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BELMONT PARK FORM CHART MEW YORK N Y THURSDAY JUNE 2 1921 Belmont Park Sixth day AVcstchester Racing Asso ¬ ciation Spring Meeting of 18 days Weather clear temperature 85 ° Steward to Represent Jockey Club F R Hitchcock Stewards of Meeting August Belmont F R Hitchcock and R T Wilson Judges E C Smith and C Cornehlsen Starter Mars Cassidy Racing Secretary A McL Earlocker Racing starts at 230 p in Chicago time 130 p in Indicales app Kif ± fQ FIRST RACE 6 12 Furlongs Main Courco Sept 5 1920 117 4 119 Baldwin O tOvrO Handicap 1COO Addod 3yearolds and upward Selling Net valuo to winner 900 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AAVtPPSt A Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H O P S 544773CUM SAII w t f 107 73 I1 I3 1s U M Buxton J L Price 10 15 S 3 75 75v 5450 = NEDDAM v 4 112 510 5l 5 41 21 C KummcrRcdstonc Stable 4511101 2515 54477DIOMEDES wi 4 110 S 9 4l 21 2 3 C Turner G A Marshall 15 15 15 G 3 54405 AVHALEBONE w 51001 3 2 3l 2 41 M MntainJ E Davis 15 20 20 8 4 54242 = CARNARTON w 4 110 9 1 2 4 5 = GJ C Ponce AV II Congdon f 7 7 2J G5 54545 BAL DANCR Ilwsn 5 102 10 S S 81 GI J Mooney Quincy Stable 20 CO 20 8 4 54442 WHISK wn 4 103 4 G 73 71 7 7 J Pitz Marrone Stable S 12 10 4 2 2542P9 542P9 = THE BOY wn 5 S7 2 5 GI Gl G SJ B MrinelliF A Goss 5 7 G 2 45 45SIS SIS S CAMOUFLEUR wn 5 lOb G 4 10 10 S1 9 = J CallahanAV L S Martin 15 20 20 8 4 53SOK ST ISIDORE wr S 110 1 7 911 J1 10 10 II HaintnJ E Nash 10 20 20 S 4 4Time Time 23 46 112 118 Track fast fastAVinner AVinner Br g by Burgomaster Antipathy by Ornament trained by N Byer bred by Messrs Morris McGongh McGonghAVent AVent to post at 215 At post 7 minutes Start good and slow AVon driving second and third the same CUM SAH quickly rushed into a long lead and setting a great pace tired in the stretch but finished gamely ami outstayed NEDDAM in the final drive NEDDAM began slowly and met with early interference but close up fast and gamely when clear and was wearing the winner down in the closing strides DIOMEDES vas a prominent contender throughout and finished fast and close up AVHALE BONE showed excclle t speed to the last sixteenth CARNARVON was in cluse quarters on the last turn ind could never i nprove his position positionScratched Scratched 5 1570 Stromboli 128 51509 Lord Brighton 130 51545 Georgie 107 544053Maidens Bal ¬ let 97 5l442 = Sea Cov 95 95Overweights Overweights AVh ebone 2V pounds SECOND RACE 1 116 Miles Sent 3 1920 143 4 122 Purse 1000 3ycar olds and upward Selling Net valno to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U A Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II G P S 5450 LORD BRIGHTON 5112 4 1 1J I 1s 1 = 13 E Sande Rancocas Stable 71015 35 14 out 5404 TOM MTAGGRT w 7 112 G 3 2 21 23 2 2 F Kcogh I AVilliams 5883 G5 G5r r 4147IPADDY AVHACK w i S 112 5 5 7 G1 G12 4J 3 = i B MrinelliB Sonle 8 10 10 3 75 54511 SOBRIGADE ws 3 100 3 4 G1 3l 41 5 4 J Mooncy Dosoris Stable 30 40 30 S 4 54575 BIFF BANG w 4 11G 1 G 4 4 3 3 5 T Rico L T Bauer 8 8 G S5 710 54281 SUNNYLAND w t G 117 7 2 3 5s 5 G = ° G50 J CallahanJ A Coburn 12 20 20 7 3 354108BLUE 54108BLUE LADDIE w 5 117 2 7 Mi 7 7 7 7 C FairbrGrecntrcc Stable S S 7 2 45 Time 24 47 l12 137 143 equals track record Track fast fastAVinner AVinner Ch h by Ballot Miss Crittcildcn by Royal Flush III trained by S C Hildreth bred by Mr John McCIintock McCIintockAVent AVent to post at 24S At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon driving second and third the same LORD BRIGHTON set a fast pace from the start and gamely withstood TOM McTAGGARTS pressing challenge The latter was saved under slight restraint until straightened away in the stretch then finished resolutely and was gaining slowly in the final strides PADDY AVHACK gradually improved his position and easily outstayed the others for third place SOBRIGADE raced well for threequarters BIFF BANG raced close up and was on the inside all the way SPNNYLAND raced extremely wide BLUE LADDIE retired after going a half mile The winner entered for 4000 was bid up to 7105 and iMught in inScratched Scratched 5l515zRoyce Rools 112 HSOVSundial II 112 54442 The Lamb 111 545723Master Jac 99 54207Saniiiiy Kelly 117 54177 American Boy 112 51376 Herd Girl 1O1 ECf ii fb THIRD RACE 1 116 Miles Sept 3 1920 1431 4 122 Purse 1000 3year OTCJ JL olds and upward Selling Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi v4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H O P S r 41573DEVlLDOG wn 4 111 1 G f = 51 4 2 1 J Mooney Quincy Stable 13 30 30 7 21 21wn 5457USTROMBOLI wn 10 122 2 4 1 li 1 1 = 2t 12 Sande S C Hildreth 13 13 14 18 out outw 54147 GOALER w 5 112 3 5 G G 5s 4 3 AV Obert Allies Stable 15 25 25 5 85 85wn 54147 DARK HILL wn 5 107 5 2 oi 33 3 ru 4 G Babin AV Farnum 15 40 40 10 4 54477 = REGAIj LODGE wn G 117 4 3 2 i 21 21 5 = 5IS M Buxton R Firneno 3 G G 71014 54571 = CIMARRON wn 3 8D G 1 41 4 G G G E KummerG A Cochran 12 12 12 2 25 25Time Time 24 47 112 138 145 Track fast fastAAinner AAinner Br c by Darley Dale Mountain Fringe by Atlas trained by J Fitzsimmons bred in Ire ¬ land by Mr C Hobson HobsonAVent AVent to post at 315 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AAon driving second and third the rame DEVILDOG gradually improved his position in the early running aiid closing up with a game challenge in the stretch wore STROMBOLI down and nosed him out in the last stride STROMBOLI set a good pace and drew away after entering the stretch but was tiring at the finish GOALER raced next to the inner rail for the entire race and finished resolutely DARK HILL raced forwardly rrom Hie start but tired when forced to a drive REGAL LODGE tired lit the last eighth eighthScratched Scratched 54545 = Thunderstorm 112 54608 Ballet Dancer II 106 54545 Night Raider 104 54545 Crystal Ford 117 53937 Snapdragon II 112 54571 Our Boots 99 54090 = Galh 112 54340 Hard Guess 99 51515 Georgie 111 ft A t t FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Juno 1 1921 135 5 118 Forty sixth Running WITH O tOJLJL ERS STAKES Guaranteed Value 6000 3yearolds Special Weights Net value to winner 5475 second 700 third 300 Index Horses AWtPI AWtPPSt i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 54214 LEONARDO O II WB 118 4 411 1 = 1 I1 I5 1 = A ScntgerXalapa Fm Stb 2 4 3i 75 35 54374 SPORTING BLOOD w us 7 5 G1 Cs 3i 3 1U C KummcrRedstone Stable 872 45 w 118 1 4 4h 3 2 2A 31 E Sande Rancocas Stable G5 65 1 25 1G 54214 TOUCH ME NOT w US 5 G 7 7 G5 5 4 C FairbhrGreentree Stable 8 12 12 5 2J 54374KNOBBIE wsn 118 G 3 2X 5l 5J 4 5 J Mooney Quincy Stable 5 5 5 7512 54544 EXODUS wn 118 2 7 51 21 41 C3 G L Pcnmahll P AVhitney 30 40 40 10 4 4545093MONTALVO 545093MONTALVO w 118 3 2 3J 4 i 7 7 7 A JohnsonJ H Rossetcr 50 50 50 15 G GTime Time 23 46 110 137 Track fast fastAVinner AVinner Br c by Sweep Ethel Pace by Troubadour trained by K Patterson bred by Mr Edward F Simms SimmsAVent AVent to post at 342 At post 3 minutes Start poor and slow AVon easily second and third driv ¬ ing LEONARDO II took the lead at once and showing great speed set a tremendous pace and easily won all the way SPORTING BLOOD began slowly but improved his K sition steadily while racing on the outside and finished with a Tush GREY LAG raced next to the inner rail for the entire way and made a game effort to get up oh the stretch turn but tired badly in the last eighth TOUCH ME NOT began slowly and closed up gamely and steadily through the entire race KNQItBIE was shuflied back on the last turn and could never recover EXODUS began slowly and closed a big gap in the early run ¬ ning but tired after going threequarters threequartersScratched Scratched 54544 Quecreek 118 54569 Billy MeLatighlin 118 54569 St Michael 118 K fl 1 FIFTH RACE 1 Mile June 1 1921 135 5 118 Purse 1000 3ycarolds and tJrftVjL l upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 es AWtPPSt k Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II O P S 54507 LEADING STAR wn 5 10S 10 1 1 I3 1 ° 1s 1 = S BullmanJ A Coburn 4 5 31 G5 35 543383OMER K WB 3 9512 3 5 4 3i 21 2 = 1 A GantnerC Buxton 15 20 20 8 4 454227MANDALAY 54227MANDALAY w 4 112 G 9 G1 31 2i 4 31 C Ponce E Arlington 12 20 20 8 4 54117 GAL1OT wn 3 SS 9 4 MrinelliJ H McDonald 887 5444 1 AVAR MACHINE w G US 1 10 10J 3 = 101 8 = 5i C Robson J T McMahon 54411 ELMENDORF wsis G 121 7 S 7 8i S1 G1 G J Mooney Quincy Stable 54541SALUTE wn 5 111 312 S 7J 4i 2J 71 G Babin AV Farnum wn G J11 4 11 12 10 = 7J 7 S3 F AVoodskL Sperling 54372 ASTERISK w 5 113 S 5 9i II1 II1 9l 9 = J CanipbllT A Harper 15 20 20 8 4 54080 SHEBA w 39811 2 41 ij 5 = lt 103 J CallahanAV L S Martin 10 12 10 4 2 254541GLOOMY 54541GLOOMY GUS w 7 111 2 7 II1 12 12 12 11 = E KummerO C Rasch 20 20 15 G 3 50543 TICACEY AV 5 11G 5 G 2 2 = 9 11 12 E Martin II C Fibher 15 20 20 S 4 4Time Time 23 46 111 139 Track fast fastAVinner AVinner B h by Sweep Star of Riinnymcde by Star Shoot trained by G Coburn bred by Mr R Lawrence Smith SmithAVent AVent to post at 411 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow AAon easily second and third driv ¬ ing LEADING STAR took the lead at once raced Ticacey into early defeat and drew away into a long lead after entering the stretch but was tiring in the last sixteenth and was ridden out at the finish OMER K worked his way through next to the inner rail and was gainiu end MANDALAY closed a big gap GALIOT ran well AVAR MACHINE also closed a big gap ELMEN ¬ DORF eighthScratched had a rough race SALUTE MOSE and ASTERISK met with interference in the first eighth Scratched 51511 Favour 111 53515Gen Cadorna 115 54507ITheodosia 90 54507 Streamer 100 T4441 Ravanna 95 6rJ O SIXTH RACE 4 12 Furlongs Straight May 19 1908 51 2 112 Purso 1000 OTtxJJLO 2ycarolds Maidens Special Weights Net valuo to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt V Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H G P 54543 SWEEP BY wn 115 1 12 2 21 2i 1 = J Rod 5454 51548 BLACK RASCAL AVIS wn 115 G 3 H I1 2 C FairbhrGrcentreo Stable 5 10 7 2 75 544 iO AV11IRL1GIG AV11IRL1GIGOIL wr 115 9 G Gi 3 C Turner J E AVidener G 8 G 2 1 OIL MAN w 115 7 78 8 7 = 73 4 E Hayncs Pelican Stable 3 4 1151 12 54540 APEX w 115 10 G 51 Ci 5 1 J CallahanF Johnson G 15 10 4 2 54053 KNOT GRASS GRASSPICNIC w 115 11 4 41 4 G = M Buxton Short Grass Std K 10 10 4 2 PICNIC w 115 3 10 8 8 7 T Rice 30 50 50 M 10 54478 FRENCH FURZ FURZOVERTAKE FURZE w 115 4 1 j 3 S3 C KuinmerW M Jeffords 20 o 30 10 5 5OVERTAKE OVERTAKE w 115 2 11 9 = 93 y5 E Martin J E Madden 10 15 15 G 3 54540 SIMPLE SIMON SIMONREPARATION w 115 S 9 1C1 10 10J II HainfnAV Shields 30 30 30 0 5 5REPARATION REPARATION w 115 5 5 11 11 11 AV Obert Allies Stable 30 50 50 20 10 10Time Time 52 Track fast fastAVinner AVinner Br c by Sweep Iridescence by Peter Pan trained by W S House bred by Mr John S RarlHe RarlHeAVcnt AVcnt to post at 437 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driv ¬ ing SWEKP BY after being in close pursuit of BLACK RASCAL in the early running responded gamely when called on in the hist eighth and passing the leader was under restraint at the finish BLACK RASCAL showed the most speed for the first half mile and outstayed WHIRLIGIG for second place The latter began slowly and closed a big gap OIL MAN finished fast APEX swerved out in the stretch Scratched 54283 Hotspur 115 Shaffer 115