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FIRST RACE 154 3Ille 3yearolils anil nmvartl Claiming Oct 15 lit 111 2 1O5 Index Course Dist TimeTckOdds Wt St V Jz V Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish KORBLY b h 6 115 115Trainer By Martinet Lady Irma by Sempronlus Trainer M Shields Owner M Shields 50737 Latonia 1 11G IMS l45fast fast 45 105 1 1 1 1 21 3J3 E Martin 0 Pastotirean Ernest B MatIdol MatIdol50G10 50G10 Latonia 34 lll lllfast fast S 103 1 12 I1 Ink E Martin 9 BBcnuty DrCarmen OthcWay 50529 Latonia 34 l13fast 5110 105 3 45 G ° k 711 j Roberts 11 Furbelow Dr Carmen Dodse 45254 FGnds 1 116 l45fast 10 100 2 1 1 1 in 1 = H Thurberll Slip Elm S of Pleasure Tacola 44647 Churchl 34 l15mud 710 109 3 3 3 21 21 S Boyle 7 Lady Luxury Herald Jago JagoTROILUS TROILUS ch g 7 115 By Broomstick Belle of Troy by Fonso FonsoTrainer Trainer E Trotter Owner Florisant Stable StableC2S3S C2S3S FGnds 1 116 l4Gfast 2i 110 11 S S 6 12 V H Lunsfd 13 The Archer Kukltix Freetown FreetownL2CG4 L2CG4 FGnds ImOy l43fast 7 106 1 1 1 1 3 4 ° H Lunsfd S YungChg BarShann AlbertA AlbertAG259J G259J FGnds 1 116 l45fast 8 109 2 1 1 1 14 11 H Lunsfa 0 Kpalong Fgtown VChairman 52543 FGnds 1 11G l4Gfast 12 109 4 1 1 2 4s 4 2 H Lunsfd 8 Frogtn Cheerleader Sagamore SagamoreE24GG E24GG FGnds 34 l12fast 10 109 2 3 7 81 Si H Lunsfd lli GreenGold JockScot MMuxim MMuximC2415 C2415 FGnds 34 l12fast 4 113 5 5 3 71 6s H Lunsfd 11 TgaLg HidJewel MMaxlm ORLOVA b f 4 4Trainer 105 By Free Lance Victoria B by Bob Miles MilesOwner Trainer 6 Molesworth Owner G J Long 52G01 FGnds 34 l13fast 385 103 4 12 1J 1s J J Mneyll CltLass OSinner TcachsPet 51G74 Jefson 51 f 109 mud 30 103 9 67 7s G13 T Jarvis 9 Lancelot Poultney Approval Approval9f 51420 Churchl 78 l2Gfast 9f 101 4 10 11 10 lll 610 P Long 15 GrndSwell Serbian WFlower WFlower5f E1350 Churchl 78 l2Gfast 5f 100X14 14 14 14 12 12 ° E Pollard 15 HiGear GdSwell MthcTime 51252 Latonia 34 l12fast 21 100 8 10 10 81 8J J Roberts 10 Talisn BofElizlKJthn Serbian 50823 Kwrth Im70y l45fast 75 105 1 3 3 4 4s 4C1 W Wright 6 Lazy Lou Hush Biddledee 507S Kwrth 34 l12fast 7 102 4 3 4 5 51 W Wright 5 LinBIack BAlleii TtheMark THE NEPHEW b g 4 110 110Trainer By Undo Qualify by Sir Dizon Trainer J Tigue Owner F St John m 54218 Churchl 78 l26fast 24 109 10 10 10 4 Si 31 G Fields 15 AAlexander GdSwell S Reh G40G7 Churchl 1 11G l45fast 36 115 2 1 2 G 12 12 = N Barrett 12 FairOrieut Plenty Wling Dun 5i97S Lexton 34 116 mud 115 113 3 G 5 Cl 35 G Fields 8 Sure YelBlossom TomMorris G3S71 Lex ton 34 l17hvy 7 110 7 4 5 2i 2 ° k G Fields 10 Rngnzza LouieLou EofYouth 53820 Lexton 34 l12fast 18 110 6 G G GJ G l T Murray 10 Cliiilonville Herald Gl France 52C22 FGnds I 61 f lOGfast 8 107 4 G 7 3 3 J Uoberts 12 HiddenJewel Trusty 1ortLight S25CS FGnds 34 l12fast 10 108 4 3 3 2h 3 = 1 J Roberts 12 Meliora FredtheGreat JockScol G24GG FGnds FGndsSaUEELER 34 l12fast 12 108 3 8 9 9Z 98J J Roberts 12 GrecnGold JockScot MMaxim MMaximBy SaUEELER br g 10 115 115t By John F Lorota Phillips by G W Johnson Trainer B t J Brannon Owner B J Bxannon 53849 Lexton 34 l15mud 5t 120 5 55J 6 C GX C21 W W Tlor 9 GMinard NJane Sandalwood E2M3 FGnds 5J f 107 fast 10 112 3 1 1 li C ° i II J Burkel2 PortLight Assume TcliersPet 51212 Lutonia 34 llChvy 5 108 2 G G C G J Roberts 0 Columbia 11 King Oplniiity COGSO Latonia 34 114 fast 19C 109 1 1 2 21 3s J II Burkel2 ArchPlotr AGallup SecCousiii C0415 Lexton 34 iifast c no 2 1 1 21 Si J II Burke 8 Marse John Meliora Piillux 494 iG Sartoga 34 l13good 31 115 2 3 4 C1 G i W W Torl2 Brink GlenWell Marion Holllna 48SCG Windsor 34 l15good 4 111 2 2 4 4k 741 J H Burkel2 FirstPiillet ElMahdl OldSinuef WILSON THE GREAT ch c 3 110 By MeGee Pink Rose by Fonso FonsoTrainer Trainer C T Worthington Owner C T Worthington WC27 LColFair 34 l20fust 110 3 F Merimee 4 TudgePrice II Voltage Belinda BelindaVittt Vittt IjColFaIr 5S 101 fast 308 2 F Merimee 5 Ixtuiu Lou Chisca Mascot 49407 LC lFair 58 103 fast 113 3 J Morys 4 Starlike Oleaster MaryFuller 4S 05 Hamtn ImTOy l45fast 70 104 G C C C G C = = C Dishmon C Karpolette LofLijjht MIIous 9 93 O3 C Dishmon12 Onieo Hid Ship FaitAccompli 47H9i HBonnets 34 l15fast 7 111 1 123 = 3 = 1 II Saladin S HMStevins JanitallLYkville 47 G7 Thncliffe 34 l14fast 108 Cl C Dlsnmon 7 Uluineil Knrico Caruso Anzac Anzac47S41 47S41 Thncllffe 34115 fast 8 110 4J1 C Dishnon i Yapliank Joan Bullant Suscol SuscolLADY LADY RACHEL b m 5 110 By Jim Gaffney Viola B by St Avonicus AvonicusTrainer Trainer O A Bianchi Owner W W Williamson 47213 Churchl 1 11G I47good3310 IOC 2111 2i 1 J Roberts 0 Thinker Jovial Bainlynio 47130 Churchl 1 l40Afast 710 107 Left at Hie post 1 Smallwd 8 Buiidyino Meliora Thinker Thinker4C917 4C917 Lexton 34 l16hvy 12 112 9 97 G G7 L Ensor 9 Lady Luxury Meliora Patches 44439 Latonia 34 l17mud 9 lol 8 7 C C = G i S Boyle 8 KGorin Gal Curd Discussion 443S1 Latonia 1 11G l52 mud 125 104 1 1 1 1 I1 2 G Robson ti Brimful llonoBoy SansleurU 44281 Latonia 1 11G l49mud 45 1041 122 2 2 2 C Robson 15 HonBov PulDot MamlasCoat 44231 Latonia 34 l12VSfast 26 97 5 6 4 31 SJ S Boyle 8 Lion dOr TopCoat Brig ofWar ROYAL DUCK br e 4 115 By Royal Realm Duckshot by Gallinule Trainer M Lowenstein Owner M Lowenstoin 52022 FGnds 5J f lOG ifast 41 110 11 10 10 9i 7 ° 3 G Stack 12 HidJewpI Trusty The Nephew r25SS FGnds 34 l12fast C 110 G 7 9 7h 57 G Stack 10 UltraGold CrystalFord Herald C24GG FGnds 34 l12fast 10 110 9 7 G 51 42 G Stack 12 GreenCold JockScot MMaxim 523J2 FGnds 34 l12fast 10 108 12 11 10 101 105i G Stack 13 Ulliuhl TdHonur Stlsidore 51GCG Jefson lm0y l44fast 12 1031 S 8 G 7 7 73S G Stack 8 P Swain Fizer Dancing Spray 515i4 lefson 34 114 fast 50 107 9 9 7 71 7i G Stack 9 BDay tlns Lassie AAlexder C1328 Churchl 1 l39fast 101 105 G 7 G 8 101 10 G Stack 14 MarseJohn Rufusltiley Mazola MazolaBLAISE BLAISE ch g 1 115 By Box Domino Noun by Kingston KingstonTrainer Trainer W L Drake Owner W L Drake Drake5271I 5271I FGndd 1 11G l51mud 95 112 3 4 2 1 11 IS M Garner 9 SLightllL GcstBoy MFonso 62C13 FGnds 1 11C l17 fast 12 108 4 5 4 2 1 2H D ConnIly 8 Lively Bombast Deckmate D24SI FGuds 1 11G l47fast 2J 109 3 3 4 2 21 21 J McCoy 8 Sgeman Wconne Light Wine 52445 FGnds 34 l13V fast 5 113 G G 4 42 Si F WdstcklS Murphy Sandy 11 MINS Minks 52272 FGnds 34 115 good 4 111 12 9 9 3s 21 M Garner 13 HBurgoyne ThersPet CLass CLassDESTROYER DESTROYER b g 4 115 By Assagai Dimity by The Commoner CommonerTrainer Trainer G V Barnes Owner C W Clark 52743 FGnds 34 l10hvy i 107 6 3 2 11 11 N Barrett 13 B Roberts P Bill SJYergne SJYergne52G22 52G22 FGnds 51 f lOCfast 20 113J 9 8 11 12 12 = M Greintrl2 HidJuwel Trusty The Nephew Nephew50S13 50S13 Latonia 34 lllfast 235 108 7 4 C 8 818 O Willis 10 LouisA Mi belli MisstlieTimV MisstlieTimVC070S C070S Latonia 34 l13 l13Bfast Bfast 7 1011 4 4 S 41 4 J Roberts 5 GeoStarr Out theWuy Tacola TacolaDOfiGl DOfiGl Latonia 34 l12fast 8 100 7 6 6 Gl 5SJ S Wida 9 Cotltlossora GeoStarr LastColn 445W Church 1 34 116 nvy 45 112 2 11 1 O Willis I Dolph Anticipate Old Dad GLORIA FRANCE ch f 4 110 110Trainer By Pataud Handzaretta by Handsel Trainer R Goose Owner J S Ward 54118 Churchl 34 I14y5mud 9f 107111 11 10 10 = 10 H J Burke12 Ruby Mabel G Kallipolis 53939 Lexton 34 l13slow 3310 108 S 78 7 721 II J Burke 9 Meliora LastRose MryGaffney 53820 Lexton 34 l12fast 55 108 5 22 in 3l H J Burke 10 Clintonville Herald DrCarmen DrCarmen11s 51406 Churchl 34 l14fast M 10912 11 11 1151S69 11s 11 H J Burke 13 HonTIan GipsyQn TheNephew 51S69 Churchl 34 l14good 12 104 2 74 3i 31 II King 13 Blaise Currency John Jr 51336 Churchl 34 l13fast 27 1071 8 66 6 6l II J Burke 9 ANAkin PLight ApJnckll 51294 Churchl 78 l27slow 12 109 4 4 4 4 74 7 3 II J Burkel4 SwgGlance Serbian Approval 51214 Latonia 34 117 hvy 5 105 8 8 8 8 H J Burke 8 Beaverkill Anticipate Hocnir 50978 Latonia 34 l12fast 9 105 1 66 66EASTER 6l 71 H J Burke 8 Rifle Lady Luxury Last Coin CoinBy EASTER FLOWER ch f 4 110 110Trainer By Free Lance Boso Bin by Hippodrome Trainer D Lehan Owner D Lehan 4SOG4 Latonia 1 l41sood 7 103 3 5 5 8 8 J Plte 8 Sterling CBrown Eastlndlan 47S9G Latonia 34 l12fast 14 112 11 9 61 G C Robsonll Furbelow SXiiberty Refugeell RefugeellCs 47249 Churchl 1 l39fast 27 103 10 8 7 Cs Gl J Pltz 10 Patches TrulyRural SlrenMaid 47144 Churchl 1 141 mud 35 106 8 8 8 7 G = 2 J Pitz 8 Dresden Lorraine Mile Dazie 4C999 Lexton LextonVIRGO 34 l14fast 111 108 8 7 21 1 J Pltz 12 Ly in Black MabelG BlueJeans VIRGO br c cTrainer 4 115 115J By Astronomer Suite by Hindoo Trainer J M Goode Owner E C C7S Walker 54098 Churchl 7S l2Gfast 17 114 8 7 4 5 S 3 3 J Grubcr 12 CLight WGMcCltk GBaddy 4U434 FtErie 34 l12fast 9 111 7 7Im70y 8 7 41 11 J Gruber 8 Encrinite Glen Light SwApplu 4S3G4 FtErie Im70y l44V fast G 110 5 33 3 2 = 25 J Gruber 9 Flibygibbet SeaPrince Col Lit 4J1S9 Hamtn 1 116 l48fast 31 106 1 32 1 2J lh J McTagt 8 Colonel Lit SeaPrince Mildred 49022 Kwrth 1 116 149 fast b 99 4 05 4 Cl 7i G Yeargln 12 LaKross Giastoi Orenzo 48974 Kwrth 1 116 149 fast 9 103 7 32 1 I1 2n G Stack 11 Giastoi PeerlessOne Bond 488GC Windsor WindsorPORT 34 l15good 19f 103 11 12 12 11 10 J Gruber 12 FirstPullet ElMahdl OldSinner OldSinnerBy PORT LIGHT b g 8 115 115R By Hamburg Kornlngslde by Xeddler Trainer i R McGarvey Owner W O Btoner 53119 Shport 51 f l08fast 135 113 3 3 4 41 48i L Aron 6 Trusty BackBay Peppery Polly 53090 Shport Cl f l10hvy 2 114 3 4 G G1 5 L McDott 8 End Man Trusty Sandy H HG 52813 FGnds 51 f 107 fast 115 112 10 G 3 3 li M Garner 12 Assume TeachersPet SandyH 52622 FGnds 51 f lOG 5fast 7 109 1 2 2 41 4 M Garner 12 HidJewel Trusty The Nephew 52375 FGnds 34 l13fast 41 110 1 3 7 7 C8 M Garner 12 AleJacklL Jock Scot LouiseV 52292 FGnds 34 l14fast 8 112 5 4 2 2h 51 M Garner 12 MarieMaxim UidJewel JkScot 52096 Jefson 34 114 slow 135 100 1 1 1 Il 21 T Jarvis 10 Trooper Title Ablnze 52039 Jefson 51 f l07fast 135 116 1 2 3 3l 3k M Garner 11 Marmite Jock Scot Brisk ARCH PLOTTER br g 8 8Trainer By Ildrim Ada Belle n by Iroquols Trainer J S Ownbey Owner G Knebelkamp 52322 FGnds 34 l14fast 23 9 7 G 101 9s P Lone 13 Midian Loys Old Sinner 51775 Jefson 34 115 good 2 3 666 8J W Heinch 8 Murphy Nominee Chesty 51648 Jefson 34 l14fast 21 4 3 2 21 2 W Kelnchl2 Back Bay Br Shafer Enoa 51532 Jefson 51 f l07fast 7 1 3 3 4s 471 W Hnischll Ilia Kay Winneconne Galway 51252 Latonia 34 l12fast 8 7 4 5 10 101U W HeinchlO Talisn BofElizbethn Serbian 51095 Latonia 34 l13fast 135 8 6 5 61 6 B Kenndyll Tim McGee Serbian Larry B BBy MELVIN b c 4 110 By Martinet Lady Esther by Lord Esterling Trainer P J Williams Owner Williams Bros 54141 Churchl 1 143 hvy 9 110 123 4 63 G1S J Francis 8 Jim Ilefferiiig Aph Rimonite 54098 Churchl 78 l2Gfast 13 109 G 3 3 7 8i S3 J Francis 12 CdleLight WGMcCltk Virgo 53913 Lexton 34 116 mud 2310109 1332 l J Francis 11 Sure Cobalt Lass Oraleggo 53782 Lexton 34 115 hvy 99 108 G 7 G 5 = 514 J Francis 10 ColumTcnn Brkholt BIIoiume 44634 Churchl 51 f l09mud 6 115 2 1 1 I1 lh J Kederis 12 Day of Peace Keep Peggy C 44538 Churchl 34 l17Mhvy 17 112 1125i 3 G 10 10 9 G Dishmonl2 0 Birthday Airdrie HapStrlde 44457 1atonia 5i f lihvy Gf 111 4 1 1 14 31 C Dishmonll Midia Siinonite Hosier 17 Latonia 51 f l09fcslow 25 112 1 4 4 5i 44 J Pitz 12 Warlike Anticipate Spart Boy OUR ALICE b f 3 99 99Trainer By Horron Alice Warfield by Orison Trainer F Brooks Owner D W Scott Scott529SC 529SC Lextpn 1 l44hvy 2G 9CJ 6 3 4 4 4E1055 43 4 J McCoy 0 Link Boy Iwiniwin Ilonilo Ilonilo5X E1055 Latonia 51 f l07fast 82 103 5 4 ii 5X 5 II King 10 PepPolly SocialStar UingRose 50982 Latonia 34 l13fast 5f 1041 7 C t 12 l2e II King 12 Dimples Cozette Acclaim AcclaimCh 50419 Lexton 5 f lOSfast G 111 G 44 Ch 711 K pool 8 Social Star King Rose Planet Planet1s 49829 BGrass 41 f 54fast 17 100 100497C2 1s F Wilson 7 Freddie Countess Horkyt 497C2 BGrass 4i f 55slow 20 114 7T F Wilson 7 Versailles KateFraley Countess 18512 Latonia Gl f l08fast CO 112 7 7 51 IOISF Wilson 12 Pciiwell G Autumn Eleanor S MARJORIE McKAY b f 3 M 94 By Judge Wright Cain Chaser by OtU Trainer W Buford Owner Hal Price Headlcy 51393 Churchl 78 l27fast 7f 109 6 6 6 7 II J Eurkel4 Gorilla Eleanor S Cut Up 51323 Churchl 34 l14fast 145 112 2 33 3 = 6 ° II J Burkelo Cranebird Ionia Eleanor S 30530 Latonia 51 f iOSTifast 676 112 2 879 12 II J Burke 12 Cozette Countess Maysvllle 0415 Lexton 51 f l08fast 34 118 2 2 1 I1 2 H J BurkelO Tusentha MPsperity May le i02C4 Lexton 51 f l07fast 2910 112 1 1 2 21 21 H J Burkel2 Millershurg Countess Repent 19962 Devre 1 f l08good 19 105 4 33 3 34 H J Burke 8 Pongee CelticLass RutbMaxlm RutbMaxlmBLACK BLACK BABY blk f 3 M 94 By Dick Finnell May Maid by Yankee YankeeTrainer Trainer P J Williams Owner Williams Bros 51113 Latonia 51 f 108 fast 12f 112 6 558 7 ° i S Wida 12 Romance LadyChamp ElcanorS AMANDA br f 4 M 110 By Dick Finnell Flaming Flamingo by Cesarion Trainer M Dieterle Owner J R Alexander 51152 Latonia 34 l15mud 15 10S 7 7 9 8 S H King 12 Taeo MilitaryGirl SwpGlanee 1000 Latonia 1 116 l4Gfast 24 101 G 5 27 S1 S18 J Roberts 9 Friz Harry B Simonite 50815 Latonia 34 l12fast 93 102 7 6 f 4 = 2 J Roberts 12 Meliora Fluzey Sandlied 50C39 Latonia 1 11G I47fast4310f 9G 11 5 6 S 11 II18 S Mitchell 12 Airdriu PirMcGee CaptBurns 47874 Latonia 1 116 148 fast i9 104110 8 7 7 9s 91S J Carmodyl2 Repeater SirJVergneCoiiflage 47547 Churchl 34 l15fast 37 112 8 12 10 114 94 II Erlcksnlu Diana Missed the Time DUoma 44649 Churchl 34 115 mud 22f 102 11 1134115eood 12 12 12 12 = 7 W Wright 12 MlleDazie MarvinMay Cortlund 44620 Churchl 34115eood 24 112 7 8 11 112011 Ii Lyke 12 Orlova Barenka Tumbleweed BALLYGIHEN ch f 3 M 09 09Trainer By Handsel Santa Lncia by St Florian Trainer A Luzader Owner A Luzader 53165 Shport 51 f 109 fast 12 100 G 55 42 2Z L McDottlO ChBthcll FRster SptgChnc 53129 Shport 51 f 110 fast 5 1001 1 32 3 5 L Aron 0 Sun Ways CBarthell K Blood 53105 Shport 51 f lllgood 20 100 4 43 43S3052 21 3 = L Aron 8 HRudder FRooster SpChance S3052 Shport 51 f 119 hvy 12 10G 5 55 5552S33 5 53 J Shelepets 7 Hand Sweep Royal Blood Touy 52S33 FGnds 34 l13fast 100 92112 13 13 13 13tz F AndsonlS General Philanderer Moroni 52026 Jefson 61 f l09Mfast 25 108 9 10 10 10 10 M Garner 11 Plantoon L Wynne MaryFonso 51735 Jefson 34 l19hvy 31 1061 1 64 6 H King 7 Montillo Secretary MJosphlne 51646 Jefson 61 f l08fast 15 104 7 87 5 1 54 J J Mneyl2 The Moor Big Son Repent 51393 Churchl 78 l27fast 34 107 9 7 7 9 9 911 F Wilson 14 Gorilla Eleanor S Cut Dp 51365 Churchl 34116 good 12 112 9 10 8 7 7 E Pool 15 GoldQuince BlancheMac Corllla