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WORKOUTS FROM EAST AND WEST 586 CHURCHILL DOWNS DOWNSLOUISVILLE LOUISVILLE Ky May 18 Todays training gallops at the local courses included the following Weather clear track fast ThreeEighth Mile 581Bcrnicc K 3Tf Prudish 37 37r82Botheration r82Botheration 38 Spats 37ff 37ffSBf 37ffr r S4Cremona SBf 573Trumn Card 3j 3jr7iCoyiic r7iCoyiic 30 VS Trumpet Call 30 r7liJcnt Jouett 3 i 578Win or Quit 38 417Ho Hum 377 Wliiskaway 38 385J 5J IsosceIcs 305 584 Whispering 30 30Half Half Mile MileWtnBobbed WtnBobbed Hair 49 r79IIigh Cloud 51 51574Bill 574Bill and Coo 49 rKSOKinhurn T Banker Brown 51 433MIsrf Jemima i i5S3Bone 5S3Bone Dry HOJS n73Mighty Man r 4511Coiiccntratc 50 584lympus r 0 0583Casey 583Casey uO 585011 Miss 52 52582Caunzel 582Caunzel 49 584Oriova 49 581Col Taylor 5Q 571S of Plsure 585Deep Sinker 49 79Sandalwood 580Doric 51 r72Suii Time 579Dresden 52 582 Virgo 585Glengarry 49 578W McLemore 5S3Her Kimball52 581 Wads Last 5S4Hullahaloo 50 5G9Yoshim Five Eighths Mile Mile585Ray 585Ray Atkin 103 581Monsoon li lirSlBettina rSlBettina 103 583Tom Norris In In583Billy 583Billy Connor 104 583White Star 1 1Brass Brass Tacks 102 SCOWhirl V li li575Guvnor 575Guvnor 102 102ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile rS3BIack Rock 115 584May Bee I I583Cozette 583Cozette 115 584Not Yet 1 1585Julia 585Julia N 114 if 583Old Chap 1 585Jim Daisy 115 583Rising Rockl 583Melvin 117 117SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 583Clermont 128 128One One Mile Miler r S5Blk Senantl40 583Louis A 1 1584Ruddie 584Ruddie Keanl41 581LKrraiil 1 15S4Ir 5S4Ir Rac 145 585Miss Fhtaincl FhtainclEast East Side 142 585AVavc 579Imiuiry 145 583Ybwell 1 1Mile Mile and an Eighth 579Busy Signal203 Mile and a Quarter 5S5Be Yourself 207 581Paul Wcidel2 Wcidel2585Gingcr 585Gingcr 208 583Samlman II 2 2582Jouett 582Jouett 208 584Upset 2 2DOUG1A3 DOUG1A3 PARK Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile Mile583Bal 583Bal Wheel 35 322Mogens 582Bermont 3i 584Port Light 570Grcen Gold 38 584TwkIc Blue 582High Gear 35 581TuIsa 584Arravan 51 581Spok Queen 49 49582Star 582Star Time 49 49FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile5S4A1 5S4A1 Thomas 100 5S5Jack Hare Jr 101 583Black Pat 105 Three Quarters Mile Mile5S1A 5S1A X Akin 110 575Sea Court 120 583Arrow Point 110 583Tom Logan 115 585A1I Right Sir 117 583T dIIonnetirl15 dIIonnetirl15291AIuia 291AIuia 120 583Youneed 117 117581F 581F Haiidleyl20 583War Zone 110 110SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 581B of EIiztnl41 EIiztnl41One One Mile 583Acccleratc 143 584H o the Xthl51 5SLIixie rirl 140 585Sea Prince 140 573Locust Leavcsl44 XEW YORK X Y May 18 Todays workouts over the Xcw York tracks included the following Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile Mile551Brihk 551Brihk 37 489Mr X 35 35584Breckna 584Breckna 3 582OlyntIiiis 39 39084Connie 084Connie 37 Hlieveconard 39 39434Cliateau 39434Cliateau 434Cliateau ThlcrrySS The Wanderer 37 429Killala 38 5 0Wishbone 34 584Calamity Jane4S rS2Miles S 4 rSOCrvstal Ford 48 5i7Xohaiit 4 4nsriConi nsriConi Eislimanr2 5li4Plurihiis 55 55458Iules 458Iules Garson 52 584Iietrus 50 50rS4I rS4I idy Delhi 10 581Sailing Along RQ RQ5S3Lloyd 5S3Lloyd George 51 571Uranius 50 50Five Five Eighths Mile Mile5SOBIack 5SOBIack Thong 107 584Grace K 108 108584Dare 584Dare 101 2iiOPiKtori 102 102580Klias 580Klias 0 102 584 White Socks 101 101ThrecQuarters ThrecQuarters Mile Mile584Ararat 584Ararat 113 5i 2T MtTaggartl 1S 1S5S4Iomingo 5S4Iomingo 115 584Tvopair 119 119583Santa 583Santa Clans lKi 5S4Wellfinder 117 585M Antoincttel143 Antoincttel143SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 573Sundial II 133 133Qua Qua Mile Mile585Whisk 585Whisk 141 141Wishltone Wishltone showed excellent speed Beckna seems fit and good Calamity Jane Miles S Lady Delhi and Sailing Along worked from the harrier Crys ¬ tal Fonl worked well this morning Elias O showed improvement AVhite Socks did his work well Marie Antoinette went well all the way Ararat showed good speed in his gallop Whisk worked splendidly BELMONT PARK Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile MileBilly Billy Watts 30 584Xightmarc 35 35Gallant Gallant Man 30 583Rose Brigade 37 444 Jack Stuart 40 582The Almoner 30 579Misdeal 37 37Half Half Mile 584Arrow of Gold 49 422Idle Dell 52 Akmisti 52 584Laniu 51 r 80Beesvaw 49 571Merchant Mar49 584BrightLight 48 579 Pirate Gold 52 579Care Free Free579Dehadou 48 584Stroi 584Stromholi 52 52584Tnrnahout 579Dehadou 49 584Tnrn 584Tnrnahout 48 48584Vivian 439Frippcry 51 584Vivii 51 Fringe 49 49FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 574 It MeLaiighnlOt Merry Sinnerl00 58tInvincille 105 580Monastery 1O1 77Lord ltiinorel07 SiMajor Parkc 101 5S3Lettermen 110 579 Vice Regal 105 ThreeQuarters Mile Mile581Lucky 581Lucky Find 115 442Itep 120 120584Messines 584Messines 121 579 Wrecker 125 1255791hoeiiix 5791hoeiiix 123 123One One Mile Mile585Blazes 585Blazes 144 584Lord Brightonl43 Brightonl435S5Fantoche 5S5Fantoche 147 580Xeddam 151 1515SGuurgii 5SGuurgii 151 5S5Ticacey 147 147Turnahuut Turnahuut and Care Free went together and eacli showed good speed Bright Lights has a good turn of speed Billy McLaughlin and Monastery went on even terms Lord Baltimore galloped an easy workout Lucky Find worked well Fantoche and Tieaeey went together never extended Blazes seemed fresh and good Lord Brighton did his work well