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THIRD RACE 34 Mile Deconrcey Purse 3yearolds anrt upward upwardAllowance Allowance June 7 1921 11O 45 G 11O A N AKIN b g 9 105 105Trainer By Algol Tremar by Tronoat Trainer C Trotter Owner E Trotter Trotter546S1 546S1 Latonia 34 l12fast 1910 112 1 3 3615JU 3 11 I1 H Lunsfd 8 Royal Dick Col Taylor Doric 615JU Jefferson 31 l14hvy 21 108 1 5 4 31 2s H Lunsfd G BulletProof Youneed GenUuig 51336 Churchl 34 l13fast 65 115 2 3 2 I I1 H Lunsfd 9 PortLigbt ApJackIL GipsyQn 61280 Churchl 78 l28mud 4110 106 1 1 1 1 2i 51 J Roberts 8 Beavcrkill Dr Carmen Rifle 51072 Latonia 34 l12fast 2 111 5 7 5 4 1 H Lunsfd 9 SamReli SweetLdberty Legotal 50885 Latonia 34 l12fast 115 113 2 6 5 6l 32 M Garner 12 ApJackIL Rifle ColumbiaTenn 19306 Sartoga 34 lllfast 10 110 1 4 4 2 1 M Garner 8 Arnold F the Great Dlff Eyes EyesBy BY GOLLY b c 4 111 111Trainer By Helmet Acutissima by Forfarshire Trainer M Shields Owner M Shields 55117 Latonia 34 lllfast 11 107 1 2 2 21 3 J Roberts 8 Bullion JkHareJr BlancheMac 55079 Latonia 1 116 l45fast G 108 4 1 1 1 31 5 J Roberts 7 Pastoureau Mint Cat Inquiry 54415 Churchl 78 l26mud 175 114 2 3 2 3 4 4 J Roberts 9 Dodge Furbelow Clintonville 54236 Churchl 34 lllfast 27 107 5 5 5 81 8 J Roberts 10 Courtship Rangoon Flags 51395 Churchl 34 113 fast 1310 103 3 1 1 1s 1 J Roberts 5 CdeBrown 31eliora SpringVale 61056 Latonia 1 l38fast 85 113 4 1 1 1 11 2 L Lyke 5 Pastoureau HarryB VAmerica 50791 Latonia 1 l39fast 45 102 3 1 1 1 1 Ink B KenndylO Trooper VivaAmerica FrankW 60586 Latonia 34 lllfast 24 100 4 3 3J7251 3 31 3 S Wida 7 HighCost MarjHynes MatIdol J7251 Churchl 1 116 l45fast 10 110 12 10 7 6 64 7 J L Lyke 18 Boniface Ginger King Gorin GorinBy GREEN GRASS br g 6 105 By Hurst Park Marsara by Tournament Trainer B J Brannon Owner B 3 Brannon 55168 Latonia 34 112 l12fast 12 113 3 34 31 2 W Lilley 11 3Ieliora Cozette Saddle Ring 55093 Latonia 34 114 l14slow 3 112 4 11 Ink 21 W Lilley 12 Dr Carmen Lancelot 3Ielvin 54547 Churchl 34 1125 l12fast 7 114 C 5 5 51 51 W Lilley 12 Youneed HonMan BritishMaid 54247 Churchl 34 112 l12fast 13 110 10 10 10 10 1011 J D Mneyll DrCmen AJackll Sergt York 54198 Churchl 34 112 l12fast 18f 112 9 11 9 9 9 D Connllyl2 HidnJewel GGold CliiitonTle 53934 Lexton 34 lI lI53SSS l14hvy 11 106 2 4 4 4 4 T Jarvis 8 MarvinMay JackHareJr Napoo 53SSS Lexton 31 113 11352S37 l13good 7 112 4 44 42 41 D Connlly 6 HidJewel Midway SewCoiubs 52S37 FGnds 1 138 l38fast 20 103 3 3 3 4 7 10 ° F Wdstckl2 LuckyB Yung Ching St Allan 52723 FGnds 34 Trooperb 115 115COL hvy 15 108 3 66 6s 3 L McDott 8 Flibbertygibbet Herald Trooper COL TAYLOR b e 5 103 By Plaudit Looking Glass by Clear the Way Trainer C C Van Meter Owner Harned Bros 55197 Latonia 34 l12fast 75 115 1 1 1 1 3 M Garner 12 Orlova Twin Blue G Autumn 55073 Latonia 34 l12fast 215 112 1 1 2 31 79i J Roberts 10 Guvnor Cozette JanePnybaker 54681 Latonia 34 l12fast 175 112 2 1 1 21 35 J Kederis S ANAkin RoyalDick Doric 54287 Churchl 34 lllfast 8 109 2 2 2 7s 7 31 Garner 9 BluePdlse MarMay DrCmen 5140S Churchl 34 114 fast 9 115 1 2 2 6 681 C Buel 6 Louis A Dr Carmen Panaman 51382 Churchl 34 113 good 8 9S 3 1 1 22 24 C Buel 5 Angon Sterling Minute Man 5130S Churchl 34 l12fast 1310 108 3 1 1 21 32 E Pool 9 Rapid Day Troilus Louis A 512S2 Churcnl 34 l13mud 7 99 3 1 1 ink 24 C Buel 6 JHareJr TlieBoy ClaudeBrown 51076 Latonia 34 lllfast 16 104 4 3 2 6 6 B Kenndy 6 Angon TlpWitchet AttaBoyll AttaBoyllBy BUNGA BUCK ch c S By Vulcain Mary Orr by Orimar Trainer J H Deavenport Owner M Dattner 54551 Ciiurchl 1 14 203fast 21 101 4 4 4 4 5J 5 F Bryson 6 BlackServant Rangoon Planet 540C6 Churchl 34 lllfast 69 96 8 799 9 T Jarvis 9 IlCloud PWeldel ColTeuu 52835 FGnds 1 l39fast 8 99 5 3 2 2 1 ID S McGraw 9 Fantoche Botheration Mas Jack 62785 FGnds 34 l13fast 12 1081 2 3 3 41 3J L Morris S Muskuge Bothation Mythogy 52602 FGnds 34 113 fast 3 107 7 8 7 82 7TJ T Jarvis 9 MasterJack Runzaf WhlteStar 62539 FGnds 34 l13fast 20 106 4 4 4 3 21 T Jarvis 8 UnVerde Rancocas TstOfficl TstOfficlBERMONT BERMONT b c 3 M 95 By Light Brigade Five Aces by Disguise Trainer DisguiseTrainer 3 C Milam Owner Montfort Jones 1295 Churchl 34 l14slow 9 112 o 36 61 5 i M Garner 11 Jlerrimac BygoneDays Tribune 50169 Jamaica 51 f l07fast 8 115 1 3 3 3 4 F Weiner 8 Conine Rep Ivernlun 50317 Aqduct 34 69 fast 20 108 5 5 5l 6 L McAtee 10 TheBoliemlan Frigate Quecreek 60110 Belmont 34 at l13Vifaut 7 112 4 6 6 6 i C Hummer 8 Mulcibur Coniue Scotland Yet JUDGE FiligraneTrainer PRYOR br c 3 M 104 Vulcain Frances M by Filigrane Trainer A Baker Owner S K Nichols 64247 Church I 34 l12fast 12 10G 1 3 3 4 o4 M Garner 11 DrCinen AJaekll SergtYork 64162 Churchl 34 l16Vhvy S 107 9 5 5 4 51 E Iool 9 Planet Scrgt York British Maid 48245 Latonia 58 l015good 21 110 C 97 85 Si D ConnllyM Centimeter PaganPan TheAllj TheAllj4S155 4S155 Latonla ES l00fast 4 115 3 1111 2J O Connllyl2 SirLawnfal SirThosKeanFired 47981 Latonia E8 l00fast 95 11G 4 33 3 2 D ConnllylJ Monsoon By Ginger Scot Chief 41406 Churchl 45 f SSVfcslow 135 115 2 10 12 12 D Connllyl2 Red Legs Napoo By Ginger 47248 Churchl 4i f 54fast 18 115 3 4 81 8 D Connlly12 NElkhorn CourtView Reprisal ReprisalVELLA VELLA K br f 4 M 90 By Buckhorn Evergreen by Ornament Trainer J S Everman Owner R L Hubble 55115 Latonia 34 l12fast 215 100 9 99 93 91 G FiIds 10 MabelU GrSvell Cliiitonville Cliiitonville54S91 54S91 Latonia 34 l12fast 114 109 9 12 12 12 12 N Barrett 12 Gl France BlancheMac JnliaN JnliaNS117S S117S Latonia 1 l42mud GG 104 C G 4 4 4 43 L Canfield 9 Inquiry Friz Tulsa 1112 Latonia 34 l13Vfast 9f 106 7 G S C1 6s L Canfield 12 Discusn Pullux BofEIizabethn 50360 Latonia 1 l3S fast 72 300 5 5 5 4 413 L Canfielil 1 RelgQueen VAmerica GCurci BOG38 Latonla 34 l14fast 14f 109 7 5 7 71 73 L Canfleldl2 DonnaRoma DoctorTira Simonite 60349 Lex ton 34 l12fast 97 9S 5 5 6 G3 7ir L Canfield 7 VAmerica CBlosni ArrowPt 60297 Lex ton 34 113 fast 34 981 5 6 6 6 512 L Canfield r Tnrico BParadise LyFairPlay LyFairPlayBy DONA LORIOTTE b f 3 By Cicero Loriotto by Lochryan Trainer J M Goode Owner J M Goode 63150 Latonia 1 11G l4T fast 17 100 2 2 3 4 6l O4 G Fields 10 IIKColoman MakeUp BWheel 54732 Latonla 14 l15mud 1C 10G 2 2 21 23 N Barrett 8 Advocate SerjrYork Kill Wheel 51312 Churchl 7S lJ5fast 100 106 3 3 4 4 4 BIdle Hr LndyCliamp Bettina 51157 Latonia 3 G 71 71U C VanDun 9 Pongee Julia N Dimples B0939 Latonia 34 l13fast 125112 1 1 2 2s Ink C VanDunll GQiiince L Wynne MFontaine MFontaine60SS7 60SS7 Latonia 34 l12fast 66 1061 5 G 5 53 58 C VanDun 0 GossipArc AphicDear LKate 60351 Lexton 6i I l07fast SS 105J10 8 8 7i 7 C VanDunlO Bottina Coyne Ken Valet Valet4STSO 4STSO Ljitonia 5J f lll = hvy 3310 112 1 18 8 S30 II Ericksn S PepPully GAutumn MMcKay MMcKayBLACK BLACK HACKLE blk c 4 M 105 By Star Shoot Shelby Belle by Knight Errant ErrantTrainer Trainer J C Milam Owner Montfort Jones 55198 Latonia 1 11G l49hvy 39 113 430 9 111511 T Murray 12 Firebrand lUchoMac WilTrec WilTrec5514S 5514S Latonia 34 l13fast 95 113 1 31 1J 21 T Murray 12 MBodine GrKing MarjMcKay 54711 Latonia 1 11G l43fast 70 107 7247 t 715 T Murray 10 Tonett Make ftp CottonBlossom 64445 Churchl 34 l15mud 9 115 2 9 10 7l G7J H Lunsfd 14 Min tAir Hplirey CTheisen CTheisenEI2SG EI2SG Churchl 1 l36fast 40 107 3 3 4 5 4s 4J1 H Lunsffl i LouisA ILCoinmand BtidKean BtidKeanG4247 G4247 Churchl 34 lI2fast 79 110 11 8 8 8l 8i T Murray 11 DrCmen AJackll SergtYork SergtYorkB3S88 B3S88 Lexton 34 l13Vgood 15 109 5 55 61 6 M Garner fl HidJewel Midway SewCombs 49337 Sartoga 34 115 hvy 40 115 11 14 14 10J 9 L McAtee 15 Poflndia I Dancer TheNephew 49202 Saratoga 1 l40ifast 15 115 1 4 3 G G G L McAtee G Fmgdle Besumarais NYorke NYorkeRTNZAF RTNZAF br c 3 101 By Runnymede Zafra by Solitaire II IITrainer Trainer J W Forman Owner J W Fonnan 55171 Latonia 34 lO2V fast SCO 112 S 68 93 911 W Lilley 10 Belicveldlellour Bwick Flacy 55096 Latonia 34113 slow 58 111 C 566 63 F Smith 6 Clio Clio Fallacy BalanceWueel 64103 Churchl 78 l25fast 42 110 9 10 9 9 9 918 N Barrett 10 Djceling BValet Castlercacb CastlercacbE2S35 E2S35 FGnds 1 l39fast 20 111 2 2 4 4 4J 7 N Barrett BunCuck Fantochc Bothatlou 52785 FGnda 34 l13fast 10 113 6 44 6J G 2 N Barrett 8 Musknge Kothation KungaBk 52724 FGnds 5 5H f l09 l09hvy hvy 920109 3 4 3 2i 1 N Barrett 8 Johns Umma Keg Pardon Has 62602 FGnds 34 113 fast 3J 107 4 2 1 21 21 N Barrett 9 MasTack WStar TrstOfficial 52497 FGnds 34 l13fast 12 114 6 64S27 56 62 4 N Barrett Twopalr Joaquina Alcatrnz Alcatrnz4S27 4S27 Latonia Bi f l06 l06ifast fast S6 6 115 5 6First 4 6 71 6J L Mink 8 B Servant Last Rose Monsoon First start for the following followingWAR WAR PENNY ch c 3 M 95 By Pentecost Caltha by Ute Trainer E Durham Owner Greeson Easton STORM BAY ch f 3 M 107 By Stornoway Mill Bay by Red Heart HeartOwner Owner W Carter