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PIMLICO ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR MONDAY MAY 16 16WEAlTHEH WEAlTHEH CLEAR TRACK FAST Racing starts at 230 p in Chicago time 230 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner i Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance b Blinkers BlinkersFirst First Race 2 Miles MilesConsolation Consolation Steeplechasc 4ycarolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record May 8 1913 349 8 149 149Todays Todays Ind Horse Wt Rcc AWtHan AWtHanniSSC3 niSSC3 Skibbcrecn H 14QX700 14QX700MISS3 MISS3 Crest Hill 9 140XC95 53921 = Miss McGiggle 9 134 095 447083 Le Cyprin M 713iC90 51153 Algardi 8 130X685 130X685Second Second Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record May i 1909 100 3 110 51114 = Second Thoughts ThoughtsM M 109X750 51021 Tom Cassidy 115X745 54151 OKarite 109jl01sy 112 740 51171 = Uncertainty IISX IO 54174 = Excuse Me 115X740 51114 Prodigious 112X735 541513 Maryland BclleM107 l01sy 109X735 51171 Orris 112 730 54058 = Leocharcs II M 112X730 54111 = Margaret C M 108X730 54111 Ellen Douglas M 109 725 54151 Daltori M 110 lOCsy 112 720 720Griselda Griselda 109 Third Race 1 1lG Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Nov 1 1920 145 1 118 54089 l nackainorc IOC 148 4 11172 54089 = P G King 103 147 111 720 ri4117sbPjidiia 97 147 5 10IJ715 54132 = Roseate i 105X715 54172 = Lucy Kate 3 100X715 541303 Brisk 5 111 715 51011 bBenevolcnt 1071145 9 11KX710 541173 IIello Pardner 109 1415 4 1 111X710 111X71054122s 54122s Pirate McGee 101 147 4 111 111X710 X HO 54112 bWnr Plume 100 147 5 r 115 llX70j X70j 54135 Dolly C 3 100X705 54154 Daddy Holbert 7 7111X700 111X700 54007 Bar Coy M 110 148 i 1115X700 54117 Diadi 103147 10 11 110f700 700 52180 = Madrono 107 147 4 111 700 700Fourth Fourth Race 1 18 Miles Fourteenth Running Preakness Stakes 40000 40000Added Added AddedPreakness Preakness Handicap Handicap3yearolds 3yearolds Colts and Fillies Allowances Track record May 17 1911 151 3 112 54005 ITryster 126x810 54063 IbBroomspim 114 845 54155 = Polly Ann 109X840 54115 bToucu Me Not 120 840 515SO Vic 109X825 54193 = Star Voter 126X835 54195 Mythology 114 835 835540G5 540G5 tleonardo II 120 l5Gs 126 835 54150 = Teg 114X835 54155 Careful 121X835 54097 = JSunny Jim 114X830 54055 fBon Homme 114X830 114X83054115s 54115s JCopper Demon 114 830 83051193s 51193s Lough Storm 109X825 109X825tXalapa tXalapa Farm entry JQuincy Stable entry H P Whitney entry entryFifth Fifth Race 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Handicap HandicapTrack Track record Nov 1 1920 145 1 118 54112 bCOMME CI 109 145 5 115X750 54157 bGain dc Cause 98 147 4 104X740 54135 = bTantalus 113 147 5 107X735 107X7355409C3 5409C3 King John 104 145 6 112730 11273054135s 54135s bHerd Girl 96 147 4 110X730 540 0 bFizer 103 147 7 103X725 54175 = Sobrigade 99X725 47311 bFairway 4 108 720 720Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile Monumental Handicap 3yearolds and upward Track record Nov 5 1920 138 4 126 50783 Irish Kiss 111140 0115X750 54195 Panaman 116137 6106X745 54195 bSupcr 99 139 4 110X745 541963 Sandy Boal 106 140 4 124X745 54157 Siren Maid 104140 4108X745 51055 Exodus 3 120 740 54196 = Quecreck Ill 143 3 115X740 54170 bSwcep Clean 105138 4 9774Q 54195 = bSt Allah 95 138 4 117X735 54095 bThe Archer 107il40 4 102X735 54195 bBaywood 3 101 730 54059 Mock Orange 98141 4104X730 54115 Love Tap 3 105 725 725Seventh Seventh Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Nov 9 1920 111 2 101 54152 Actress 113 114 3 95X725 54194 = bMartha Luckett 107 113 4 105X720 54192 bMormon 107114 5 110X715 53986 bPhanfom Fair 107 114 4 105X715 105X715541943bL5ttle 541943bL5ttle Matidie 104 113 5 110 715 54194 liAmackassin 112 113 6 110X710 53728 Machine Gunner 113 115 3 100X710 54112 bRefugee 107113 8115710 54116 Titania 96 113 4 110 710 54177 = Enrico Caruso 113 114 4 115X705 53426 = Plantaganet 114 113 9 110X705 54023 = bODonovan 112 115 6 110X705 54152 Wraith M 106 116 3 100 10O705 705 54177 Astral III M 115 l20h 5 115 700 54152 Fire Lough M 113 l19sy 3 100 700 54192 bKingling II 108 110 8 110X700 54132 Marie M 112 118 3 95 700