Big Latonia Attractions: Independence Handicap, 5,000 Added, a Valuable Feature.; Daniel Boone Handicap and Latonia Oaks Other Rich and Outstanding Races., Daily Racing Form, 1921-05-04


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BIG LATONIA ATTRACTIONS Independence Handicap 15000 Added a Valuable Feature Daniel Boone Handicap and La ¬ tonia Oaks Other Bich and Outstanding Saces Aside from the Latonia Derby nominations for which have already been published tlie most valu ¬ able stakes to be nm at the spring meeting at Latonia are the Independence and Daniel Boone Handicaps and the Latonia Oaks The Independ ¬ ence lias 15000 added while the other two have SltfOOO added each The handicaps have attracted the cream of the longdistance racers of the coun ¬ try as well as the foremost of the threeyearolds As for the Latonia Oaks never before in the his ¬ tory of that feature has there been so many high class fillies eligible for it At this date it seems certain that all three of these races will be con ¬ tested by large fields and the quality of the start ¬ ers will be superior to that of former years The conditions and entries for these valuable fixtures are as follows followsINDEPENDENCE INDEPENDENCE HANDICAP IXDEPKXDEXCE HAXDIOAP 15000 added for threeyearolds and upward By subscription of 25 each 2T 0 additional to start ir 000 added of which 2000 to second 1000 to third fourth to save stake Weights six days before nice Winners of other than a claiming or selling purse after publication of weights 3 Ibs extra Acceptances to be named through the entry box the day before the race at usual time of closing To IK run Monday July 4 One mile and onehalf onehalfAdan Adan X General J M Gomez b c 3 by Hes ¬ sian Expressing ExpressingApplcgalc Applcgalc W E Ginger ch h 5 by Coy Lud Lucky Wave WaveArnold Arnold E C Brother Batch b c 3 by Vul cain Barbie BarbieBradley Bradley E II Busy Signal ch f 1 by Cnnard Sweet Alice AliceBradley Bradley E H Best Pal br c 1 by Helmet Padula PadulaBradley Bradley E It Balance Wlieol b c 3 by Ben Brush Whisk Broom BroomBradley Bradley E R Behave Yourself b c 3 by Marathon Miss Kinglets KingletsBradley Bradley E K Black Servant br c 3 by Black Toney Padnla PadnlaBrannon Brannon 15 J Drastic b h C by Hastings DragnetCamden Dragnet Camden J X Kangoon br g 3 by Light Brigade Lardclla LardcllaCamden Camden J X Bettina b f 3 by Light Bri ¬ ade Ecatarina EcatarinaCamden Camden J X Dark Ben b g 3 by Ben Brush Double Dark Cosdcn J S Paul Jones br g 4 by Sea King May Florence Cosden J K Blazes br c 4 by Wrack Blazing St4ir St4irClark Clark C W Sway b g 5 by Aulcain Ruby Kisht KishtClark Clark C W Captain Mac ch c 4 by The Manager Koyal Dainty Clark C W United Verde br c 3 by Golden Maxim Yankee Tree TreeClark Clark C W Pictor b g 5 by Picton White Veil Clark 1 A La Rablee b f 4 by Rabelais La Flambee FlambeeCochran Cochran Gifford A Bersaglicre b c 4 by His Majesty Veil VeilOe Oe W R David Harum b g 4 by Star Shoot Pantomime PantomimeDahnkcn Dahnkcn F 1olythia ch f 3 by Polymelian Cynthia Dwyer DwyerFernandez Fernandez A L Aikcn b c 3 by Peter Pan Easy Street StreetFletcher Fletcher M II Secret Greetings b c 3 by Luke McLukL Zahra ZahraFletcher Fletcher Kcene Willow Tree b g 3 by Luke McLuke Altiora AltioraFuller Fuller Gco P Be Frank b g 5 by Sir John Johnson Frankness FranknessGentry Gentry Lloyd Sterling b c 4 by Horron Verneida VerneidaGoldblatt Goldblatt M Billy Barton br c 3 by Iluqii Mary Le Bus BusGoldblatt Goldblatt M Atta Boy II ch g 4 by Rabelais Tanya TanyaGoode Goode J M Sands of Pleasure b g 8 by Fair Play Golden Sands SandsCorey Corey A J Lou Widrig b g 3 by Marathon Cresta Blanca Blancallachineister llachineister John McGoodwin br c 3 by Last Coin or Colin Fairy Story StoryHawkins Hawkins J S Co Delico blk in 5 by Celt Dainty Dame DameHawkins Hawkins J S Co Stockwell ch h 5 by Ballot Janice JaniceHayes Hayes T Pi Lothair ch g 5 by Bourbon Beau The Fashion FashionHewitt Hewitt II II Travesty b c 1 by Ballot Coy Maid MaidJones Jones Montfort Rouleau br c 4 by Tracery Royal Coinage CoinageJones Jones Montfort Ethel Gray br f 4 by Hessian Sweet Marjoram MarjoramJones Jones Montfort John S Reurdon b c 3 by Oriiiundale Amelia AmeliaKeith Keith Hak All Right Sir brc 3 by Vulcaiu Topsy Belle BelleKelley Kelley Frank J Gangway b c 3 by Luke Mc Lake Little Oasis OasisKelley Kelley Frank J Guvnor ch g 3 by Super ¬ man Verdict VerdictKelley Kelley Frank J Belgian Queen b f 4 by Aero ¬ naut Agnier AgnierKilmer Kilmer Willis Sharpe Exterminator ch g 6 by McGee Fair Empress EmpressKilmer Kilmer Willis Sharpe Magic Silence ch c 3 by Magic Mum MumLehaii Lehaii D Castlereagh ch c 3 by The Curragh Silica Loft G W On Watch br f 4 by Colin Rubin Granda Loft G W Doiinacona b c 4 by Prince Paia Long Geo J Sir Lawnfal br ci 3 by Sain Rezia ReziaLowe Lowe John High Cloud b h 5 by Ultimus Umbria UmbriaLowcnstein Lowcnstein M J Yung Ching blk g 4 by Santoi Charity Lass LassLowcnstein Lowcnstein M J Paul Weidcl b c 4 by Golden Maxim Lady Lexington LexingtonMcDowell McDowell Tiios C High Command ch g 4 by The Manager EllenaDale EllenaDaleMcDowell McDowell Thos C Distinction b f 4 by The Manager Alanarka AlanarkaMcLean McLean E B The Porter b h C by Sweep Ballet Girl GirlMcLean McLean E B Lough Storm b f 3 by Lough Foyle Storm Nymph NymphMcLean McLean E B Mint Cat b h 5 by Catmint Arlette ArletteMarino Marino John Rapid Traveler b c 4 by Rapid Water Alberta A AMatlack Matlack D T Woodtrap ch Ii 7 by Trap Rock Woodvine WoodvineMoeller Moeller P King Plaudit br li 5 by Plaudit Wild Thistle ThistleMoore Moore C W Jr Jouett b c 4 by McGee Muff MuffParrish Parrish J W Midway ch li 7 by Ballot Thirtythird ThirtythirdPeters Peters Louis Hercules ch g 4 by Zeus Black Silk SilkPoison Poison W F Vulcanite b h 5 by Vulcain Single Shot ShotPoison Poison W F Peace Pennant b c 4 by McGce Maltha MalthaPotts Potts Mrs O B Bread Man b c 4 by Golden Maxim Evelyn Doris DorisRespess Respess J B Make Up b c 4 by Disguise Fairy Story StoryRoss Ross Commander J K L Sir Barton ch h 5 by Star Shoot Lady Sterling SterlingRoss Ross Commander JK L Boniface b li 6 by Transvaal Cerina CerinaRoss Ross Commander J K L War Pennant br h 5 by Jim Gaffney Maltha MalthaRoss Ross Commander J K L Billy Kelly b g 5 by Dick Welles Glena GlenaRoss Ross Commander Kl L Star Voter ch c 3 by Ballot Starry Night NightRoss Ross Commander J K L Oriole br c 3 by Assagai Hawksora HawksoraRoss Ross Commander J K L Ajom ch c 3 by Aleppo Polly Hill r Shea AViHiahV A = Snapdragon II b h C by Fitz Herbert Mistress Penn PennSimms Simms E F Leonardo II b or br c 3 by Sweep Ethel Pace PaceSimms Simms E F Bon Homme b c 3 by Sweep Sue Smith SmithSimms Simms E F Mulciber blk c 3 by Vulcain Tapiola TapiolaSimms Simms E F Despair b c 3 by McGee Mary Davis DavisSimms Simms Oliver Eternal br h 5 by Sweep Hazel Burke BurkeSinclair Sinclair II F Cirrus1 b h 5 by Tracery Moruingsidc MoruingsidcSinclair Sinclair II F Mad Hatter br h 5 by Fair Play Madcap MadcapSwan Swan U E Sea Prince ch c 4 by Sea King Danceress DanceressSwift Swift D F Monsoon b c 3 by Peter Quince Mattie C CThraves Thraves W V Legal b h 5 by Hilarious Responsful ResponsfulTreacy Treacy Walker Dancing Spray br m 5 by Rapid Water Alberta II IIWheeler Wheeler M L Alula b f 4 by Voorhces Bremerhafcn BremerhafcnWhitney Whitney II P Upset ch c 4 by Whisk Broom II Pankhurst PankhurstWhitney Whitney II P John P Gricr ch c 4 by Whisk Broom II Wonder WonderWhitney Whitney II P Dr Clark ch g 4 by Broom ¬ stick Paiiiisine PaiiiisineWhitney Whitney II P Exodus ch c 3 by Peter Pan First Flight FlightWhitney Whitney II P Dartmoor ch c 3 by Whisk Broom II Pankhurst PankhurstWhitney Whitney II P Broomspun b c 3 by Broom ¬ stick Spun Glass GlassWhitney Whitney II P Tryster blk or br c 3 by Peter Pan Tryst Whitney II P Ararat br g 3 by Broomstick Dovelet DoveletWhitney Whitney II I Prudery b or br f 3 by Peter Pan Polly Flinders FlindersWilliams Williams Bros Xttrturc ch g 3 by Martinet Druid DruidWoodard Woodard Win Co Black Watch II blk g 4 by Macdonald II Black Venus VenusWoodford Woodford J Hal Zulcika ch m 5 by Neil Gow Turkish Princess PrincessWoodford Woodford J Hal Dark Friar b c 3 by Sweep Minnie Adams AdamsYoung Young Allie W Scottish Chief ch g 3 by Light Brigade Santa Susanna DANIEL BOONE HANDICAP THE DANIEL BOONE HANDICAP 10000 added For threeyearolds and upward By sub ¬ scription of 25 each 1250 additional to start 10000 added of which 1500 to second 800 to third fourth to save stake Weights six days before race Winners of 2500 after publication of weights 5 pounds extra Acceptances to be named through tlie entry box the day before the race at usual time of closing One mile and three tcenthsAdan tcenths Adan X General J M Gomez b c 3 by Hessian Expressing ExpressingApplegatc Applegatc W E Ginger ch h 5 by Coy Lad Lucky Wave WaveArnold Arnold E C Brother Batch b c 3 by Vul ¬ cain Barbie BarbieBradley Bradley E R Busy Signal ch f 4 by Cuuard Sweet Alice AliceBradley Bradley E R Best Pal br c 4 by Helmet Padula PadulaBradley Bradley E R Balance Wheel b c 3 by Ben Brush Whisk Broom BroomBradley Bradley E K Behave Yourself b c 3 by Marathon Miss Ringlets RingletsBradley Bradley E R Black Servant br c 3 by Black Toney Padula PadulaBranncn Branncn B J Drastic b h 6 by Hastings Dragnet DragnetBreckinridge Breckinridge Desha Lady Madcap br f 3 by Dick Finiiell Affable CainiUn J X Rangoon br g 3 by Light Brigade Lardilla Camden JNtrBeUinab ti Vby Light Brigade Bcatarinaj Camden J X Dark Ben b g 3 by Ben Brush Double Dark DarkCebrian Cebrian Edward The Leopard ch c 4 by Von Tronip Ruth W WClark Clark C W Sway b g 5 by Vulcain Ruby Right RightClark Clark C W Captain Mac cjj c 4 by XUe Manager Royal Dainty DaintyClark Clark C AV Pictor b g 5 by Picton White Veil VeilClark Clark C W United Verde br c 3 by Golden Maxim Yankee Tree TreeClark Clark P A La Rablee b f 4 by Rabelais La Flambee FlambeeCochran Cochran Gifford A Bersaglicrc b c 4 by His Majesty Veil VeilCoo Coo W R David Ilarum b g 4 by Star Shoot Pantomime PantomimeCosden Cosden J S Blazes br c 4 by Wrack Blazing Star StarCosden Cosden J S Paul Jones br g 4 by Sea King May Florence Dahnkcn F Polythia ch f 3 by Polymelian Cynthia Dwyer DwyerFernandez Fernandez A L Ajkcn b c 3 by Peter Pan Easy Street StreetFletcher Fletcher M H Secret Greetings b c 3 by Lnkp McLuke Zahra ZahraGalliiher Galliiher Bros Dresden ch f 4 by Rock View Polly Prim PrimGentry Gentry Lloyd Sterling b c 4 by Horron Verneida Gcring Frank Jr Baigncur b h 5 by Sar danapulc Bain de Mpr MprGoldblatt Goldblatt M Billy Barton br c 3 by Huon Mary Lo Bus BusGoldblatt Goldblatt M Atta Boy II ch g 4 by Rabe ¬ lais Tanya TanyaGoode Goode J M Sands of Pleasure b g 8 by Fair Play Golden Sands SandsHachmeistcr Hachmeistcr John McGoodwin br c 3 by Last Coin or Colin Fairy Story StoryHarned Harned Brcs Coyne br c 3 by Dick Finnell Alice Baird BairdHarned Harned Bros Marjorio Hyucs ch f 4 by Dick Finnell Alice Baird BairdHarned Harned Bros Mighty Man ch c 4 by Martinet Lady Irma IrmaHawkins Hawkins J S Co Firebrand ch c 3 by McGee Subdue SubdueHawkins Hawkins J S Co Stockwell ch h 5 by Ballot Janice JaniceHayes Hayes T P Lothair ch g 5 by Bourbon Bean The Fashion FashionJones Jones Montfort Rouleau br c 4 by Tracery Royal Coinage CoinageJones Jones Montfort Brookholt ch c 4 by Ballot Gracilla GracillaJones Jones Montfort Ethel Gray br f 4 by Hessian Sweet Marjoram MarjoramJones Jones Montfort John S Reardon b c 3 by Ormondale Antella Keith Hak All Right Sir br c 3 by Vulcain Topsy Belle BelleKelley Kelley Frank J Guvnor ch g 3 by Super ¬ man Verdict VerdictKelley Kelley Frank J Gangway b c 3 by Luke Mc ¬ Luke Little Oasis OasisKelley Kelley Frank J Belgian Queen b f 4 by Aeronaut Agnier AgnierKilmer Kilmer Willis Sharpe Exterminator ch g G by McGee Fair Empress EmpressLehan Lehan Dan Castlereagh ch c 3 by The Cur ragh Silica SilicaLoft Loft G W On Watch br c 4 by Colin Riibia Granda GrandaLoft Loft G W Donnaconna b c 4 by Prince Palatine Kildonan KildonanLowe Lowe John5IIigh Cloud b h 5 by Ultimusr Umbria UmbriaLowenstein Lowenstein M J Paul Weidel b c 4 by Golden Maxim Lady Lexington LexingtonLowenstein Lowenstein M J Yung Cliing blk g 4 by Santoi Charity Lass LassMcDowell McDowell Thos C High Command ch g 4 by Tlie Manager EllenaDale EllenaDaleMcDowell McDowell Thos C Distinction b f 4 by The Manager Alanarka McLean E B The Porter b h 6 by Sweep Ballet Girl GirlMcLean McLean E B Leochares b g 11 by Broom ¬ stick Leayouara LeayouaraMcLean McLean E B Lough Storm b f 3 by Lough Foyle Storm Nymph NymphMcLean McLean E B Lough Swilly b c 3 by Lough Foyle Bleachers BleachersMcLean McLean E B Lough Eagle b c 3 by Lough Foyle LAigiette Marino John Rapid Traveler b c 4 by Rapid Water Alberta A Matlnck D T Woodtrap ch h 7 by Trap Rock Wjoodvine WjoodvineMoeller Moeller P King Plaudit br c 5 by Plaudit Wild Thistle ThistleMoore Moore C W Jr Jouett br c 4 by McGee Muff OBrien Thos W Pluribus ch c 3 by Pluvi ¬ ous Sylvita SylvitaOwnbey Ownbey James S Botheration b c 3 by Hel ¬ met Bed of Roses RosesParrish Parrish J W Midway ch h 7 by Ballot Thirtythird ThirtythirdPoison Poison W F Vulcanite b h 5 by Vulcain Single Shot ShotPoison Poison W F Peace Pennant b c 4 by Mc ¬ Gce Maltha MalthaPptts Pptts Mrs O 15 Bread Man b c 4 by Golden Maxim Evelyn Doris DorisRespess Respess J B Make Up b c 4 by Disguise Fairy Story StoryRoss Ross Commander J K L Sir Barton ch h 5 by Star Shoot Lady Sterling SterlingRpss Rpss Commander J K L Boniface b h G by Transvaal Cerina CerinaRoss Ross Commandqr J K L Billy Kelly b g 5 by Dick Welles Glena GlenaRoss Ross Commander J K L War Pennant br h by Jim Saffney Maltha MalthaRoss Ross Commander J K L Star Voter ch c 3 by Ballot Starry Night NightRoss Ross Commander J K L Oriole br c 3 by Assagai Hawksora HawksoraShea Shea Win A Snapdragon II b h G by Fitz Herbert Mistress Penn Simms E F Leonardo II b or br c 3 by Sweep Ethel Pace PaceSimms Simms E F Bon Homme b c 3 by Sweep Sue Smith SmithSimms Simms E F Mulcibcr blk c 3 by Vulcain Tapiola TapiolaSimms Simms E F Despair b c 3 by McGee Mary Davis DavisSimms Simms Oliver Eternal br h 5 by Sweep Hazel Burke BurkeSinclair Sinclair II F Cirrus b h by Tracery Morningside MorningsideSinclair Sinclair II F Mad Hatter br h 5 by Fair Play Madcap MadcapSwan Swan H E Sea Prince ch c 4 by Sea King DanceressSwift Danceress Swift D F Monsoon b c 3 by Peter Quince Mattie C CThraveH ThraveH W V Legal b h 5 by Hilarious Responsful ResponsfulTreacy Treacy Walker Dancing Spray b m 5 by Rapid Water Alberta H HVert Vert Oscar La Foudre b m 5 by Peep o Day My Gyps GypsWheeler Wheeler M L Alula b f 4 by Voorhees Bremerhafen BremerhafenWhitney Whitney H P Upset ch c 4 by Whisk Broom II Pankhurst PankhurstWhitney Whitney II P John P Gricr ch c 4 by AVhisk Broom II Wonder WonderAVhitney AVhitney II P Dr Clark ch g 4 by Broom ¬ stick Panasine PanasineAVhitney AVhitney U P Exodus ch c 3 by Peter Pan First Flight FlightAVhitney AVhitney II P Dartmoor ch c 3 by Whisk Broom II Pankhurst PankhurstWhitney Whitney H P Broomspun b c 3 by Broom ¬ stick Spun Glass GlassAVhitney AVhitney II P Tryster blk or br c 3 by Peter Pan Tryst TrystAVhitney AVhitney H P Ararat br g 3 by Broomstick Dovelet AVhitney H P Prudery b or br f 3 by Peter Pan Polly Flinders FlindersAVilliams AVilliams Bros Nurture ch g 3 by Martinet Druid DruidAVilliams AVilliams Bros Napoo ch c 3 by Martinet La Gloria GloriaAVoodard AVoodard Win Co Black AVatch II blk g 4 by Macdonald II Black Venus VenusWoodford Woodford J Hal Zuleika ch f 4 by Neil Gow Turkish Princess PrincessYoung Young Allie AAr Scottish Chief ch g 3 by Light Brigade Santa Susanna LATONIA OAKS OAKSLATOXIA LATOXIA OAKS 10000 added For threeyear old fillies By subscription of ir cneh 75 addi ¬ tional to start 10000 added of which 1500 to second 800 to third fourth to save stake Win ¬ ners in 1921 of a threeyearold race of 2000 3 pounds of 1000 5 pounds of 10000 0 pounds extra Maidens allowed 7 pounds Acceptances to tobe be uawcU through tUtf entry bp tlto day before the race at usual time of closing One mile and onequarter V VBaker Baker A Aphie Dear ch f by Ivan the Ter ¬ rible Armilda ArmildaBaker Baker Geo F Mary Jane Baker b f by Wrack EllcrslieBradley Ellcrslie Bradley E R Believe Idle Hour ch f by Cunard Lovenot LovenotBradley Bradley E R Bit of White br f by Sunstar Dreamy DreamyBradley Bradley E R Bit o Glory ch f by Black Toney Sweet Alice AliceBrannon Brannon B J Golden Dreams ch f by Ben Brush Moonet MoonetBrannon Brannon B J Last Rose ch f by Handsel Janice Breckinridge Dcsha Lady Madcap br f by Dick Finnell Affable AffableCamden Camden J N Bettina b f by Light Brigade EcatarinaClark Ecatarina Clark P A Nancy Lee ch f by Broomstick Naughty Lady LadyClark Clark I A Flambctte b f by Durbar La Flnmbcc FlnmbccCochran Cochran Gifford A Banksia ch f by Ills Majesty Early Rose RoseCourson Courson F K ChoCho ch f by Jack Atkin English Esther EstherDahnkcn Dahnkcn F Polythia ch f by Polymelian Cynthia Dwyer DwyerDarden Darden AV AA Lady Champ ch f by Ivan the Terrible Mrs Scwcll ScwcllFlailnery Flailnery F Thimble b f by Huon Sandspit SandspitGallaher Gallaher Bros Pongee br f by Rock Aiew Center Shot ShotGoode Goode J M Cocur de Feu br f by Fcrolc Black Lou LouGoode Goode J M Rose of Horron b f by Hcrron Rose Prim PrimGreater Greater W Co Miss Prosperity br f by Jim Gaffney Claxonette ClaxonetteHcadley Hcadley Hal Price Romance b f by Luke McLuke Tranid TranidJenkins Jenkins S L Pollyann ch f by Superman Princess Nettie NettieJones Jones Montfort Rockland ch f by Friar Rock Belle of Ormonde OrmondeKing King W N Mary Gaffney b f by Jim Gaff ¬ ney Grand Mary MaryKnebelkamp Knebelkamp G Golden Autumn ch f by Mce lick Modena ModenaKbhii Kbhii Theisen Penwell b f by Dick Welles PenaltyKchn Penalty Kchn Theisen Quickview br or blk f by Rock View Mistress Quickly QuicklyLivingston Livingston Jefferson Vivian ch f by Bock View Helena C CLong Long Geo J Doric br f by Sain Latifa LatifaLong Long Geo J Gozette b f by Sain Somprlte SomprlteLowenstein Lowenstein M J Blemished ch f by Olam bala Belle Ronald McDowell Thos C Princess Royal b f by Uncle Kings Daughter DaughterMcLean McLean E B Lough Storm b f by Lough Foyle Storm Nymph NymphMcLean McLean E B Pretty Peggy ch f by Light Brigade Hermosa McLean E B The Baggage br f by Lough Foyle The Minx II IIMatlack Matlack D T Cremona b f by Dick Finnell Frances Gaines GainesMooar Mooar E E Chinnie Walsh ch f by Handsel Bodin BodinMorris Morris Walden Fallacy br f by Light Bri ¬ gade Fallal FallalMurphy Murphy Jas J Mavournecn blk f by Celt Toots TootsNeusteter Neusteter H Frivol br f by Trap Rock Little Sister Parrish J W Gossip Avenue ch f by Bulse Rosewood RosewoodRespess Respess J B Dimples ch f by Dick Welles Outwai OutwaiRoss Ross Commander J K L Jacobina b f by King James Galanta GalantaRoss Ross Commander J K L Muttikins ch f by Star Shoot Starry Night NightRoss Ross Commander J K L Intrigante b f by Ultimus Intrigue IntrigueRosseter Rosseter John H Gallant Foe ch f by Friar Rock AVatermelon Rosseter John H Scotland Yet b f by Friar Rock La Patrie PatrieSalmon Salmon AV J Step Lightly ch f by Ultimus Tripping TrippingSalmon Salmon AV J Careful br f by Wrack Mind ¬ ful fulSalmon Salmon W J Superwoman ch f by Superman Marjoram MarjoramSalmon Salmon AV J Hayrack b f by Wrack Sump ¬ tuous tuousSimms Simms Edward F Dewcy Eve b f by Vulcain Wainnamoinen WainnamoinenSpreckels Spreckels A B Runatrir ch f by Runnymede Salvatrix Spreckels A B Leipsic b f by Runnymeder Bremerhitfen BremerhitfenSpreckels Spreckels A B Ebba br f by Dr Loggo Gcorgie VI VISt St John Fred Day Lilly b f by Olambala Orange Lilly LillyVel Vel c S II Fair Florin b f by Fair Play Florin FlorinAfiau Afiau Mrs Louise TenLee ch f by Celt Net ¬ work workAVaterbury AVaterbury L Idle Dell ch f by Delhi Idle Tale TaleAVatts AVatts Garrett Isola ch f by Leainence Clotaire ClotaireWhitney Whitney Edward F By Jiminy b f by Jim Gaffney lanna lannaAVhitney AVhitney H P Prudery b or br f by Peter Pan Polly Flinders FlindersWhitney Whitney H P Crocus b f by Broomstick Inaugural InauguralWhitney Whitney II P Princess Pandora ch f by Peter Pan Queen of Hearts HeartsAVorley AVorley A D Disturbance br f by Peter Pan Rumpus

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Local Identifier: drf1921050401_7_1
Library of Congress Record: