First Race [1st Belmont Park, Daily Racing Form, 1921-06-03

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FIRST HACK 4 1 Furlongs Straight 2yearolds Claiming May Mayi i os 5i 112 Index Course Dist TimeTckOdds Wt St Ji JiHAPPY Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish HAPPY BUXTON h B 2 115 115Trainer By Dick Finnoll Cynthia by Oddfellow Trainer C Buxton Owner J Dundee 54278 Jamaica 58 l01J fast 5 112 1 1 1D4KS 1 lh 14 M Buxton 11 Zennotta K Itruinmcl Stocklin StocklinG D4KS 04 KM Jamaica 58 l02mud 10 109 1 7 G fJ 5 M Buxton 10 IrusliBoy ICunnyol Hevltell HevltellS 51029 Jamaica ES l00good 41 97 9 8 8E2S12 S U 10 13 Josiah 12 Morvieh llrusbloy DolVard u E2S12 KGnds 3S 3Cfast C 115 4 21 2J M Buxton 10 Mawrcorou IJedTom MyMnxim Ei4i KGnds 38 25fast 41 114 1 34 2J M Buxton i Cornstalk Stamp ISulIyButtons ISulIyButtons3J 62291 FGiids 38 25fast 20 11G 1 3J 3 M Buxton 7 Myltcveric LordAllcii UoriiBtalli UoriiBtalliBy WRECKLESS b g 2 M 110 By Wrack Ogress by Eon EonTrainer Trainer W Garth Owner J S Cosden CosdenE45C8 E45C8 Bclinunt 4if st 53fist 35 105 5 7 11 31 N Stuart 9 Vendor Hantrylass VeiledColn 54175 Bolmont 4if at 53fast 23 110 G 5 Gi 43i T IMcc 12 Manna Brilliant Ray Confusion 61151 Pimlico 58 101 slop S 110 S 4 4 I1 4J T Kice Ogarito Chatugay Myldllelle FRIARS RUSH b c 2 M 105 105Trainer By Ormfesdale Zusr by Peter Pan Trainer T J Healey Owner R T Wilson 545S3 Belmont 4Jf st 3fast 5 10S1 4 3 21 3 i L Ensor 13 iItelle DDeadeye lUackstone 514y Jamaica 58 l02slow 10 102 13 S 9 8 r S Bullman 13 IvDelhi IJtIalsy VeilColleen D4K7 Jamaica GS l01sood G 100 3 3 1 2s 33i S Bullman 4 MilesS Uncertainty BrushUuy 61278 Jamaica GS l01fast 12 117 S S5J G G 71 75i S Bullman 11 lllinxton Xnnotta KHrinmel E4LOS Jamaica 5J f 107 slow 20 97 5 5 G G G = S Uullman Morvicli Brushltoy UollyVtirdcn CS705 IIdcGce 12 49 fast G 117 2 1 1 J 3 = Li Ensor 9 Utainty Miles S Mad Nell 63670 ILdeGce 12 48faat 8 110 5 5 5 5 5 ° L EnsDr 0 Ilrmster Mawrroa Unctainty UnctaintyBy DOVESROOST ch g 2 M 110 110Trainer By Uaintenant Dovecote by Kingston Trainer A J Joyner Owner G D Widenor WidenorG 543SS Belmont 4f st 55fast 15 107 11 G Gl G3 J Zoeller 13 Iev Belle I Deadeye F Ifush kOS Jamaica 58 l01ifast 15 107 3 3 3 33 3 i J Zocller S hDclhi FKinney TClkmder 641G5 Jamaica G8 l02iuud 40 110 7 448 9 J Zoeller 10 Irusnroy Ituiiuyol BevItclle 64053 Jamaica 6S l007ifast 30 108 4 6 5 6 51S J Zoeller 7 GoodTiinea KaiSauff Manna MARSDAIE ch c 2 M 110 By Ormondale One Star by Star Shoot ShootTrainer Trainer W J Booth Owner Allies Stable StableGI51G GI51G Belmont IJf st Glfast 40 110 11 9 8 = S7i W Obert 12 Modo Violinist Rose Brigade 64225 Jamaica G8 l01fast 30 112 4 7 4 C = Gi W Obcrt KostcrGirl Kadieal Witcltwork 54130 Jamaica G8 l00fast 40 115 9 11 10 10 = 101 W Obcrt 12 KaiSahg BudFisher JuueGrass BLACKSTONE blk g 2 M 110 110Trainer By Pebbles Tamira by Peter Pan Trainer A Gunthcr Owner J Butler 515SS Belmont 4if st GSvifast 1GG 111 13 13f4110 7 11 4i T Rice 13 Bev Ielle I Deadeye P Rush f4110 Jaintiica 5S lJO mud 10 115 7 7C42C3 7 S 7 718 C Kuinmcr S Mustard Seed Balance Modo C42C3 Jamaica SS lOOV fast 15 115 3 3G4190 2 2 23 i3 A Johnson 0 Hose Brigade Toil Radical G4190 Jamaica GS l02muil 13 112 5 4 4 41 G9i W Kelsay 9 Misdeal Mawrcoroii William A G4VJO Jamaica GS l01fast CO 112 7 7 G 41 Glu A Johnson 9 Lit Chief Mawrcorou EWhite FRED KINNEY br e 2 M 110 110Trainer By Towton Field Maud McKce Trainer A G Blakcly Owner B Williams E45GS Belmont 4if st G3fast 5 103 S 8 S3 7s S Turpino 9 Vendor Bantry Pass Wreckless 5429S Jamaica GS l01fast 2 102 4 4 2 23 21 M Schxvta S BBelhi Dovesrst TClkmder 64225 Jamaica GS l01Vfast S JS 5 1 G 41 4 i M Schwtz KosterGirl Radical Witchwork 641GG Jamaica 5S l02mud 12 100 9 99 915 S2t M SchwtzlU BrusliBoy Runnyol BevBclle 62310 FGnds 3S oGfajt 1G5 111 2 21 21 T Nolan 9 Star Time F Beauty M Elnora 38 3rV fast G 11G 1 4i 41 T Nolan 11 LordAIlcu JDuudee TeddyB MABEL A b f 2 By Ballot Sadio S by Charaxus Trainer C A Applegrate Owner C A Applegato 64190 Jamaica 58 l02inud G 112 4 D 5 G3 712 T Nolan 9 Misdeal Mawrcorou William A Cr CS IIclcGco 12 49 slop 13 111 G G 5J 7 A Johnson 7 Blue Teal Manna St Maurice E3G17 Bowie 12 49 fast 10 111 1 1 1s I3 A Johnson 8 Bpcratn K Warmer LAmmle G259G Iowle 12 49fust 28 101 4 G 6l GU L Penman S VColleeu Radical BlkTrack 63G44 Bowie 12 49good 52 112 3 G Gl 61 II Ericksn 10 Misdeal LitAramie Baby Vamp STOCK PIN ch c 2 M By Peter Quince Stick Pin by McGee Trainer W J Speirs Owner J Shaughnessy G43SS Belmont 4if st GPSjfast G 10S 4 Gi 10J M Buxton 13 Bev Belle I Dendcyo F Rush E443 Jamaica 5S lC2slow 107 12 G G 71 S5 I McAtee 13 LDelhi IitPatsy VeilColleen 64278 Jamaica 5S l01fast 3J 115 4 2 23 4 C Pbtherll IIBnxton 55nnotta KBrmmel G4225 Jamaica 58 l01V fast 8 110 9 90S5 S M Buxton 9 KosterCirl Radical Witchwork AUNT AGNES b f 2 112 112Trainer By Bard of Hope Aunty Sunshine by Paladin Trainer J A Murphy Owner J A AG4475 Curphy G4475 B lmont 4if st G3t fast 30 107111 107111G4171 12 12 12 = i A Collins 12 Manna Brilliant Ray Confusion G4171 Pimlico 4i f 5Ghvy 21 110 2 2G4131 3 4 GH 7 M Mountn 8 Alva Uncertainty Mad Nell G4131 Pimlico 4i f G5rast G3 107 2 1 1 I1 lb M Mountn 7 Al Tricks Devonite 54111 Pimlico 12 49 fast 33 110 2 3 4h G M MounfnlS Equalltights MargaretO Orris 63988 Pm99 J2 4 sjpw ft JO 3 8 8 H HQineUUO ppfAllah EsseMe Unctainty BEAMER p g 2 M 110 B tight Brigade Irish Bong by long Street StreetTrainer Trainer J Fitzsimmons Owner Quincy Stable 543SS Bolmont 41f st Gfast 15 112 G S SJ S3 J Mooney 13 Bev Belle I Dcadcye F Rush 5 15 1C Belmont 4if st Clfast GO 110 9 7 7 Gi J Mooney 12 Modo Violinist Rose Brigade C4243 Jamaica G8 l00fast 30 112 4 G GJ G13 J Mooney 7 Column Bud Fisher Budaim 64106 Jamaica G8 l01fast 15 107 4 3 4 4s 4i S Lowe 7 Manna Buxom Bantry Pass 54029 Jamaica 68 l0dgood 30 10211 11 11 S1 9 S Lowe 12 Morvlch BrushBoy DolVnrden DolVnrdenFAIR FAIR VIRGINIA b f 2 M 107 By Sea King Dulcinea II by Knight of the Thistle ThistleTrainer Trainer I W Garth Owner Oak Ridge Stable Stable545G8 545G8 Belmont 4f st 53fast 10 102 3 33 = G J Murray 9 Vendor Bantry Pass W reckless 54278 Jamaica 5S lOlVfefast 12 lOOi 2 G G G1 Gi J Mooney 11 HBuxton Hnnotta KIrnimel 511GG Jamaica GS It02niud 40 111 G G 8 G3 G15 W Kelsay 10 Brush Boy Runnyol BcvBelle G40S5 Jamaica 58 l00fast 30 114 S 899 9 9l = l W Kelsay 9 Pastoral Rose Brigade Oaleta OaletaHYPERBOLE HYPERBOLE br f 2 112 By Jack Atkin Land league by Voter VoterTrainer Trainer J G Wacnon Owner F A Nolan 98 Jamaica 58 l01fast G 107 5 G G 5i G11 M Buxlon 8 LDelhi FKinney Dovesroost DovesroostG41G7 G41G7 Jamaica GS 103 mud 2 101 2 5 3 41 Gl A Klein 5 FarewellTaps BanPass Vendor 64018 Jamaica G8 l01fast 3 102 G 488 Slz J Calluhan U Timbrel Miles KIiruiiiinel 53920 IIdcGce 12 48fast 115112 1 1s 1 K Haynes 8 KBruml Desperatu KWarn 5 028 Shport 3i t 47 hvy 10 115 7 7 7 7 N Tiller 7 Lina Belle Wrack B Evelyn EvelynBy MARGARET WHITE ch f 2 M 107 By Golden Maxim Our Blonde by The Friar FriarTrainer Trainer D Vititoe Owner Slica Stable 9 Jamaica GS l02slow 10 104 G 2 2 1C 11 J Callahan 13 LDelhi LitPatsy VeilColleen VeilColleenDi Di iS Jamaica GS l01Vfcfast 4 113 10 11 11 11 8s J Kodcezll lIBuxton Kniiotta KBrniinel 54149 Jamaica GS 101 Jffast 41 112 4 22 2 21 J Kodfjcz 8 L Patsy KBmcl TCkmndr TCkmndrR40S5 R40S5 Jamaica SS l00fast 30 114 2 3 4 5 4T J Rod cz 0 Pastoral Rose Brigade Calcta CalctaB3S92 B3S92 IIdcGce 12 48lifast 119 114 9 6 6Z G5J J IlodgczlO Quick I un Lent Miles S THE MANAGERESS ch f 2 M 107 By The Manager Marigold by Martagon MartagonTrainer Trainer A J Joyner Owner G D Widcner G43GS Belmont lif st Gofast 7 102 9 99 9IS T Doyle 9 Vendor Bantry Pass Wrcckless MAD NELL ch f 2 M 107 107Trainer By Madman Salvation Noll by Salvation Trainer E W Padclford Owner F J McL oughlin 54512 Belmont Uf st 521 fast 50 113 12 9 9U 113J J Mooney 11 LkyButn MisnBells Balance 51171 Pimlico 41 f Gfihvy Ci 107 4 433 = 3i S Wida 8 Alva Uncertainty Al 54131 Pimlico 4i f GGfast G 104 7 7Eo705 4 3 3 = Gi S Boyle 7 Aunt Agnes Al Tricks Eo705 ILdeGce 12 49 fast 17 107 S 7 4 k 4 = 1 U Lcastcr 9 Utainty Miles S Friars Rush 53530 Bowie 12 49Rood 12 112 3 3 3 3 J Rodgca 9 OraceK Dolly Vardcn MilesS 52812 FGnds 3S 36fast HO 112 G G3 G J K Smith 10 Mawrcoroii lIBuxton RedTom 52709 KGnds 4 31 L McAtcs 8 Stamp Little Patsy WarUelief 525SG FGnds Gi 53i F Wdsfk 8 FlyBcauty WarRelief Onelin OnelinBy BERRINGTON b c 2 M 110 By Bcrrilldon Queen Bashti by Burgomaster BurgomasterTrainer Trainer E A Burke Owner E A Burke Burke5429S 5429S Jamaica 58 lOUfast 10 107 7 G 7 7s Gll A Collins 8 LDelhi FKinney Dovesroost 64149 Jamaica 5S l011 fast SO 110 1 40 7 = G5J A Collins 8 LitPatsy M White KBrumel BOUNCE ch e 2 M 105 By Bard of Hope Elasticity by Aeronaut AeronautJ Trainer H J Kennedy Owner Kentmere Farm Stable 54171 Pimlico 4i f 56hvy 22 100 5 54J S 73 G1 T Burns 8 Alva Uncertainty Mad Nell G1091 Pimlico 4J f 55 fast 51 112 4 4 43 47 T Burns 5 Qkltun Uncertainty SomcBird 539SS Pimlico 12 49 slow 153 112 S 7 6 = G14 T Burns 10 DofAlIah KxscMe Unctainty C3MG IIdcGce 12 48fast 151 116 S 8 S S10 T Burns 8 Excuse Me Lent Teddy B Bfi 53726 ILdeGce 12 49fast 8 115 6 fi G G ° T Burns Orris Kate Brninincl Restless 533S6 Havana 12 49fast 30 114 S 10 9 10 3 J DawsonlO Foul Weather Lotta G Califa 53270 Havana 12 49 fast 20 111 11 11 11 10 T Burns 11 Trumpet Call Ilyeres Lotta G

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Local Identifier: drf1921060301_6_3
Library of Congress Record: