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FIFTH RACE 1 14 Miles Caimlcu Handicap HandicapMay May 5 1O2O 20t t5 7 1OG BUSY SIGNAL ch f 4 121 121Trainer By Cunard Sweet Alice by Flying Dutchman Trainer H J Thompson Owner E R Bradley BradleyIll r0533 Latonia 1 116 l44fast 65 114 Ill 1 11 1 T Murray 11 Ginger King Gorin MintoII 5U26S Lexton 1 116 l44fast 12 114 211 1 1 I4 L Lyke 5 Clihtpnvillc SofPleasure Wave 49985 Belmont 1 l37fast 1310 115 11549SS9 211 1 1J1 I2 C Kummer 4 Pilgrim On Watch Damask 49SS9 Belmont 6J f l17fast 4i 110 6 3 3 32 2 L Lyke i Audacious LBrign TWitchet 4L429 Sartoga 1 l38fast 1710 112 112492CS 312 3 3ii 3l L Lyke B DinnaCare DrClark Blazes 492CS Sartoga 34 lllfast 95 125 5 4 3 3 31 L Lyke 7 WedCake RRRose Lunetta 4S400 Latonia 1 14 202fast 8 121 121BEST 111 1 11 I2 L Lyke 4 Cleopatra Ethel Gray Lorraine BEST PAL br c 4 121 By Helmet Padula by Laveno Trainer H J Thompson Owner E R Bradley 52786 Lexton 1 116 l46slow 115 116 1 3 3 3 2h 1 L Lyke 12 Ginger Pluribus Woodtrap 6113C Ldtonia 1 34 256fast 9 122 1 2 4 4 5 Cleopatra On Watch Dainask 50790 Latonia 1 58 246 fast 9 110 3 5 6 8 31 3i A Collins 8 Jlinto II Sway Sterlin 50615 Latonia 1 316 158 fast 710 122 2 1 1 1 21 21 E Pool 5 Sterling CaptMac Peac PeacePnant 50350 Lexton 1 12 229fast 2910 115 2 1 1 1 3 3 ° L Lyke C IlnFire MintoII SofPleasure 066 Belmont 1 l37fast 3 112 3 1 1 3 3 34 L Lyke 3 Cirrus Audacious Audacious35i 49905 Belmont 1 116 l44fast 2 124 4 3 4 4 4 35i E Sande Sande4S055 4 Mad Hatter Pilgrim Sea Mint 4S055 Sartoga 114203 fast 85 116 3 1 1 1 1J J 1 L Lyke 5 Bellsolar MadUatter Translate riREBRAND ch c 3 M 95 By McGee Su Subdue by Star Ruby Trainer 3 S Hawkins Owner J 8 Hawkins 48641 Lutonia 34 l14goocl 125 112 C 2i 23 L McAtee 9 SirThosKean Rangoon Tribune 48481 Latonia 34 114 mud 44 112 8 6 6 C RobsonlS SlarVoter BlServant AceHigb K45 Latonia 8 l01good s 110 11 11 9 71 7 ° 1 C Robson 14 Centimeter PaganPan TheAlly 48155 Latonia 58 l00fast 3310 115 8 4 4 42 4 J Dreyer 12 SirLawnl JPryor SirThosKeaa 48038 Latonia D8 l02hvy 23 110 3 445 3 J Dreyer 0 Runzaf WestSidt BegPardon 47981 Latonia 58 l00fast 7f 115 G 4 B 6J 610 J Dreyer 12 Monsoon JudgePryor ByGlnger JOUETT h c 4 102 By McGee Muff by Ingoldsby Trainer W Perkins Owner C W Moore Jr MarsplC 53918 Lexton 1 142 mud 6 107 444 3 21 23 E Pool 5 RIIomme Pen Valet Marspl C S24 Lexton 1 116 l42fast 7 112 3 3 3 2 2J 2 E Pool 7 I onardo II Inquiry Bone 49965 Devre 1 14 2OCgood 7 100 3 5 3 2 2l 3s H Ericksn S Breeze Bondage Honolulu J 49851 Dov re 1 116 l45V fast 19 98 4 4 5 4 41 34 G Yearglh War Mask Dodge My Dear Dodge4S643 49774 Devre 1 l39fast 12 100 2 6 6 3 62 4t H EricksnlO Bondage Breeze Dodge 4S643 Windsor 1 l39fast 20 104 6 4 4 2 1 2 J H Ericksn 8 Bullion ViveMcGeeVChalr 48426 I atonia 34 lllfast 49 107 3 23 3 4 341 H Ericlcsri 8 Brookholt Sterling Kluburt 4S138 Latonia 1 116 l44fast C 103 2 4 5 7 7 S Wida 7 BestPal CaptainMac PrincePal ETHEL GRAY br f 4 103 By Hessian Sweet Marjoram by Dinna Forget Trainer J C Milam Owner Montfort Jones HS937 Lexton 1 18 I52 slow 1710 114 133 3 24 25 M Garner r GenHaig Soflleas Sdragonll 538S5 Lexton 1 l40good 12 103 5 55 u C J M Garner 5 HEColenian Inquiry Travesty 4S635 Travesty4S635 Sartoga 1216156 fast 6 105 3 4 4 4 4J 4 S Wida 7 Cleopatra Blue Wrack Blazes 4S58T Blazes4S58T Sartoga 34112 fast 85 10312 11 G 41 2s L McAtee 15 La Rablee The Nephew Sekket 49255 Marianne4S180 Sartoga 1 14 207hvy 7 114 4 4 3 2 25 2J E Sande 5 Cleopatra Edwlna Marianne 4S180 Sartoga 1138 fast 95 104 4 4 4 2 2 22 L McAtee 4 DInua Cure Marianne Feudor Feudor4WJ1S 4WJ1S J atonia 131U 56faHt 21 99 423 G 10 10 B KenndylS Dr Clark Minto II Boniface BonifaceWOODTRAP WOODTRAP netiierTrainer ch h 7 111 By Trap BdA WoWriBe by Ma netiier Trainer J McPherson Owner Fair Acre Farm r3S75 Lexton 1 116 l47hvy 34 115 1111 23 21 D Connlly 7 Gen Haig MastcrBill Dresden C27SS DresdenC27SS Lexton 1 116 l46slow 9 112 3 2 2 2 4 4i D Connllyl2 Best Pal Ginger Pluribus MasterBill31C07 1630 Jefson 1 Irl6 147 fast 1320 120 2 1 4 4 3 4i N Barrett 5 Baladiu Tailor Maid MasterBill 31C07 Jefson 1 l39ysfast 3 120 2 2 2 2 2J 2s F Smith 9 War Mask The Wit Iwin 51341 SdsoflleasE1284 Churchl 1 18 l53fast 165 120 2 1 1 1 3i 33 D ConnMy 6 MintoII Claymore Sdsoflleas E1284 KgfisherE1098 Churchl 1 18 l56mud 75 113 1 1 2 3 2 1 D Conrilly 5 SdsofPleas Sterling Kgfisher E1098 Latonia 1 l38fast 3310 115 2 2 2 2 22 1 = N Barrett G Claymore Iwin Pastoureau E1003 PastoureauE1003 Latonia 1 116 l44fast 41 112 1 1 1 1 11 11 N Barrett G Iwin Under Fire Regalo EC817 RegaloEC817 Iwint0709 Latonia 1 l37fast 6 114 2 2 2 4 41 43 D Corinlly 5 CaptainMac JackHarelr Iwin t0709 Latonia 1 l38fast 1710 113 111 1 1 1 D Connlly 5 BrLove BlackieDaw BreadMan BreadManSANDS SANDS SandTrainer OF PLEASURE b g 8 105 By Fair Play Golden Sand by Rock Sand Trainer J M Goode Owner J M Goode GooderC937 rC937 Sdragonll5378C Lexton 1 18 l52slow 4 113 2 4 4 4 31 3 J Gruber 5 GenHaig EthGray Sdragonll 5378C Lexton 1116 l46slov 19 106 91110 9 9J 9 J Gruber 12 Best Pal Ginger Pluribus 51424 Churchl 2 330fast 6 108 1 5 G 5 42 21 J Gruber 5 Pif Jr Minto II Legal 51297 Churchl 1 139 fast 6 113 8 8 8 6 31 1J J Gruber 8 Kinburn Pictor Legal 51341 Churchl 1 18 l53fast 135110 355 5 5 55 4 = i H King 6 Miuto II Claymore Wo Woodtrap 51284Churchl Woodtrap51284Churchl 1 1S l56mud 225 105 5 5 3 1 lh 2n H King 5 WooJtrap Sterling Kingfisher 51258 Latonia 1 116 l45fast 21 116 7 7 7 3 lh U H Kins 8 BelgQuecn HarryB WarSpirll WarSpirllBREAD BREAD MAN b c 4 104 By Golden Maxim Evelyn Doris by Ben Brush BrushTrainer Trainer F Rector Owner 0 B Potts 5T786 Lexton 1 116 l46slov 25 107 4 7 7 5 6 = 6 J E Pollard 12 Best Pal Ginger Pluribus 53242 Havana 118151 fast 3J 118 9 4 3 2 2J 2 W Crump 12 AttaBoyll WalHall MatIdol ES070 MatIdolES070 Havana 1 1S l51fast S 112 9 S 8 8 62 1J R L caster 9 Matinee Idol Herron Wai Hall 52897 Havana 1 18 l52fast S 11510 9 9 9 81 63i R McDottlO Sp Clean MayHouse MatIdol 52679 Havana 1 14 203fast 6 118 11 9 S 7 5l 5s J Carmodyl2 Herron Sea Prince Rancher 52432 Havana 1 1S l55Kood 2 118 6 5 4 4 31 2 J Butwell G Bally Docod Mumbo Jumbo JumboSNAPDRAGON SNAPDRAGON II b h 6 99 By Fitz Herbert Mistress Penn by Hampton HamptonTrainer Trainer D Vititoe Owner W A Shea SheaM937 M937 Lexton 1 18 l52slov 5 104 5 5 o 5 G 4 J D Mney 5 GenHaig EthelGray SofPIeas 53875 Lexton 1 116 l47hvy 16 104S 777 7 6 622 F Smith 7 Con Haig Woodtrap MasBill PluribusP2S36 5378C MasBill5378C Lexton 1 116 l46slow 30 104J12 12 12 10 S Sl J J Mneyl2 Best Pal Ginger Pluribus P2S36 FGnds 1 116 l45fast 12 04 7 8 8 8 7 o 3 W Obert 8 Romany DaucSpray StIsidore 52746 FjGnds 1116151 hvy 65 108 6 7 7 7 7 7 E Martin 7 Title Biff Bang Simpleton 52300 FGnds 1 116 146 fast 1520 104 7 7 7 3 32 Ink c Ponce 7 LouisA DrCarmen BarryShon E2447 FGnds 1 116 l45fast 4 112555552J Rodgez 5 StIsidore Frogtn BarryShan BarryShan62m 62m FGnds Im70y l44fast 7 106 6 7 7 5 3 2 k E Martin 7 Cap Hershler Chief Drummond 62253 FGnds Im70y l47hvy 12 105 6 6 6 6 41 2h T5 Martin Biff Bang Fizer St Germain DANCING HandspringTrainer SPRAY br m 5 90 By Sapid Water Alberts H by Handspring Trainer J H Baker Owner Treacy Walker 53875 Lexton 1 116 l47hvy S 100 4 4 4 4 S = 5 T Jarvis 7 Gen Haig Woodtrap MasBill 53786 Lexton 1 116 l46slov 99 10 10 11 11 II2 11 T Jarvis 12 Best Pal Ginger Pluribus 2836 FGnds 1 116 l45 3fast 15 106 6 5 3 3 3 2 J T Jarvis 8 Romany St Isidore Capt Mac 2786 FGnds 1 116 6 146 fast 20 106 6 652 2 21 24 T Jarvis 7 StIsidore TWitchet GenHaig 52603 FGnds Im70y y 143 fast 8 106 5 5 5 5 5 51S T Jarvis 5 CapMac St Isidore Gen Haig 62519 FGnds 1 l39fast 9 9f2S96 910 107 6 6 1 1 1 J U T Jarvis G TailorMaid MMaxim Inquiry f2S96 FGndn 1 141 fast 2 25 108 4 4 3 5 4 T Jarvis 5 TailorMaid Ablaze Missllankin 62343 FGnds 1 l38ifast 8 8DRESDEN 323 3 3 3J1 T Jarvis 3 Tip Witchet E Rickenbacher DRESDEN ch f 4 By Rock View Polly Prim by Pirate of Penzanoe Trainer J C Gallaher Owner Gallaher Bros 53875 Lexton 1 116 l47hvy 6 43 4 1 G Fields Gen Haig Woodtrap MasBHl 53786 Lex ton 1 11G l46slow 30 99 8 8 9 12 12 12 J McCoy 12 Best Pal Ginger Pluribus 51411 Churchl 1 116 l464fcfast U10 108 5 5 5 4 5 ° 31 C Uuel G FOrient MarseJohn ChLeader 5136C ChLeader5136C Churchl 1 116 148 Kood3110 107 523 3 3 24 H J Burke 5 HiCloud FairOrient Beaverkill 61325 Traveaty6129S Churchl 1 18 151 fast 145108 344 4 3 ° 3 A Collins 4 Sterling Captain Mac Traveaty 6129S Churchl 1 l39slov 4310 98 3 3 3 2 ID 1 C Buel 3 Iwin Belgian Queen 61258 Latonia 1 116 l45fast P 105 4 3 4 4 61 6 1 A Collins 8 SdsofPleas BelgQn HarryB