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WORKOUTS FROM EAST AND WEST 599 LATONIA Ky June 2 Todays training gallops gallopsat at Latonia included the following followingAVeather AVeather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile Mile593Casey 593Casey 37 591Machiavelli 30 30592Dr 592Dr Carmen 38 590Mary J Ilaker37 Ilaker37D8Ethel D8Ethel Vale 35 590Mom 38 38592Fonl 592Fonl AVealher 30 592Miss Crestwood35 Crestwood35593Green 593Green Gold 37 594ltekab 30 30570Georgette 570Georgette 39 589Settle 30 582Gloria France 38 588Suavu Prince 30 592Honied Ilonnd37 5S5Trooper 30 30594IIonor 594IIonor Man 37 570Tony Sue 40 40595Inspec 595Inspec Huglies37 5110UncIe Velo 30 30593Jolin 30593Jolin 593Jolin Finn 37 590AVm Oldt 37 37f f 92T C Stone 29 591AViu or Quit 42 591Kewpie ONcil 40 40Half Half Mile Mile584Anglum 584Anglum Maid 51 590Tas 15 Brown 50 50582Hasil 582Hasil 50 592Kinburn 51 5159illeaten 59illeaten Path 51 5S9Lady Morrow 49 4959315rit 59315rit Liner 51 590Orma Dale 50 50590Uartered 590 590Uartered Bartered 51 Phantom Blue lHue49 49 49590Black 590Black Betty 51 594Pongec 50 50590Captain 590Captain Bums 51 574Palette 50 50509CIem 509CIem Tlieis ii4 J 595Holl On 51 515S9Conan 5S9Conan 49 f Sad and Boots49 Boots49433Estero Boots49433Estero 433Estero 49 AV Through 50 50590rlmiuisition 590rlmiuisition 49 49Four Four and a Half Furlongs Furlongs585Noontime 585Noontime 57 57FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile591Aloft 591Aloft 104 441Lou AVidrigl01 AVidrigl01593Bonus 593Bonus 104 593Martha Fallonl01 Fallonl01589Bromo 589Bromo 105 594Omnipotent 100 100593Bet 593Bet Mosie 105 572Old Folks 103 1035S9Bcwitch 5S9Bcwitch 101 59jPenwell 103 103578Clmr 578Clmr Snmmyl04 585Pindar Peel 103 103Dr Dr of Allah 101 590Quiclc ATiewl03 ATiewl03Friar Friar Dixonl10 590Starlle 100 100324Gr 324Gr Minard 102 598The Baggage 101 101581Jouctt 581Jouctt 102 590AVashington 100 100581Lough 581Lough Storml03 Storml03TbreeQuarters TbreeQuarters Milo Milo590Angon 590Angon 117 591Gold Digger 110 110595Ben 595Ben Aalet 110 434Jack AViggInsl17 AViggInsl17nSOBiiddie nSOBiiddie Keanl18 June Fly 118 118598Concentrate 598Concentrate 119 5SSJacobean 115 115588Dodge 588Dodge 117 595Mcliora 115 115591Furbelow 591Furbelow 115 590MisstheTime 115 115595Flags 595Flags 110 594Mab 117 117593GrndSwell 593GrndSwell 115 595Hising Kock 110 SevenEighths Mile Mile592Gcorge 592Gcorge Starrl32 591Melvin 129 129One One Mile MileAsk Ask Her 151 591Hono Boy 143 143595Broth 595Broth Love 142 585Kimpalong 147 147593Blemished 593Blemished 142 591Lothair 147 147324Bullion 324Bullion 145 594Mands Coatl41 Coatl41591Corson 591Corson 143 592Mcrchant 147 147580Cho 580Cho Clio 140 594Boyal Duck 142 1425159Dulce 5159Dulce Tokalonl47 595Servici Flag 140 140590Fair 590Fair Jrient 142 593Sir Th Keanl44 Keanl44590Gourmaml 590Gourmaml 148 592AVhirling Dunl41 Dunl41431Harlock 431Harlock 145 145Mile Mile and a Quarter QuarterSterling Sterling 210 210NEW NEW YOHIC N Y June 2 Todays training gallops over the local courses included the follow ¬ ing ingBELMONT BELMONT PARK PARKAVeather AVeather clear track fast ThroeEighths Vile Vile507Camonf 507Camonf leur 39 583Fernwood 30 30597Finality 597Finality 30 590Musty 35 Half Mile Mile595Aunt 595Aunt Agnes 50 597Prudish 53 53597Bayonne 597Bayonne 51 C95lrudery 57 57598Brilliant 598Brilliant Kay 52 593Pahaska 48 48284Caronul 284Caronul i51 Postlude 49v 49v580Carpcnter 580Carpcnter 53 593lloiitledge 49 4954Iominiiiue 54Iominiiiue 51 597Smoke Screen 49 49590Duc 590Duc de Morny50 583Star Court 51 51597Faumis 597Faumis 53 r 90Superlativc 48 48Ivanhoe Ivanhoe 49 598Toddlo 49 590Ivernian 54 597Tryster 57 Jocose 49 595Uncs Lassie 49 May Blossom 49 597 Valor 50 50Parfleche Parfleche 50 50Five Five Eighths Mile Mile597Crocus 597Crocus 103 592Streamer 102 102593Idle 593Idle Dell 105 Skittles 102 102Modesty Modesty 103 Violinist 107 107Manageress Manageress 105 105ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile Mile5SOFringe 5SOFringe 110 59SLanius 118 118590Frizlet 590Frizlet 118 5971erfection 118 118580Frippery 580Frippery 117 595Step Lightly 110 110590Gath 590Gath 118 597Snare 118 1185l5Invincible 5l5Invincible 119 597Tidings 123 123597Kinnoiil 597Kinnoiil 118 597Two Fcathersl18 Fcathersl18594LEclair 594LEclair 120 120SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 597Dartinoor 134 134One One Mile Mile597Cirrus 597Cirrus 148 597Eliminator 144 144597David 597David Ilarum 142 597AVapiti 144 144Milo Milo and an Eighth 597John P Grier202 592Mad Hatter 154 154Mile Mile and a Quarter Quarter598Broomspun 598Broomspun 210 590On AVatch 209 587Ijimacona 2OS 593Swccpmeut 210 210JAMAICA JAMAICA Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile Mile597Grass 597Grass Tree 37 597Mana Grass 30 30594IIumtijrian 594IIumtijrian 30 580Olynthus 41 41597Long 597Long Grass 30 Itummel 37 37593LEnjoleur 593LEnjoleur 41 590San Primo 37 37590Lloyd 590Lloyd George 40 Tlkh 38 38594Manheim 594Manheim 30 597Uranius 35 35597Mavournecn 597Mavournecn 37 592Yeomanette 30 Half Milo Milo597Arrowhcad 597Arrowhcad 50 430 Mambi 55 55597Ararat 597Ararat 51 593Mabel A 49 49593Brink 593Brink 51 597Pietrus 52 52580Conihe 580Conihe 49 5S9lunatrix 51 594Dnnsandel 54 587ltoy C 51 51587Ebba 587Ebba 52 590Stamp 50 505S4Jesava 5S4Jesava 50 597So It Goes 50 J97John Dundee 50 rJlSHeve Conard50 590Lady Delhi 51 590AVireless 49 49585Leipsiu 585Leipsiu 50 593Zealot 52 525SSLively 5SSLively 51 51Five Five Eighths Mile Mile597Despair 597Despair 103 594Morvich 104 104597lIeatherton 597lIeatherton 105 595Stepson 104 104Five Five and a Half Furlongs 590AAilliam A 110 110ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile Mile590Bright 590Bright Light 11 J TOlXahey 119 119597Dorothys 597Dorothys Petl10 597Pavia 110 110590Frank 590Frank AVatersl19 597ISenningtou 119 119597KilIala 597KilIala 121 597Sagacity 121 121597Moody 597Moody 121 597Sea Mimic 118 118593Master 593Master Bill 123 123SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 590AVhimsy 133 133One One Mile Mile59SBlack 59SBlack Knight 142 590Mr X 142 142590Durcas 590Durcas 140 597Parader 148 148597Frogtown 597Frogtown 1 45 45Manlieim Manlieim went well from the barrier TJranius has a good way of going William A had an easy gallop AVhlmsy never looked better Mr X worked easily Black Knight showed improvement