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WORKOUTS FROM EAST AND WEST 581 PIMLICO PIMLICOBALTIMORE BALTIMORE Md May 13 Todays training gallops at Pimlico included the following Weather cloudy track sloppy ThreeEighths Mile Mile455Carp 455Carp Sweeper 41 579Satana 40 40Equal Equal Rights 38 579Wessie B 39 395SO 5SO Sagamore 39 39Half Half Mile Mile579Catoctin 579Catoctin 53 579Sandy Beal 55 55579Duc 579Duc de Morny54 57SThe Decision 54 54FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 57GLough StormlOG StormlOGThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile Mile579Bluffcr 579Bluffcr 125 125One One Mile MilerDiadi rDiadi 153 r74ich Me Not 151 151oDark oDark Horse 15 57GWar Plume 155 579Irish Miss 153 JAMAICA JAMAICANEW NEW YORK N Y May 13 Workouts over the local courses today were as follows Weather clear track sloppy ThreeEighths Mile Mile501Parader 501Parader 38 559Tingaling 41 41Half Half Mile Mile579Dr 579Dr Clark 55 579S weepy 55 55ri73Fading ri73Fading Star 54 Two Bars 55 55580Good 580Good Times 55 579Xealot 51 515G5Prcess 5G5Prcess Pandora4S45 Pandora4S45FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 578Mabel A 107 107ThreeQuarterg ThreeQuarterg Mile Mile579Bcngalcse 579Bcngalcse 123 579Keziah 120 120570Despair 570Despair 123 571Leipsic 119 580Florisant 119 501Tau II 119 BELMONT PARK Todays workouts at Bclmont Park were as follows Weather cloudy track sloppy ThreeEighth Mile Mile579Blazcs 579Blazcs 38 38Half Half Mile Mile578Audacious 578Audacious 51 Nightmare 50 5045iCiirus 45iCiirus 52 nSOOrcus 55 55n79Dominique n79Dominique 50 571Pahaska 53 TlGallant Foe fjan Slefano 579Mad Hatter 50 579St Michael 50 50585Malvolio 585Malvolio 53 579Victor S 54 54Modo Modo 54 54FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile579Bright 579Bright Light 104 579Swecp By 111 111Morvich Morvich 107 107Three Three Quarters Mile Mile579Arapahoo 579Arapahoo 118 579Star Court 12 147IIoId Up 121 579St Patrick 121 5791 louyhnhnni 121 Shooter 121 121579Lucky 579Lucky Find 123 578Yaaik Notionsl17 Notionsl17One One Mile Mile578Iridcsman 578Iridcsman 149 SSOFnntoclic 150 15057SI5elIsolar 57SI5elIsolar 149 580IIasten On 150 150571Caubcen 571Caubcen 147 579Sportiboy 152J CHURCHILL DOWNS DOWNSLOUISVILLE LOUISVILLE Ky May 13 Todays training gallops over the local courses included the fol ¬ lowing Weather clear track muddy ThreeEighths Mile Mile579Aloft 579Aloft 37 579Julia N 37 3757SIel 57SIel Idle Hour 30 57SLucknow 38 38578Blond 578Blond Ruddy 38 Music in t AirSSi AirSSi5d9I51ack 5d9I51ack Hackle 39 578Miss Patty 3S 505Boy from Home38 574Paui Weidel rv rvrt7Bcst 40 40579Randal rt7Bcst Pal 37 579Randal 579Randal575Be 38 38579Riga 575Be Good 37 579Riga 37 37Romanio fi78Bruce Dudley 40 Romanio Romanio574Re 39 39579Scwell 574Re Witch 37 579Scwell C C573Cqmedie Combs 38 573Cqmedie dAmrSS 578Sain Rch Rch579Donatello 39 39Tamper 579Donatello 89 Tamper 39 38 570Topmast 570Fcw Acres 79Walk Up 37 5C9Ida McGce 575Bettina 50 57GMystrious Girl 53 53501Ihmna 501Ihmna Roma 52Vi 57GMaggie 0 53 53579Dancing 579Dancing Spray 55 nGtNancy Lee 49 49579GalIant 579GalIant Lad 5G 575Nonsuit 53 53578Green 578Green Grass 58 573Thc Wit 53 532G3Jouett 2G3Jouett 51 575Virgo 55 55Mesqnitc Mesqnitc 55 578Woodtrap 55 55579McAdoo 579McAdoo 55 55FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile57GBilly 57GBilly Barton 110 570Monsoon 109 109573Claude 573Claude Brownl01 527Nominee 105 105579Bast 579Bast Side 101 fiiKtVcrboten 107 107579Gen 579Gen Average 111 575Wadss Lastl09 Lastl09ThreeQuartcrs ThreeQuartcrs Mile MileP78Acc P78Acc 128 5GSGinger 119 119451I5rother 451I5rother Batchl20 57SPongee 121 121580Dr 580Dr Carmen 119 119One One Mile Mile578Bone 578Bone Dry 158 579Lafoudrc 158 57GBen Valet 153 153DOUGLAS DOUGLAS PARK PARKTodays Todays workouts at Douglas Park were as fol ¬ lows Weather clear track slow ThreeEighths Mile Mile579Bromo 579Bromo 38 Plauddelia 39 39514Crimalkin 514Crimalkin 40 579Sir J Vergne38 Vergne38578Illdden 578Illdden Jewel 41 579Tulsa 38 38570Port 570Port Light 39 Q75Tippo SaUib 39 Half Mile 482A N Akin 53 502Spok Queen 55 55rciDf rciDf Trjnl r i nt 7Trust Official5Gi0 Morrow 51 5iiTuanorea 53 FiveEihth Mile Mile578BaJdy 578BaJdy 105 5SORas 10 10517Diamond 517Diamond Dalel05 521Sw Patutic 105 105578Frank 578Frank F 105 52SWinchester 105 105ThroeQuarters ThroeQuarters Mile Mile441A1 441A1 Strauss 121 578BIackie Daw 122 57SA AlexandcrllS 57SFern Ilamllcyllljf 575Arrow Point l19Vf 579G Iaughertyl20 5SOAccclerate 117 579I uie Iou 123 573It 73It of KlMownl28 2S5OIiss Nell 118 70Ballygihen 125 5G7Prunes San Grccque 123 57STTnclc Bnrt 119 525Tom I gan 120 573War Garden 118 579The Nephew 119 119SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile Mile528Blue 528Blue Jeans 144 5G4Genoral Haigl41 Capt Rees 145 578Marie Rapoldl41 Clerk 144 144One One Mile Mile57Slill 57Slill MeCloy 155 502Contriot 151 151578B 578B Bruinel 11148 575Jeorge Starr 147 105Candle Light 150 5G4Tugs 151 151Mile Mile and a Quarter 578Nonskid 128