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LATEST WORKOUTS FROM LOUISVILLE 582 LOUISVILLE Ky May 14 Todays training gallops at the local courses were as follows Weather clear track good CHURCHILL DOWNS ThreeEighths Mile 578Blue Deep 37 573McGces Pink 37 37578Our r7Black Rock 36 36r7SBilly 578Our Filly 37y3 37y35SOOld r7SBilly Star 37 37SCOBright 5SOOld Chap 30 3057SOut SCOBright Trash 30 30S71Caunzel 57SOut the Way 35 35571Olympus S71Caunzel 37 37578Cythiana 571Olympus 38 38579Prince 578Cythiana 37 37r 579Prince Wells 38 38Phantom r SODeep Sinker 38 Phantom Fair3 527Daddy Wolf 37 527Red Wingfield37 SSOFair Orient 38 38SSOIIullabaloo 5G7Ruggles 30 30Royal SSOIIullabaloo 38 38578Happy Royal Palm 35 578Happy Girl 37 37579Lugs SCOTout de Suite 37 37Treasurer 579Lugs 3i 3iLord Treasurer 35f 35fTulane Lord Prim 37 Tulane 38 38580Whi SnoLillian Mae B37 580Whi Oldt 30 57SLeo Fisher 37 578 Wayward Lady30 Half HalfAsia Mile Mile5SOJ Asia 52 52Buckingham 5SOJ Pennybaker49 Buckingham 51 574LErrant 51 51Lcander Bemorecarefnl 54 54578Baigneur Lcander 52 578Baigneur 53 53574Basil 570Marg Winsor53 574Basil 50 578May Bodinc 48 48574Noontime 573 Clermont 51 51Col 574Noontime 52 52573Orlova Col AVinn 54 545SOCoeur 573Orlova 54 54579Passe 5SOCoeur de Feu 50 50580Crocus 579Passe Partput51 580Crocus 51 51573Doris 574Piiinacle 52 52579Quince 573Doris 50 50578Dartmoor 579Quince Garden50 578Dartmoor 51 51581Genl 509Rob 49 49Shea 581Genl Average52 Average52SSOJohn Shea 51 51Spirit SSOJohn Finn 49 49571T Spirit Lake 50 571T C Stone 53 578 Wave 51 573Jordan 51 FiveEighths Mile 580Amaze 103 570Miss Mufnsl05 Mufnsl05575Alberta 575Alberta Sl05 578Magikon 101 101578Centimeter 578Centimeter 103 580Marj McKayl01 5SOD Loriottcl03 Nauty Nisbal0l Nisbal0l57SEyes 57SEyes of Youthl02 r 79Ring Rose 101 101578Ftirbelow 578Ftirbelow 102 509Rangoon 102 102579olden 579olden Autnl01 579Sweet Libertyl01 57 Hazel W 101 57SWhippet 102 102570Loveliness 570Loveliness 105 105ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile Mile580Aunt 580Aunt Sue 110 5SOGreater Amerl17 Amerl17S78 S78 Advance 114 574IIumphrey 115 115SSIBlond SSIBlond Buddy 118 310Homaid 117 117581BIack 581BIack Hackle 115 575Honor Man 115 115423Black 423Black Baby 117 570High Comndl14 570 Corson 118 578Harry ONeilll17 ONeilll17578Col 578Col Taylor 117 581Music in Airl15 Airl15574Chocho 574Chocho 114 581Miss Patty 115 115570CastIeKeagh 570CastIeKeagh 115 573Mile Daziel10 579Distinction 120 579Nordeck 1 578Dark Ben 110 11057SIodgc 575 Peace Pcnntl20 57SIodgc 117 117578Drastic 578Pastoreau 115 115578Drastic 578Drastic 120 450Refugee II 118 118437Dainty 437Dainty Lass 115 570Hht OverMtl15 OverMtl155S1 5S1 Donatello 110 574Sir T Kean 114 114578JoIdeii 578JoIdeii Drmsl20 575Sqiieeler 110 1105G9GroumlSwelll15 5G9GroumlSwelll15 581Sam Reh 115 115570Gloria 570Gloria Francel17 581Virgo 110 110SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile Mile579Cheer 579Cheer Leader 128 57GPetrarch 130 130575Jouett 575Jouett 128 128One One Mile Mile578Adonis 578Adonis 144 580Jolm P Grierl42 Grierl42578Botheration 578Botheration 143 570J S Reardonl43 578Bread Man 143 579Korbly 140 573Bygone Days 143 579Lothair 5SlBruce Dudley 151 T81La Foudre 574Black Scrvantl41 57tMerchant 149 149574Behave 574Behave Yrsfl41 578Marse John 147 147578Brnnswick 578Brnnswick 148 57JOur Alice 144 144573By 573By Golly 145 SSOllay Atkin 143 57GCourtship 571Simpleton 570Darjeeling 140 57ST Eglishmanl47 581Few Acres 142 575Wishmakcr 140 578Gold Digger 144 144Mile Mile and a Quarter 575Lcgal 210 579Paris Maid 212 212DOUGLAS DOUGLAS PARK Weather clear track good Three Eighths Mil Mil579Kepwie 579Kepwie ONeilML 579Squirc Wiggins39 578Our Birthday 41 575Twinkle Blue 37 578ShclbyvilIe 37 579Westwood 40 5GSandy II 39 39Half Half Mile 5SOA1 Thomas 52 580 Judge Budrow 52 571Autocrat 51 579Magncsia 51 f 78Bashful 51 580Owosso 51 ri7SBustcr 50 570Stami 51 579Beaten Path 51 579Star Time 52 579Bet Mosie 49 Suave Price 51 Oola La 51 505Southn Avenue49 JiTaCandy Lady 51 578Skooter 51 580Duces Wild 51 578The Virginian 49 50nEthel Vale 53 579Troilus 51 SSOInquisition 51 580War Spirit 53 53FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile SCOCobalt Lass 105 Presumption 104 104510Dora 510Dora W 105 105ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile Mile579A11 579A11 R Sir 110 570Isola 117 117581A1 581A1 Strauss 118 509Lively 110 110579Brothy 579Brothy LovellG 110 SSILady Morrowl19 579Bermont 118 S7SManicurist 119 580Fifi II 120 573Rapid Stridcl19 579IIigh Gear 118 Ruvoco RuvocoSevenEighths 119 SevenEighths Milo 578Randymo 131 578Talisman 521Jackstraw 131 131Ono Ono Mile SCOAdvocate 153580Dixie 153 570Radio 144 14479Sea 580Dixie Girl 14 79Sea Prince 140 578Foster Embryl49 5SOS Light III145 C9Fox Brow 152 581Tippo Sahib 150 SSOGourmand 145 578Zainer 151 578Kimpalong 152