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WORKOUTS FROM EAST AND WEST 571 BALTIMORE Md May 3 Todays workouts at PI in li co included the following Weather clear track good ThreeEighths Mile Mile561Ben 561Ben Hampson 39 520Ogarile 38 38r r 39Capt Hershlcr 37 567Paul Jones SOSChasseur 40 GGSKomany 40 40Donovan Donovan 39 Reaudoc 40 40iGath iGath 38 r mKpearIene 40 40iIIillur iIIillur 3G n i7Sigamore 3 3567Lina 567Lina 38 566Thistle Queen 42 42431Musty 431Musty 30 30Half Half Mile Mile570AIva 570AIva r 0 568Jeg 51 51550Baek 550Baek Ray 51 Lent 51 51065Crumpsall 065Crumpsall 52 502Ormondale 51 5180HclIo 80HclIo Pardncr 51 062Restlcss 51 51FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile43SDough 43SDough Girl 100 570Onico 109 109Three Three Quarters Mile Mile5GOBriganna 5GOBriganna 120 Esqre Charliel24 Charliel24563Bcngali 563Bcngali 122 567Irish Kiss 122 122507Billy 507Billy Kelly 119 564Kingling II 119 564Benevolent 124 507Mark West 123 570Ch Leydeckerl2G Milly Bartcs 120 442Charlie Sumyl19 5G7Motor Cop 119 1195G5Dark 5G5Dark Horse 11S 11SOne One Mile Mile400Chinnie 400Chinnie Walshl50 570Mock Orange 140 140567Gain 567Gain de Causel50 507Milkmaid 147 Mile and an Eighth Eighth3S2Mint 3S2Mint Cat 206 206Captain Captain Hershler showed a fine turn of speed and is good just now Lina appears to be a good twoyearold and is speedy Paul Jones just cantered in preparation for a good work tomorrow Hildur showed lightning speed Ogarite is a firstclass twoyearold just cantered Musty showed a fast threeeighths and looks to be ready Back Bay was hard held all the way Jog just cantered Irish Kiss is going along nicely and will be ready soon Billy Kelly was only cantering Kingling II worked well Dark Horse is about ready Milkmaid went well LEXINGTON LEXINGTON Ky May 3 Todays workouts here were as follows followsWeather Weather clear track muddy dogs up ThreeEighths Mile 5G4Ablaze 39 5fiSCaunzcl 5GGAutocrat 37 SCODad 5G7Blond Buddy 38 569Eycs of Youth 37 5G8Bc Good Hold Me 39 39562Startle 509Best Pal 562Startle 37 SGUBusy Signal 39 5CGWild Flower 39 Half Mile Mile569Dancing 569Dancing Spray 54 5G9Nonskid 54 54rial rial 55 486Opportuuity 53 53UUUI UUUI I IL 53 5G7Quince Garden 52 52562Mad 562Mad Gingham 56 570Sewell Combs 51 51564Miss 564Miss Fontaine 51 561AAadths Last 53 53FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile504Ace 504Ace High 105 5GlGrecn Grass 108 1085GSBread 5GSBread Man 103 5C3Snapdrgon 11108 11108ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 5G8John Arbor 122 5G7S of Pleasurel19 Pleasurel19527Newcl 527Newcl W 12Q 5G2Traycsty 127 127570Sergcant 570Sergcant Yorkl23 Yorkl23One One Mile Mile570Kinburn 570Kinburn 148 562Xurttircd 154 1545G9Nonskid 5G9Nonskid 159 523Sinipletoii 146 NEW YORK N Y May 3 Todays workouts at Jamaica included the following Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile Mile5G8BU1 5G8BU1 Brock 35 519Little Patsy 39 525Fred Kiiincy 39 470M Antoinette 37 56SHappy Buxton35 561Red Tom 39 Half Mile MileCarlinc Carlinc 50 525Mawrcoron 48 48Dare Dare 49 Olynthus 54 54Ebba Ebba 51 5GSPieirus 52 525l8Evelyn 5l8Evelyn White 50 299Runatrix 49 if if521Frank 521Frank Waters 54 OGSRib Grass 50 50Ir 50Ir Ir Brigadier 50 Snob 54 54Juno 54Juno Juno 49 568Serenadcr 52 52Leipsic Leipsic 49 524Shillelagli II 51 51Mudoba 51Mudoba Mudoba 51 Vanity Dresser50 Dresser505GSMana 5GSMana Grass 50 50FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile5iSElland 5iSElland Jay 102 5G8Servicc Starl0i Starl0i451Jyntce 451Jyntce 105 5GSSwift Crass 103 103June June Grass 102 Tree Grass 103 103Knot Knot Grass 102 5GSITranius 102 102537Mavournucn 537Mavournucn 105 303AVliimsy 1OS 1OS560Night 560Night RadcrlM 402AAellfiuder 102 567New Orlcansl03 Orlcansl03ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile Mile5GGBantry 5GGBantry 118 5t 8Irish Dream 114 1145GSBennington 5GSBennington 118 066Master Jack 1115 11155G2lixie 5G2lixie Carroll 117 5GGMarjorie Ml16 Ml16567Dr 567Dr Clark 113 5GSKound Robinl18 Robinl18453Dorcas 453Dorcas 118 508Veto 118 iGSChallenger 148 Oj7White Socks 144 03Toss Up 146 BELMONT TRAINING TRACK NEW YORK N Y May 3 Todays Avorkouts at Belinont training track were as follows Weather clear track good ThreeEighths Mile MileAden Aden 37 5i2Caubecn 39 394S2BecswaAV 4S2BecswaAV 39 SGSSheba 38 38381Cote 381Cote dOr 36 36Half Half Mile MileAdmiral Admiral Baily 53 441Montalvo 50 503GlArrow 3GlArrow of Gold 55 5G8Mcuse 52 5242Care 42Care Free 49 OGSMaidens Ballet52 Ballet525GiDuncecap 5GiDuncecap 02 Peter Combs 52 52432Gallant 432Gallant Foe 55 5G8Pretty Lady 53 53440Gladiator 440Gladiator 49 Scotland Yet 50 505G8Lncky 5G8Lncky Find 55 40GTurnabout 49 49390LEclair 390LEclair 52 Vice Regal 53 53Lucky Lucky Lass 53 5GSWrecker 54 FiveEighths Mile Mile5GSCimarron 5GSCimarron 104 OGSMessines 106 106Hillsdale Hillsdale 100 510Misdeal 108 108Jimmie 108Jimmie Jimmie B 108 Polyantha 111 111567Kof 567Kof tHtherlOl 4GSRamkin 103 1035GSLast 5GSLast StraAV 103 103ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile Mile568Audacious 568Audacious 118 364Uouyhnhmn 119 119404Arapahoe 404Arapahoe 118 440Major Parke 121 422Iof t Aalleyl18 435Mcht Mirincl19 4S5Donnaeona 114 452h Watch 114 114568Eiifilade 568Eiifilade 118 430Pahaska 124 124Eliminate Eliminate 121 306Star Court 118 118428Frigatc 428Frigatc 118 383St Patrick 119 119312Frizlet 312Frizlet 119 56SSmoke Screenl18 Screenl184T2Goaler 4T2Goaler 121 413Valof tMoonl16 tMoonl1656SUoney 56SUoney Cell 118 405 Wapiti 118 118SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 5GSMandalay 134 5G8Lord Herbert 131 131One One Mile 331Bersaglicre 149 564Gipsy Lad 149 5GSBnnksia 151 413Royce Rools 159 303David Harum 146 378Rockland 159 395Dinna Care 146 5G3St Michael 151 151OGSDebudou OGSDebudou 145 145Happy Happy Buxton and Bill Block Avorked well Mawrcoron is good Leipsic and Runatrix ran Avell from the barrier New Orleans Avas under restraint all the Avay Elland Jay and June Grace worked easily Uranius has a good way of goiiig AVell findir Avorked easily Dr Clark had a fine trial for the Paumonok Handicap Veto is training Avcll Bonningtoii and Bantry worked under restraint Irish Dreams seems at Ills bestV On Watch and Donnacona worked well for the Paumonok Handicap The track Avas not fast this morning still con ¬ siderable useful work was accomplished Cote dOr showed speed Montalvo awl Scotland Yet have a good Avay of doing their workl Care Free seems fit and good Gladiator is improving with each workbut Dream of the Valley is training well Enfilade and Audacious should race well in the near future Frigate and Wapiti AAorked well together Valley of the Moon has a fine turn of speed Smoke Screen seems fit and good David Haruui is in splendid condition Dinnu Care looks and acts jjboij Debadou worked easily