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THIRD RACE 1 14 3Hlcs 4yearolds and upivard Claiming May 9 1514 2O 25 X 114 1143IMONITE 3IMONITE b gr 4 105 By Marathon Somersault by Handspring HandspringTrainer Trainer J H Deavenport Owner J H Deavenport 54141 Churchl 1 U43 hvy 51 110 S 8 7 6 51 3 ° J D Mney S Jlmlleffering Aph OurBirthday OurBirthday5S984 5S984 Lexton 1 l43mud 4 107 5 5 4 2 22 11 J Francis 8 LinkBoy Tawasentba MeAdoo 33940 Lexton 1 14 208slow 9 107 1 6 7 G G1 431 E Scobie 7 Newel W Bond Tugs 33871 Lexton 34 l17V hvy 56 115 10 10 10 81 711 W W TlorlO Bagazza TheNephew Loiiielii 52818 FGnds 1 14 207 fast 12 112 5 G 9 7 G 4 L Alorris 13 Capital City Sasiu Lottery Lottery527C7 527C7 FGnds 1 116 l51hvy 41 113 9 11 9 9 9l 97 M Garner 14 Verity Iron Boy Corydon 2501 FGnds 1 18 l53fast 30 112 7 8 8 9 9 9 W Heinch 9 SGraftoii WthsLast SGmaln 2297 FGnds 1 116 148 fast 40 10G 12 13 13 13 13 13 P Long 13 Lucky 15 Veteran Prospector 2006 Jefson 34 l14good 25 116 3 666 G1 P Long C Shoot On Anticipate Alurray TEXAS SPECIAL br h 5 110 By Ballot Clara J by Watercress WatercressTrainer Trainer J ITmensetter Owner J TJmensetter TJmensetter341C3 341C3 Churchl 1 l43hvy IS 113 5 3 3 3 3 23 G Stone 8 InspIIiighcs Serbian Bnlimah 4067 Churchl 1 11G l45fast 14 115 9 11 10 10 10 1015 P Long 12 FairOrient Plenty Wling Dun 0558 Latonia 1 116 147 fast K5 104 10 10 10 10 H4 H23 B Kenndy 12 Harlock Dolpb Pirate McGee 0386 Lexton 1 116 l4Gfast 2110 105 222 2 2 2i H King 7 HelmaG Tanlac BuckNail BuckNailX299 X299 Lexton 1 116 l47fast 7 105 3 4 3 2 I 2n B Kenndy 8 BlackTbong Bombast SelmaO 10269 Lexton 1 116 l45fast 64 102 4 2 3 7 Si 10 ° F Wilson 10 Trooper WHPearce Iwiuiwlo 19804 BGrass 34 l12fast 7 104 4s F Wilson 4 SamKeli ArrowPoint Tnwper 6519 Havana 1 1147 147 slow 7 IOC C 7 7 7BRYNLIMAH 7 G2 5i A Tryon 7 Gor Russell AtMuir Salvatelle BRYNLIMAH ch h g 11 110 110Trainer By Bryn Mawr Notlimah by Knight of Ellenll Trainer J Lowe Owner J Lowe 54163 Churchl 1 l43hvy 8 110 3 o 5 5 4 ° 4s J Francis S IiiiHugbes TexSpecial Serbian 54100 Churchl 1 14 205Bfast 15 108 10 9 S 7 5l 57 G Fields 10 NewelW WadssLast CHees 4005 Lexton 1 181 58hvy 12 106 C 4 3 1 I1 11 J Francis 8 Cantilever NewelW DkFriar DkFriar39GG 39GG Lexton 1 116 l47fast 28 108 9 10 9 7 7J 7 J Francis 10 Colonel Lit Prospector Jetsam 3891 Lexton 1 116 l4Ggood 30 107 8 8 G 6 51 a J Francis S Insp Hughes Bond Serbian SerbianiS584 iS584 Latonia 1 1S lDGhvy 20 105 11 11 10 S 52 G7J C Buell 11 Trooper Dahabiah IL Bar One 455 Latonia 1 14 206good 7 107 8 8 8 6 5 5i F Wilson 8 Quito Dahabiahll Plenty PlentyIS402 IS402 Latonia 1 18 153 fast 7 107 8 8 5 6 4 5 i H King 8 BourLad Dahabiahll Kimpaf Kimpaf179S5 179S5 Latonia 118153 fast 6 108121212 12 101 10 J Carmodyl2 Steenson Speedster Cantilever CantileverFOUNTAIN FOUNTAIN FAY ch g 11 105 By McGee White Plnme by Order OrderTrainer Trainer T E Crist Owner T E Crist Crist3S9GC 3S9GC Lexton 1 116 l47fast 31 108 7 7 7 9 9s 91S E Scobie 10 Colonel Lit Prospector Jetsam Jetsam531C9 531C9 Shport Im70y l4Sfast 1 109 2 1 1 1 I3 1 L McDott 7 Philippic Willigan HarvSmarr 53155 Shport Im70y l4ST3fast 4 115 3 1 2 2 21 21 J Rodgez 6 KirstsCiib Kinoor Hopover 33122 Shport 78 130 fast 7 109 9 G 2 3 5s 431 J Shelpets 9 Kingling II Horeb First Pullet 53110 Shport Im70y 150 good 8 114 4 2 2 2 32 3 J H BurkelO PGKing Willigan DrShafer 32767 FGnds 1 116 151 hvy j2 111 3 1 2 10 11 II2 J Conway 14 Verity Iron Boy Corydon 672 FGnds 1 116 l17fast 50 105 8 S 9 9 9 9 3 J Conway 10 Corson Colonel Lit Iwinlwln 16546 Havana 1 116 150 good 31 112 777 7 7 61 W Taylor 7 Leoma Fs Favor Guide Post 16378 Havana 34 l13fast 10 114 8 88 8 7 3 R McCrnn 9 Jill Hatrack Bevelry James JamesK572 K572 Havana Im20v I l fast 21 1 7 6 E 4 Gi 33 R Barnes 8 Thorn Bloom W Ward Rhymer RhymerMANDARINS MANDARINS COAT ch g 5 110 By Santoi Trousseau by Love Wisely WiselyTrainer Trainer M Lowcnstein Owner M J Lowenstein 54100 Churchl 1 14 20 sfast SO 113 563 S 61 fi ° G Stack 10 XewelW WadssLast CRees 54067 Churchl 1 11G l45fast 272 US 12 12 12 12 II llc G Stack 12 FairOrient Plenty Whirl Dun Dun527GG 527GG FGnds 1 316 202 hvy 25 107 C G G G G G17 G Stack G K fisher JCStone WwsLast 32644 FGnds 1 18 l53fast 15 110 G 6 6 7 62 Gl G Stack 8 Pit Aztec Lad 2r91 FGnds 1 14 207fast 30 1081 444 5 G4 3i G Stack G Sandy Mac Pit Mayor Galvin 52337 FGnds 1 14 2OS fast 7 108 4 7 7 7 6 64 G Stack 7 Kruoklil Pad Dear WTumbow 52501 FGnds 1 18 l53fast 60 107 9 9 9 8 S 8 G Stack 9 SGrafton WllisLast SOmaiu 52448 FGndH 1 116 l4Gfist 100 112 8 9 8 9 8 7 G Stack 9 IIKurgnytie Deckmate ClHquer HOMEWARD BOUND br g G M 105 By Cherry Pit Home Truth II by Charlottesville CharlottesvilleTrailer Trailer E C Anthony Owner F J Douglass 34141 Churchl 1 14 212 hvy 3fl 107 7 G f 6 G C = 4 E Anthony 7 Wave Capital City Corydou CorydouK1940 K1940 Lexton 1 14 208slow 37 107 G 4 G 5 6s 5ci J D Mney 7 Newel W Bond Tugs 32839 FGnds 111208 fast GO M 12 11 11 11 9 S E Anthony li Kohinoor Yaplmuk Berlin Berlinc2f c2f 92 FGnds 114208 fast 50 94 1 S S 9 9 73iE Anthony 9 KichardV CCity WTiirnbov WTiirnbov52T22 52T22 FGnds 1 116 l lsfast sfast CO 99 8 8 9 S 81 S18 E Anthony 9 Plenty LoreriaMoss Big Idea Ideac239SFGnils c239SFGnils 1 116 l4Sfast 100 103 8 9 9 9 9 8 E Anthony 9 Kohinoor WkUp Bluebaimock 52354 FGnds 34 l13fast 100 10612 12 12 12 10 E Anthony 12 Ina Kay Rbow Girl CarliueS