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SRCONB RACE 18 Mile ilyearolils Maidens Killlcs Claiming ClaimingJune June aa 11O X 2 1OJ BIRDIE G b f 2 M 108 108Trainer By Vandergrift Gretchen R by Bryn Mawr Trainer J S Evnrman Owner J Greenberg 54811 Latonia 4 f rShvy 7 115 1 1 2J Z W Morsey 7 RcdLeaf SantaClari Inqiiisit 54729 Latonia 41 f rGmud 20 113 4 454GS2 3 2l 2i J Francis 9 llulen Rogers Starella AttiiGj 54GS2 Latonia 4J f 54fast 83 113 5 3 3S 3 = 1 J Francis 9 LltPolIy BrlghtUaf Starelli StarelliG 54412 Churchl 41 t 55mud 39 112 G GALVERIDA G 5 5 J Francis 7 Aloft LadyMotlier BobbedBn BobbedBnBy ALVERIDA b f 2 M 105 By Wrack Lancashire Lass by Kingston Trainer W Perkins Owner W Perkins Perkins547GO 547GO Latonia 41 t 56mud 8 109 1 1 21 2 W Morsey 7 MCstwood DSinker Article 4484 Churchl 41 f 54good 51 107 2 2 2i 3 = 1 15 Pool 9 BrTrash Kantlel MLssCrtwcrf 54344 Churchl 41 f 54fast 3910 107 2 2 3 E Pool 10 GGurton LKoihester EdnuSt 54285 Churchl 41 f 54 f as t 2310 115 2 G 2i 451 II King C Tony Sue Orma Dale Marim 54249 Churchl 41 f 53 fast 10 110 2 54 = 42 N Barrett 12 Omtent LadvAstor BhtTrj 5378 Laxton 12 49hvy 2310 112 2 2 22 2 II Kini 12 JBowdre LIlVuMaeB Querlu QuerluDORIS DORIS BrushTrainer b f 2 M 10 By Boots and Saddle Evelyn Doris by Ben Brush Trainer R N Vestal Owner G L Blaekford 54223 Churchl 41 f 54V3fast 23 110 5 C 4 4s J Smallwa G NatyNisba CdAmr B andC BRIGHT LEAF ch f 2 M By Bulse Triad by Star Shoot Trainer W Buford Owner Hal Price Head ley 34729 Latonia 41 t 5Gmud 5 115 2 2I4G82 1 42 59J H King 9 Helen Rogers BirdieG Starella I4G82 Latonia 41 f 54fast 10 11G 3 3344SO 2 2 21 H King 9 Little Polly Birdie G Starella 344SO Churchl 41 f 55slow 14 112 1 1 I1 441 II King 5 Lady Astor Bril Star Atta Ual 54412 Churchl 41 f 55mud 16 112 4 2 21 4 W W Tlor 7 Aloft LadyMother BobbedUalr 54064 Churchl 12 4Gfnst 43 114 C C53SS9 11 H2 II13 II Lunsfd 13 Fair Phantom M Fallen Alof 53SS9 Lexton 12 47good 21f 114 9 10 10 10 H Lunsfd 10 Startle Fair Phantom Aloft 12 47fast 8 109 1 2 31 3 1 N Barrett 12 Startle FairPhantom TonySur STARELLA HamburgTrainer ch f 2 M H4 By Star Shoot Pamela by Hamburg Trainer J F Schorr Owner E B McLean 54729 Latonia 41 f fGmud 5 115 G 2 31 35 J Butwell 9 IlelenRogers BirdieG Att Att54C82 54C82 Latonia 41 f 54ffast 2310 115 G 6 5l 4 J Butwell 9 LitPolly BrightLeaf BirdieG 54091 Pimlico 41 f 55fast 31 115 3 22 21 3 J Butwell C Caretaker Al CommanderColln CommanderCollnTULALIP TULALIP BathamptonTrainer ch f 2 M 109 By Ballot Enterprise by Bathampton Trainer S Chonault Owner T C McDowell 54814 Latonia 4i f 59 hvy 6 Itt i 3 41 3 J Howard G Noontime EqIRlshts BrTrash BrTrashFORESTALL FORESTALL b f 2 M 107 By Uncle Continental by Yankee YankeeTrainer Trainer R Goose Owner R Goose Goose54S14 54S14 Latonia 41 f 59 hvy 16 109 1 1 55 C8 H J Burke 0 Ncontimo EqnnlRights Tulalip 53967 Lexton 12 49fast 41 11G 3 9 81 S ° H J Burke 10 Omnipotent Megan W CauTell 53876 Lexton 12 49hvy 13 109 3 3 51 S2 II J Burke 9 Lina Clark Cauiizel Nig NigFIELD FIELD LARK b f 2 M 100 By Short Grass Superl by The Commoner CommonerTrainer Trainer K Spence Owner W V Thraves 54412 Churchl 4i f 53mud 11 112 5 55428S G 6s C1 II Lunsfd 7 Aloft LadyMother Bobbedllair 5428S Churchl 41 f 53fast 54 115 2 2 2s 2 J D Mney 0 Whirl FieldLark PtifulDream 54199 Churchl 41 f 53 fast 18 113 G G5S9G5 7 7s 79 II Lunsfd S Mom BeGood Chewink 5S9G5 Lexton 41 f 55fast 15 109 5 553S52 5 41 4 T Murray 5 BritTrash LLoraine CBaker 53S52 Lexton 12 4Dmud ISf 113110 10 10 10 II Lunsfd 10 CdAmour LUoeliter Bern K 53787 Lexton 12 48slow 15t 106 5 5NIG 12 lOHO H Scobie 12 I ordAllen Gentility PepperTea NIG blk f 2 M 109 By Black Toney Costume by Domino Trainer J H Baker Owner J H Baker 547M Latonia 4S f 56mud 20 109 2 4 42 C8 N Barrett 7 MCrstwood Alverida DSiukor 54484 Churchl 41 f 54good 17 103 7 7 51 5 J Francis 9 Bright Trash Kandel Alverida 54344 Churchl 41 f 51fast 17 101 S 7 71 51 J Francis 10 OGurton LRoehester Alverida 54249 Churchl 41 f 53 fast 14 105 10 10541G1 9 71 7 G Fields 12 Omtent LadyAstor BhtTrash 541G1 Churchl 12 50hvy 245 115 3 3539G7 2 22 22 W W Tlor 7 MCrestwood CBaker TCI idy 539G7 Lexton 12 49fast 51 115 10 10 10 10 10IS M Garnnr 10 Omnipotent Megan W WCauTell CauTell 53876 Lexton 12 49hvy 61 111 4 4 42 3 ° W W Tlor 9 LClark Cannzel AlumedaGirl AlumedaGirlFEDORA FEDORA br f 2 M 109 j By Sain Embellish by Alvescot AlvescotTrainer Trainer P Coyne Owner G J Long 34814 Latonia 41 f 59 hvy 14 112 G G G 5 H Lunsfd G Noontime EqualRights Tulalip TulalipTHE THE COLONELS LADY ch f 111 By Star Shoot Elmaha by Ogden 2 M Trainer A Aubochon Owner A Aubochon 54232 Churchl 41 f 54fast 11 115 8 G 7J ft i H LunsfM 11 Boiius Bo Good Atta Gal 54161 Churchl 12 50hvy 11 115 2 3 41 4 G Walls 7 MissCrcstwood Nig CarrieBaker First start for the following followingETHEL ETHEL VALE b f 2 M 107 By Watervale Ethelfleda by The Commoner CommonerTrainer Trainer E P OMeara Owrcr OMeara Bros BrosWAYWARD WAYWARD LADY b f 2 M 111 By Black Toney Wayward Lass by Sir Dixon DixonTrainer Trainer J C Milam Owner J C Milam