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NATIONAL HUNTS LICENSES At a recent meeting of the Stewards of the Na ¬ tional Steeplechase and Hunt Association the fol ¬ lowing licenses were granted grantedJockeys Jockeys Elliott AVolke T Pevan 31 Mountain I Burgess It Gilbert C Jones A Stretch S Higgins C AVilkerson L Franklin FranklinTrainers Trainers 7ames Ilcaly IlcalyAuthorized Authorized Agents AV J It o nan for Foxhall P Kcene J Carroll for Xalapa Farm FarmThe The following applications for certificates as gen ¬ tleman riders were approved subject to the ap ¬ proval of the Hunts Committee CommitteeJohn John Tucker William Almy Jr Edward H Carle Arthur Lee AVarthen Jr Joseph Neff Ewlng Harry N Tucker Thomas Wright S H Cross AViilinm Oswald Berryman BerrymanIt It II R Tolnml of Philadelphia vras elected a member of the association