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THIRD II ACE 4 12 Fiirlonsrs Straight 2ycarolrts Allowances May 10 1 OS 51 2 112 112BILLY BILLY WATTS br c 2 M 107 By Trap Rock La Rccolte by Meddler MeddlerTrainer Trainer S C Hildrcth Owner Rancocas Stable StableG1543 G1543 Belmont G8 st G7fast 7 112 14 12 121 101 E Sande l4 Column NanryK Mustard Seed Seed5410S 5410S Jamaica Gi f l07nmd 1320 112 2 G 3 33 352 K Sando 5 L Baltimore Little Chief Toil 64242 Jamaica G8 l01good SG US G 3 G 4 = 2 E Sande Toil Whirligig Carmencita BRILLIANT RAY b e 2 M 107 By Pennant Sunglow U by Sundridga SundridgaTrainer Trainer A J Joynor Owner G D Widenor 1 1E4475 E4475 Belmont 4Jf st G3 fast 15 110 4 1 1 2s J Xoeller 12 Manna Confusion Wreckless 51229 Jamaica 5S l00fast 20 109 3 3 4 41 413 J Zoeller 5 Little Chief Zealot Jlmuile B NEAPOLITAN ch c 2 M 107 By Olambala Cream by Electioneer ElectioneerTrainer Trainer T J Hcalcy Owner R T Wilson 54516 Belmont 41f st Glfast oO 110 10 10 10 9 S BullnianlU Modo Violinist Rose Brigade BrigadeGALANTMAN GALANTMAN b c 2 M 107 By Superman Galanta by William the Third ThirdTrainer Trainer S P Harlan Owner L Watorhury 54313 Bulmont GS st G7fast 41 11212 14 14 14 A Jolmsrnl4 Column NancyF Mustard Seed SeedG4178 G4178 Belmont 41f st G2J fast 4 115 S 2 2t 4 i A Collins 13 ISigheart Letterman Postlnde PostlndePILLORY PILLORY ch c 2 M 107 By Olambala Hester Prynno by Disguise DisguiseTrainer Trainer T J Healey Owner R T Wilson 54178 Bolmont 4Jf st G2fast 13 113 5 11 11 5 i L Ensor 13 Bigheart Letterman Postlude PostludeJOHNNY JOHNNY DUNDEE b g 2 125 By Brummel Gylfi by Dr Leggo 3573 Tijuana 1 2 4Sfast 25 120 3 3 33 2U M Buxton 0 Incognance WolfsCry Ashland ijuana 41 f Glfast 11G 115 4 33 2 = i 1 = 1 M Buxton 8 1eppcrTea Incognanee Aprleoi ijuana 12 4SVtslop 2i 115 4 22 2j M Iuxton 9 Pep Tea Incognance Tomahoi TomahoiE2S2 E2S2 FGnds SS 35Hifast 115 109 4 21 1 M Buxton 11 EWhitc Adventure Myldltelle Myldltelle527S3 527S3 FGnds 38 35 fast 41 113 7 7s 71S M Buxton 9 Adventure Mawrcon Gentility GentilityMAGGIE MAGGIE MURPHY br f 2 M 104 By Hessian Norcen by Ogden OgdenTrainer Trainer J Fitzsitnmons Owner Qulncy Stable 51593 Belmont 4if st 52fast 20 110 8 10 11 10s S Lowe 13 Wishbone Ultimata Prodigious 54371 Jamaica 5S 5J fast 50 109 3 4 G C Gs J Mooney CalJane Rose Brigade Ntuiare GLENBELLS ch f 2 M 104 By Glencairn Ringling by Fatherless FatherlessTrainer Trainer J P Maybcrry Owner Marrono Stable 54593 Belmont 41f st G2 fast 50 110 Left at the post J Pits 13 Wishbone Ultimata Prodigious ProdigiousFirst First start for the following ROULETTE br f 2 M 104 By Colt Toots by Top Gallant GallantTrainer Trainer W Garth Owner J S Cosden CosdenGREEN GREEN FRUIT b f 2 M 104 By Tho Finn Watermelon by Watercress WatercressTrainer Trainer L Feustel Owner Glen Riddle Stable