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LATONIA FORM CHART LATONIA KY THURSDAY JUNE 16 1221 Latouia 1 mile Eleventh day Latonia Jockey Club Spring Meeting of 31 days Weather clear temperature 82 ° Stewards Chas F Price S C Nuckols Jr Andrew G Leonard and C W Hay Placing Judges William H Shelley N II McClelland and Edward Jasper Starter A B Dade Racin Secretary William II Shelley Racing starts at 200 p m Chicago time 200 p m Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 34 Mile June 7 1921 110 6 110 Purse 1300 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 1000 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt AWtPPStJ4 Vj Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 54709GROUNDSWL wit 5 112 2 2 Gentry4J 1i I1 li in T Murray L Gentry 410100 53115SIROCCO wn G 117 5 4 4J 42 3 2l A Pickens G L Fitzgerald 1283100 54547 = HONOU MAN wan 5 113 7 3 2 2U2J 33 E Pool G F Baker 123100 M891sEtiANCHE MAG w 3 10 4 10 8 = s 4J 41 j Roberts CUanaier Stable 54445 CLEM THEISEN WB Z 104 8 5 SJ 3i ri CJ W Morney H C Prakcs 27S5100 54830 CUT UP w 3 102 3 1 10s 10 = 8l G1 F Smith R P Marshall t2070100 54304 RING ROSE w 3 10S 19 71 W 7 7 N Barrett Masterson Rogers 2095100 209510054C81DORIC 54C81DORIC w 3 105 G S G G V S J Francis G 1 Long 2225100 54547 RUNNAN w 1 110 11 6 ru 7i 9 0 E Scobie I Weil 55S5100 55S510054809PIIILVNDERER 54809PIIILVNDERER wan 3 37 9 7 S 910U102 E Josiah J C Calm 93ST100 53785 CREMONA w 3 10S110 12 12 12 111 II1 II Lunsfd Fair Acre Farm t 38741 CZARS DAUGIIR w 9 111 12 11 ll 11 12 12 H King Durham Erown t ttMutuel tMutuel field Time 23 40 111 Track fast 2 mutuels paid GroundSwell 1080 straiglit 500 place 200 show Sirocco 1120 place 530 show Honor Man 270 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds GroundSwell 440 to 100 straigl t 150 to 100 place 45 to 100 show Sirocco 4CO to 100 place 1C5 to 100 show Honor Man 35 to 100 sho Winner Ch in by Whisk Itroom II Rockwater by Lau cate or Clifford trained by L Gentry bred by Mr John Sanfoid SanfoidWent Went to post at 201 At post 4 minutes Start good and Klow Won driving second and third the game GROUNDSWELL was sent into the lead at once ai 1 setting a fast pace all the way gamely outstayed SIROCCO The latter moved up resolutely in the stretch and finished fast and gaining HONOR MAN ran a good race but tired after going liveeighths in closest pursuit if the winner 15LANCHE MAC came from a long way back in the last quarter CLEM TIIEISEN tired in the stretch DORIC and RUNNAN wen prominent in the early ruNiilng ruNiilngScratched Scratched 54fi813Col Taylor 110 511118 I K Son 105 54547 Green Grass 114 54918 W G Mc Cliutock 102 54924 Colonel Lit 112 48370 Kinglike 112 112Overweights Overweights Clem Thpison 2 pounds Ring Rose 2 Doric 3 Cremona 1 Czars Daughter 4 SECOND RACE 58 Kilo June 22 1910 59 2 109 Purse 1400 2yearolds Maidens Fillies Special Weights Net value to winner 1100 second 200 third 100 AWtlTSt Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 54841 BOBBED HAIR WB 115 10 1 GJ 2i I1 I2 L Lyke E R Bradley 270100 270100MARGARET MARGARET WINS Hw 115 9 3 I1 1 2i 2l O Willis D Lehan 12210100 54841 INQUISITION w 115 3 2 3 Si 3l 3J W Lllley J Allgyer 170100 170100PRECIOUS PRECIOUS LULA AV 115 11 G 4 41 41 4h F Smith A Baker 11250100 11250100I1YSTEKIA I1YSTEKIA AV 115 1C Gl Gt rJ G T Nolan Morris Walden 1720100 17201005IC82 5IC82 KATAKANA AV 115 89 71 7 GJ Gh T Murray K Spence t 54729 COLLEGE GIRL AV 115 2 1 2 5 7J 72 J Howard T C McDowell S15100 S1510054G82 54G82 CHARLINE AV 115 CIO 8i 81 S1 S1 E Donhue Nugent Eros 15C90100 15C90100G37833L1LL1AN G37833L1LL1AN MAE B w 115 7 7 10 92 9 9 E Pool G F Baker C15100 C15100EVENING EVENING STORIES AV 115 5 S 9ilO0 101010 ° H Lunsfd W L Young 23S5100 23S5100LADY LADY LOVELY w 115 4 11 11 11 11 11 N Barrett Treacy Walker 8850100 8850100tMutuel tMutuel field Time 24 48 100 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Bobbed Hair 740 straight 430 place 290 show Margaret Winsor field 1310 place 570 show Inquisition 290 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Bobbed Hair 270 to 100 straight 115 to 100 place 45 to 100 show Margaret Winsor field 555 to 100 place 185 to 100 show Inquisition 45 to 100 show showWinner Winner B f by Helmet Miss Ringlets by Handball trained by II J Thompson bred by Mr Edward It Bradley BradleyWent Went to post at 230 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow for all but LADY LOVELY Won easily second and third driving POBBED HAIR given a strong ride made up ground steadily and finishing fast overhauled MARGARET WINSOR in the last seventy yards to Avin easing upi MARGARET WINSOU showed fine speed in pacemakhig from the start but was tiring at the end INQUISITION began well and probably Avould have been second Avlth a stronger ride through the stretch PRECIOUS LILA ran a good race but tired in the last eighth COLLEGE GIRL Avas nvay well but was taken back on the first turn and tired in the stretch stretchScratched Scratched 54919 Starella 115 54919 Bright Leaf 115 542853MarImba 115 54548 Lady Mother 115 Wayward Lady 115 Chloris 115 THIRD RACE 1 14 Miles Juno 30 1920 202 3 121 Purse 1300 3year olds and upward Claiming Not valuo to winner 1100 second 200 third 100 AWtPPSt Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 54001NONSK1D wn 3 S9 7 1 I1 Il I1 I1 li E Anthny A Foley 3725100 3725100r4920 r4920 = nRlTlSII LINER w3 SO G 2 32 3i 32 2S 2 F Porretto T J Pendergast 370100 37010054758DOLPH 54758DOLPH AV 4 103 9 G 7 O Ci Z 3 G Fields Baxter Allen G25100 54891 PIT AVB S 111 5 7 101 10 7i G1 4J T Nolan J Phillips 485100 54451 = POILU AV51053 3 G1 4l 4l 5J fJ J Francis AVilliams Bros 1120100 112010054C87 54C87 MARY J BAKERwsB 3 92 2 4 21 2 23 4 Gi E Josiah G F Baker 210100 54920 TONEY LADY w 4 103 4 8 0s 91 Gl 71 71 W Morsey Stevens Daily 1820100 18201005475G 5475G ROMPER AV 3 89 11 9 4 C2 S3 S5 8 ° E Scobie R G Denny 19SO100 19SO100G39G6 G39G6 TOKAY WB 9 10S 1 5 S3 W 92 9J 91 F Paul F Cropper 13410100 54730 DULCE TOKALON AV G 103 8 11 11 11 11 10 10 F Smith J W Fuller t t54C83 54C83 DONATELLO AVB 4 IDS 10 10 Gi S 10 11 11 N Barrett J T Ireland 2250100 2250100tMntuel tMntuel field Timo 23 47 112 140 2OG 5 Track fast 2 mutnols paid Nonskid 7050 straight 2980 place 1320 show British Liner 540 place 440 show Dolph 530 show showEquivalent Equivalent looking odds Nonskid 3725 to 100 straight 1390 to 100 place 5CO to 100 show British Liner 170 to 100 place 120 to 100 show Dolph 1C5 to 100 show showWinner Winner Br g by Flotsam III Lady Wvkeman by Chalcreux trained by T Irwin bred by Mr John T Gilbert GilbertWent Went to post at 311 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same NONSKID favored by his light weight raced into the lead at once and setting a good pace disposed of MARY JANE BAKER in the first mile and held BRITISH LINER safe in the stretch drive BRITISH LINER came fast in the stretch after losing ground by coining wide on the last turn DOLlII began slowly but saved ground on the stretch turn and finished Avitli a rush PIT closed a gap as usual MARY JANE BAKER Avas done after going the first mile mileScratched Scratched 54920 Captain Tom 10S 54083 Isola 98 51093 Frank E 94 94Overweights Overweights Poilii 2 pounds Romper 5 FOURTH RACE 34 Mile June 7 1921 110 G 110 Eden Park Purse Purse SI 800 4yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 1350 second 300 third 150 AWtPPSt A vi Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 54922 ST AUGUSTINE AV S 1041 G 1 I1 1 1 I1 J Howard T C McDowell 220100 54712 RAPID DAY WB r 105 1C 4t 31 31 21 J Francis II McGarvey 430100 430100548393JACK 548393JACK HARE JR AV G 109 4 4 2i 2J 3l E Pool T M Botts 125100 125100r r 48133MLLE DAZIE AV 4 104 33 31 43 4B 4s E Scobie K Spence 52837 CINDERELLA AV 4 107 2 G G G G 5i F Paiil J H Baker 1445100 1445100G4711 G4711 TRAVESTY AV 4 103 G 2 Dt G1 C G F Smith H H Hewitt 8570100 8570100Time Time 23 40 111 Track fast 2 mutnels paid St Augustine 040 Htraight 440 place 240 shoAv Rapid Day 430 place 240 show Jack Hare Jr 220 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds St Augustine 220 to 100 straight 100 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Rapid Day 115 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Jack Hare Jr 10 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by The Manager Caution by Planudes trained by S Chenault bred by Mr Thomas C McDowell McDowellWent Went to post at 345 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving ST AUGUSTINE showing better than his oldtime good form raced into the lead at once and setting a good pace held sway throughout and Avon by a safe margin RAPID DAY saved much ground when coming into the stretch and made a fast and game finish JACK HARE JR raced prominently to the stretch Avhere he began tiring and showed decided lameness after the race MLLE DAZIE was squeezed back Just before reaching the stretch and had to come wide The others Avere always outrun outrunOverweights Overweights St Augustine 1 pounds Rapid Day 2 FIFTH RACE 1 116 Miles Oct 7 1910 143 3 122 Rookwood Handicap Purso 1800 3yearolds Net value to Avinncr 1350 second 300 third 150 Index Horses AWtPPSt A Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 53785 BIT OF WHITE AV 114 4 2 I2 I2 IJ I3 Ink L Lyke E R Bradley 14010C 54895 FIREBRAND wn 96 1 4 2it 22 2 2s 2s E Josiah McBrayer Mooro 1275lOfl 54713 = PLANET AVB 110 5 1 4U 4 ° 4 43 3s E Pool Nugent Bros 205100 54813 = BETT1NA Avn 10S1 2 5 3l 32 33 31 42 W Heinch J N Camdcn 470100 54713 McGOODWIN AVSU 104 3 3 5 5 5 G 5 W Morsey J Hachmeister ISSOIW 11 Time 23 47 111 138 144 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Bit of White 180 straight 400 place 270 show Firebrand 1010 place 410 show Planet 230 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Hit of White 140 to 100 straiglit 100 to 100 place 35 to 100 show Firebrand 405 to 100 place 105 to 100 show Planet 15 to 100 show showWinner Winner B f by Sunstar Dreamy II by Persimmon trained by H J Thompson tred in Eng ¬ land by Mr John B Joel JoelWent Went to post at 415 At post 1 nInute Start good and slow Won pulled np second and third driving BIT OF WHITE showed high speed from the start and setting a great pace was eased up in tiie last sixteenth and could ha TO won off FIREBRAND raced In nearest pursuit from the start said made a resolute finish PLANET was far back in the early racing but outstayed BETT1NA in the last eighth BETTINA showed speed but tired badly McGOODWIN was done after going a half mile mileOverweights Overweights Bettina 1 pounds McGoodwin 1 SIXTH RACE 58 Mile June 22 1910 59 2 109 Purse 1500 2yearolds Claiming Net valuo to winner 1150 second 225 third 125 AWtPPSt 4 Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 5489GBERNICE K w 107 3 3 41 3 2i I1 T Nolan J C Milam 1025100 102510054841UED 54841UED LEAF WB 113 5 4 Ill2 1 2n T Murray Hal Price Ileadley 440100 4401005489G 5489G WM OLT T AVB IOC 7 7 G G3 3 3nk E Pool G F Baker 475100 4751005189G 5189G BRASS TACKS AV 112 12 C2 Gl 4 4h L Lyke E R Bradley 440100 440100r48142EQUAL r48142EQUAL RIGHTS AV 97 4 G 31 4h 51 r E Josiah E B McLean 350100 35010054837COUORED 54837COUORED BOY AVB 109 8 5 22 2l 6 i G2 E Scobie W V Thraves 705100 7051005489G3DORIUS 5489G3DORIUS AV 109 2 1 7J 71 71 71 II Lunsfd G J Long 1895100 1895100G489GRANDEL G489GRANDEL AV 101 G S S 8 8 S J Francis Mueller Brooks 3315100 3315100Time Time 23 47 100 Track fast 2 mntuels paid Bernice K 2250 straight 900 place 000 show Red Leaf 030 place 510 show Win Oldt 490 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Beriiice K 1025 to 100 straiglit 3SO to 100 place 200 to 100 show Red Leaf 215 to 100 place 155 to 100 show Win Oldt 115 to KM show showWinner Winner Ch f by Golden Maxim Eva K by The Friar trained by J C Milam bred by Mr Thomas M Murphy MurphyWent Went to post at 451 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing IIEUNKE K came on steadily after dropping back In the first quarter and finishing with a rush outstayed RED LEAF and won going away The latter raced Into the lead at once and setting a fast pace made a game finish WM OLPT saved much ground on the last turn and was going fast at the finish BRASS TACKS Avas pinched off in the first eighth and had to race Avide but finished fast EQUAL RIGHTS Avas coming swiftly at the end endScratched Scratched 54710 Ruggles 101 549inArtIcic X 101 SEVENTH RACE 1 18 Miles June 20 1914 150 3 105 Purso 1400 4year olds and upward Claiming Net valuo to winner 1100 second 200 third 100 100AWtPPSt Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Etmiv Odds Strt MflSJ PARIS MAID AV 5 104 2 2 G10 4h 1 J 1 E Pool S K Nichols NicholsWB 54711 LOTHAIH WB G 111 5 4 3 J 3h 31 2U 2 L Lyke T P Hayes r 4897SKA PRINCE WB 4 107 1 C G G G 51 3l J Francis II E Swan 54 87 = WICKKORD AV 5 110 4 3 1 1 H 32 42 E Josiah Baxter Veitch 54730ALEX JR wsit 4 108 3 1 2i 21 2i 42 G2 F Smith A W Jackson 54383 CHEEK LEADER AV G 108 G 5 41 5s 4 G G N Barrett Masterson Rogers 3G5100 Timo 3G5100Timo 24 48 113 139 151 Track fast 2 mutiiels paid Paris Maid fO straight 350 place 200 show Lothair 370 place 300 show Sea Prince 120 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Paris Maid 225 to 100 straiglit 75 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Lothair 85 to 100 place 50 to 100 show Sea Prince 110 to 100 show showWinner Winner B m by Transvaal Maid Militant by Rainbow trained by A Baker bred by Mr S K Nichols NicholsWent Went to post at 522 At jKist 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing PARIS MAID AV11 ridden moved up vilh a rush after going a half mile and lucky to get through in the stivUh turn raced into a good lead to win easing np LOTHAIll showing quickly im ¬ proved form raerd firwardly from the start and held on well to the end SEA PRINCE closed an im ¬ mense gap in the last quarlir WICKKOKD tired ALEX JR quit quitOverweight Overweight Paris Maid 1 pound Lothair 3