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ELIGIBLESK WITHERS STAKES ELIGIBLES K i j S t M rr I Fortysix ThreeYea rOld Colts and Fillies Nominated in Popular Event The Withers Stakes which is set for decision at KelmontPark June 2 with a guaranteed cash value of 6000 attracted an original liomiiiation of 14t f fillies and entire colts OHO hundred of which have si since declared forfeit nt 25 each leaving fortysix cligibles from which to select the ultimate con ¬ tenders Tltis popular spring feature has an honorable his ¬ li tory of almost half a century Founded originally at Jiinmie Park in 1874 it became ail annual fixture at that track until 1800 when it was removed to j Morris Park and was continued there until it wan c changed in 1005 to its present home at Kelmont Park ParkHere Here is a list of the eligible together with their owners sires and dams and sires of dam damThe The Withers for mares and entire horses Closed November 20 1019 with 148 entries of which two were void on account of death of nominator For threeyearolds Ky subscription of 25 each Stirt c cis to pay 100 additional Guaranteed cash value 6000 To carry 118 pounds Geldings not eligible One mile George If Kull Lanipus ch c by Star Shoot Futurist by Guidon Maxim MaximJames James Kutler East View ch c by Pebbles Gnat by Voter Charles W Clark United Verde br c by Golden Maxim Yankee Tree by Yankee Charles W Clark White Star oil c by McGee h Sweet Charlotte by Ingoldsby IngoldsbyGifford Gifford A Coeliran Smoke Screen b c by His J Majesty Veil bv Disguise DisguiseGiffonl Giffonl A Cocbran St Michael ch c by His Majesty Marie Odile by Star Shoot ShootW W R Coc Sportiboy b c by SoninLaw Pusquita by Sniidridge SniidridgeJ J E Davis Quecrcek b c by IIuou Jcusi Woodson ScorpionWilliam by Scorpion William Farnum Klack Knight blk c by Celt Orowoc by Hamburg HamburgGrecntree Grecntree Stable Touch Me Not eh c by Celt HandspringMax Dainty Dame In Handspring Max Hinscli Flying Cloud b c by Wrack Robi n netta bv Fair Play PlayWalter Walter M Jeffords Wild Heather ch c by Light Krigade Wild Thistle by Knight of tlie Thistle Willis Sharpc Kilmer Sun Krac ch c by Sun dridge Sweet Krinr II by St Fnisqiiin George W Loft Halu br c by King James AdeJincUo by Melton MeltonJames James MacManus Uoscommon b c by Relloc J RoKslaro by Seinpronius SeinproniusJ J AV McClcllaiid Serapis b c by Sweep Little Rock by Trap Rock RockJ J W McClelland Despair b c by McGee J Mary Davis by Watercress WatercressE E K McLean Lough Eagle br c by Lough Foylc LAiglettn by Stalwart StalwartJ J E Nasli liennington ch c by Fair Play I Roxnno by Pcrblaze PcrblazeQuiney Quiney Stable Knobbic b c by Wrack Gold 1 by Golden Garter Raneocus Stable Grey Lag ch c by Star Shoot Miss Minnie by Meddler MeddlerRedstone Redstone Stabk Sporting Kiood b c by Fair l Play Felicity by Rock Kami KamiRedstone Redstone Stable Killy McLauglilin br c by Wrack Lady Elite by Order OrderJ J 1C L Krws Registrar ch c by Friar Rock Star of Danube by Star Shoot ShootJ J K L Ross Kastillc cji c by Aotcr Oppres ¬ s sion by St Serf 7 K L Ross Pampas ch c by Short Grass l Ellangowan by De Keauvoir KeauvoirJ J K L Ross Sun Turret ch c by Sunstar 5 Marian Hood by Mnrtagon MnrtagonJ J K L Ro s Harmonique ch c by Sardanapale Melody by Meddler MeddlerJ J K L Ross Star Voter ch c by Rallot Starry Night by Star Shoot ShootJohn John II Rosseter Montalvo b c by Friar Rock l Catherine Carson by Ken Strome StromeJohn John If Rosseter Merchant Marine brl c by Friar Rock Dorothy Gray by Hamburg HamburgWlter Wlter J Salmon Rubich ch c by Peter Quince Kelle of Ashhmd by Ornament OrnamentW W V Thraves Soutiicrn Gentleman b c by Ultimus Tsarina by Kingston KingstonAV AV A TliraVes The Airgiuian ch c by Celt Lotristilla Iv Locoha tehee teheeII II P Whitney Dartmoor ch c by Whisk J Kroom II Pankliurst by Voler VolerH H 1 AVhitney Parader ch c by AVhisk Kroom II Pageant by Delhi DelhiIf If 1 AVhitney Exodus ch c by Peter Pan First Flight by Thrush ThrushII II P AVhitney Dis Done b e by Sardanapale Lady Hamburg 1 1 by Hamburg HamburgK K T Wilson Dimmesdale ch c by Olambala Hester Prynne by Disguise DisguiseR R T Wilson Kirklevington b c by Olambala Kerr by Uncommon UncommonT T S Winston Grccnwnys Devil b c by Greenwnys Kest Water Devil by WatcTlevel WatcTlevelXalapa Xalapa Farm John Paul Jones b c by Tracery Moneta III by Spearmint SpearmintXidnpa Xidnpa Farm Kon Honime b c by Sweep Sue Smith by Masetto MasettoXalapa Xalapa Farm Mulcibcr blk c by Aulcain Tapi la by The Commoner CommonerXalapa Xalapa Farm Dernier Sou b e by Last Coin KcIgrnUa by Ken Krush KrushXalapa Xalapa Farm Leonardo II br c by Sweep Ethel Pace by Troubadour TroubadourThe The tabled history of the AVithers Stakes since Its firot running is as follows followsWITHERS WITHERS STAKES 1 Milo Threeyearolds Kelmont Park N Y Year First Jockeys AVt Aralue Time TimePonton 1S74 Dublin Ponton 110 3200 50 50Swim 1875 Arislides Swim 110 4150 45 45Feakes 1876 iddlesticks Feakes 111 3500 40fc 40fcKarrett 1877 lombast Karrett 110 420O 46 46Hughes 1878 hike of Magenta Hughes 118 3500 4S 4SKelly 1870 aii Spirling Kelly 118 1181SSO 5305 4S 4SKarrett 1SSO erncliffe Karrett 118 SOO 40 40Hughes 1881 Irickmore Hughes 115 4275 148 1882 Wester J MeLauglilin Naiiglilin US US1SS1 46110 146 li licLghlin 1SS1 Jco KinneyJ McLglilin 118 2000 145 145Izpatrick 1884 aniline Fitzpatrick Izpatrick 118 11818J5 3210 148 18J5 Tyrant P Duffy 118 3ir70 145 VI VIMaynanl 18S6 Giggonet Maynanl 113 3260 148 148Laiighlin 1887 Hanover McLaiighlin Laiighlin 118 3400 146 1888 Sir Dixon Fitzpatrick Izpatrick 118 3620 147 147Godfrey 1880 Diablo Godfrey 121 1211800King 1211800King oItCO 145 145Garrison 1800King Erie Garrison 110 8110 141 141ittlefield 1801 PicknickerF Littlefield 117 4100 140 140Garrison 1802 Tammany Garrison 122 1221SI3 74li 140 140Taral 1SI3 Dr Rice Taral 122 0470 142 142Taral lf04 Domino Taral 122 7101 140 140Reiff 1805 Lucania Reiff 100 2700 1 11 11Simms 1S06 Handspring Simms 122 2551 141 141Simms 1807 Octagon Simms 110 2550 143 143Spencer 1808 The Iliigenot Spencer 122 3815 143 143Chiwsou ISO Jean Kereaud Chiwsou 122 4450 142 VI VITurner 1900 Kilmarnock N Turner 12 125 5470 141 Vi ViLandry 1001 The Parader Landry 126 5020 142 1002 Compute Shaw 121 4815 142 142Haackl2t 1903 Short hose Haack Haackl2t 125 6305 141 141Oilbin 1001 Delhi Odbm 126 5750 140 1905 Klandy AV WDavis Davis 12 126 5 6220 144 144J 1006 Accountant J Martin 126 6850 138 1007 Frank Gill Notter 126 7775 111 1008 Colin Xotter 11 126 12000 111 111Kutwcll 101K Hilarious Kutwcll 126 11070 141 1010 The Turk M McGee 11 126 3000 140 1013 Rock Aiew Kutwcll 118 2325 130 1914 CharlestoniaiiC KTgame 115 2000 130 1015 The Finn G Kyrne 118 1425 139 1016 Spur J Loftus 118 2000 1S 1917 Hourlcss J Kut well 118 5475 130 1918 Motor Cop B Taplin 118 7100 130 1010 Sir Kartdii J Loftus 118 0075 13S 1920 Man o AVarC Kunimer 118 118Previously 4825 135 Previously run at Jercme Park Run at Morris Park prior to 1005 No racing in 1911 and 1912