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Another Big Latonia Long Shot Special Today TodayHero Hero is one that could not have been placed in a softer spot than this one is as this horse has outworked every horse in this race and can win this race walking all tho way By no means miss this one today as I know it is as good as WON WONMailed Mailed over night in plain sealed envelope Mailed 4 a week Received first mail in morning morningJACK JACK FIELD 505 South Dearborn Street Chicago Illinois ATTENTION CINCINNATI AND ANDCOVINGTON COVINGTON PEOPLE PEOPLEBeware Beware of imitators Some FAKERS claim they have JACK FIELDS SPECIAL hut they arc wrong You can Rot tho ORIGINAL in CINCINNATI and in COVINGTON at tho following two stands CINCINNATI O Bob Bishorn Fountain News NewsCo Co 5th and Walnut Sts COVINGTON Ky Robert Qorlon Pharmacy S SW W corner 4th and Scott ts tsLOUISVILLE LOUISVILLE Ky Eiler Goodrihi 227 S M Si ST LOUIS Mo Wm Laser 705 Market St Lobby CHIEF OBSERVER 25 West Fortysocond Street New York City CityTODAYS TODAYS FREE CODES CODESBlue Blue Bonnets Florida24614 Florida24614Latouia Latouia Vermont201025 Vermont201025Belnwmt Belnwmt FloridalG1025