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CHURCHILL DOWNS ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR MONDAY MAY 16 WEATHER CLEAIl TRACK FAST Racing starts at 200 p m Chicago time 200 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance b Blinkers BlinkersFirst First Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record May 7 1921 124 C 127 127Todays TodaysInd Todays Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 54118 bGroundSwell 107 120 5 109X725 53820 bDr Carmen 110 12 1 9 1140720 513503 bMissed the Time 107 127 4 109 715 53999 bEyes of Youth 95 130 4 103X715 53820 Archie Alexander 5 109X715 54001 bSam Reh 109 120 5 114X715 54178 Macobean 3 981710 54007 The Nephew 110 l29ra l29ra54i83 4 109X710 54i83 = bBoml 7 109X710 541582 Philanderer 3 103X710 51158 E1 Garrison ranno Madras Gingham 110 131 5 109X705 53270 bVrerboten 5 114X705 53999 AVild Flower 100 127 4 104X705 48054 liKustcr Flower 4 109705 109705539C4 539C4 bOolden AutiimnM 3 93X700 54139 Nonsuit M 113 l34h 3 OS 700 54178 Harold K M 114133h 3 103 700 54139 bAdvance M 114 l32h 3 103 700 7005397S2 5397S2 Yellow Blossom 104 128 3 98X700 54139 Clem Theisen M113 l31h 3 103X100 103X100Second Second Race 4 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Maidens GeldingsSpecial Colts and Geldings Special AAeights Track record May S 1909 52 2 103 541212 Bemorecareful 115X725 541213 Autocrat Ii 115X720 54119 Colossus rta 115 710 540622 Rob 115 715 540G23 Quince Garden 115X710 54203 Jankn 115 705 542032 Demos 115 703 54119 Daddy AVolf 115 59ifm 115 700 700American American Legion 115 115Settle Settle 115 Third Race 1 14 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds Claiming Track record May 9 1914 203 3 114 114541GO 541GO Gorilla 110X725 54100 bJohn Arbor M 104 720 54100 Jetsam 104X715 104X71554NH 54NH Mo tiUo JP4X71Q Fourth Race 78 Mile MileAalley Aalley Station Purse Purse3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record May 7 1921 124 G 127 42775 HIGH COMMAND 4 109X750 541012 bRouleau 4 111 740 541013 bJouett 101 l30m 4111X735 53824 bBone Dry 4 111X730 111X730541G23 541G23 93X7305419S British Maid M 3 93X730 5419S bTulsa 107 1 2C 4 111 725 53810 Barry Shannon 7 111 7 754139s 54139s Huniphery M 113 l30h 3 9SX720 54101 bTravesty 4109X720 4109X720Fifth Fifth Race 1 Mile Fourth Avenue Hotel Purse Purse3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record May 7 1921 130 3 93 54005 Coyne 112 139 110i750 541032 Ben Aalet 102 l43in 110X745 54202 Bunga Buck 99 139 100X740 541033 Castlereagh M 112 141 103 735 539S3 Botheration M 108139 1031730 53S903 Sir Thomas Kean 113140 100X725 Sixth Race 4 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Fillies Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record May 8 1909 52 2 103 10353SS9 53SS9 Comedie dAmour 115X725 54099 Bill and Coo M 109 720 540992 Naughty Nisba M 109 715 54199 McGees Pink M 109 705 54199 Lady Mother M 109 703 703Doris Doris 109 Seventh Race 1 18 Miles Miles4yearolds ClaimingTrack 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record May 14 1921 150 3 116 54124 bCorson 107154 5109X723 5109X72353S2t 53S2t bMerchant 103 153 7 114X7 ° 0 54124 bLazy Lou 112 151 7 104 715 54100 bColonel Lit 98152 4109 715 54120 Lively 7 109X715 541803 Kingfisher 109152 7114X715 54180 Kallipolis 4104X710 542Q42 4104X710542Q42 Capt Rees 111153 8 109 710 54124 bSimpleton 4 114 703 541203 Adelia W 110 1 53 5 109X703 54007 bGourmand 110 154 5 114X700 54103 Magnet Land 101 l58m 5 114X700 54463 bChief Brown J04 l52 U407QO