101 3 98 690 53508 Robert L Owen 114 101 6 118X685 50595 Twelve Bells 6 108 6SO 5387 0 Billv Boots M 4 113 680 00854 Graybeard M 7 113 075 Suds br c bv Jack Atkin Melissa by Star Shoot 3 103 Sixth Race 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and upward Claiming Claiming53S64 53S64 Minnie II 105 146 5 113X701 53903 Lady Longfellow 105 148 6 113X695 53718 Judge Price 101149 7115X690 53848 Indiscret 89150 9 118 690 53904 All Bright 6 115X685 50942 Lady Monroe M 8 110 6SO 6SOSeventh Seventh Race 58 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Claiming 1374 bEddle McBride 5 119 j 725 72553SG8 53SG8 Pullux It 1190720 11907205399C 5399C L Gentry 97101 6 119 720 72053G252 53G252 Blanchita 110 101 8 114X715 114X71553899s 53899s Douglas Fairbanks 98 100 4 119X715 53848 liLt Balafre 5 119i710 53843 bEariymorn 116 101 10 119X705 03902 bllarry Rudder 115 101 5 119 703