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THIRD RACE j4 3Ille iiyearolds and upward Claiming Foaled in Canada June If 1111 111 G 113 113FLYING FLYING FORD ch c 3 102 By Oiseau Giffords by Chuctanunda ChuctanundaTrainer Trainer F Schelke Owner D K L Ross 5 242 Hamtn Im70y l46fast rl 110 2 1 3 S 9 91 A Ciaver 10 Dellalim ChSponsor Salvatelle 50793 Kwrth 34 l14fast 75 120 4 43C5G1 11 I1 2 J Grune 7 Reconance Gallipot Greytirne Greytirne3C5G1 3C5G1 Wdbine 5i f 110 slow 45 118 1 1111 51 H Myers 8 ThornyWay ReconVance Fuse 50492 Wdbine 34 115 fast 75 120 G 88 Gl 59 J Grune S Herendesy Ajora Greybourne 50176 BBonts 5J f l10hvy 8 10S 1 21 l t 21 E Haywrdl2 Ajom Ilerendesy Mad May 49452 FtErie 5J f lCGfast 2710 108 1 1 1 13 21 T Nolan 8 AlbertaS LochLeven LGranite 49379 Ft FtErie Erie 58 102 fast 12 108 1 11 1114 I4 1 15 5 A Ciaver C FrBritain Broadview AuntLiu 43272 Hamtn 5S 101 fast G 114 4 44S6S8 1 1 1 I1 T Nolan 0 Broadview Flea Aunt Lin 4S6S8 Ft Erie 5S l03fast 1710 111 1 11S561 1 1 li 21 A Ciaver 9 Roseate Charlotte C Get Em 1S561 FtErie 5S 101 fast 17 110 2 21S4S4 1 1 Ink ih A Ciaver 0 WFlower Herendesy OSponsor 1S4S4 FtErie 5S 105 hvy 23 107 2 2GALLIPOT 1 2 3J 45 T Nolan 7 Frivol Napoo Get Em GALLIPOT h f 3 95 By Galatine Royal China by Worcester Trainer W H Bringloe Owner Seagram Stable 55209 Hamton 5J f lOSfast 10 93 3 2 2 2l Sat c Lang 12 Hereafter Get Em Winchester 50793 Kwrth 34 l14fast 4 112 3 3 2 2l 3i G Walls 7 Reconsance FlyFord Greymu 50712 Kwrth 6J f I OSfast 16f 90 3 1 1 li ln E Harbne 11 Loch Leven Romper Undine 50591 Wdbine 5J f 110 hvy 12 102 4 4E0510 223 = 64i J Grune 12 Johns ITmmn BillyLane Undine E0510 Wdbine C4 l15fast 19f 106 1 1 1 IJ I1 T Nolan 12 Fuse Tharon Hot Spark 17714 Dorval 4i f 56fast 3 111 6 6OAKLING 6 6 5 5to J Wallace 5 Flying Ford Mad May Itesait OAKLING br g 3 100 By Hearts of Oak lady Betz by Hanover Trainer H Giddincs Jr Owner H Giddings 532CG Hamton 1 11G l4fast 22 1 2U 23 K Parrton 7 Yowell Crown of Gold Statim 55032 Connht 1 l42fast 6 105 1 1 1 1 1 ° 2 K Parrton 7 Bengali CrownofGold Antiphon 54S44 BBonts 34 l16slop 3 109 2 3 3 4 2h 1C Parrton 7 Nomis Flea War Fox 54763 BBonts 51 f lOSfast 215 93 3 2 2 2 ° k IJ 1C Parrtonll Blarney Boy Flea Mouette 50165 BBonta 58 103 fast 1710 107 1 1 2 2l 3i R Romelll 0 Eva Song Blary Boy Foxhaven 50009 BBonts 58 l04mud S 100 5 4 3 2i 3 R Romellill Dora Wraith Rosa Atkin 49914 Con ght 51 f 111 slow 3J 109 4 44D751 444 455 R Romelli C Resarf Blarney Boy Aunt Lin 4D751 Conght 51 f 110 slow 12 104 8 4 5 5ll 610 R Romelli 8 Sudor LittleDear MarjMignon 19379 Ft Erie 58102 fast C7 106 3 3 3 31 5 R Romelli G FlyFord FrBritain Broadview S9203 Hamtn 58 102 fast 17 103 2 11 11 11s II1 R Romell12 Wckester Bertha S JsUmma MOUETTE ch f 4 D 00 By Oiseau Sans Coeur by Golden Garter Garteryner Trainer A Bulcroft Owner yner D Raymond 55120 ConnM 34 115 fast 19 110 6 52 3 2 = F Merimee 7 MCrown JcssicaF Shoreacres 53032 Connht 1 l42fast 11 103 5 4 5 6 7 7 H Thurber 7 Bengali CrownofGold Oakling 54899 BBonts 7S l3pslow 8 103 3 2 2 2 3 31 G Bulcroft 7 War Fox Flea Allsmoke 54763 BBon ts 5i f lOSfast 14 106 G 6 6 7i 42 G Bulcroftll Oakling Blarney Boy Flea 50137 Dorval 1116150 fast 12 101 1 1 2 4 4J 41 H Hanmer G Red Post All Amiss GalleyHead 0395 Dorval 34 116 fast 235 107 2 3 2 21 2n H Hanmer 8 LadyBetty RPost Hemisphere 50326 Dorval 34 l16fast 4110 107 1 22 I1 I1 H Hanmer 7 BlarneyBoy AuntLin AllAmiss 50292 Dorval 34 l16slow 7 100 2 3 2 41 772 H Stearns 10 HighLad Assumpn Mankinll 50231 Dorval 34 l21hvy 10 104 3 2 3 21 3 J J Grune 7 Mormon HighlandLad AlexGctz 50165 BBonts 78 l29fast 8 10T 3 23 7Z 7 J H Myers 8 Redlost RockSilk GalleyHead 50071 BBonts 1147 mud 9 96 5 4 3 4 5s 5 E Harbne 8 FandWarm Wdbine CB ROCK SILK 1 h 5 103 By Inferno or Rockyille Frou Frou hy Meddler MeddlerTrainer Trainer G Finch Owner P Ciceri 55209 Hamton 5i f lOSfast CS lOt 9 10 9 9 9ni A Ciaver 12 Hereafter Get Em Gallipot Gallipot54G96 54G96 Thorncliffe 34 l13fast G 10S 3i C Lang 7 ThnrnyWay Bengali Satinm Satinm545G2 Satinmore 545G2 Thrncliffe 5S f l09hvy 1251CG 3 3l H Gibson 8 CarryOn Mallowmot PMo PMoody 54452 Wdbine 31 115 slow 9 101 2 5 G 6s 573 H Stearns 9 ChfBarlhell Tennite ECar ECaruso 50890 Kwrth 34 l13fast 6 10S 11 9 9 Si G G10 ° W Hinphy 12 Sagamore DounloVan SenJai SenJamPS 0512 Wdbine Im70yl 46fast Vf 107 2 G 5 5 C1 9 ° T Nolan 12 Keltic BugleMch SwtBouquet 0141 Thcliffe 5J f 106 ifast 155 106 E Fator 0 Algonquin Gal Groom Sturdee 50301 Thcliffe 34115 fast 5 103 I1 E Fator l Mallowmrtt Stnrdce Flame 0166 BBonts 78 l29fast 1 109 4 4 4 3 = 2a E Fator 8 RcnPost Galleyllcad IndyBntty 50027 BBonts 34 l15good 195 110 S 9 9 Sk 3J E Fator 9 Malmot LadyBetty CornBrm SOMME ch m 5 100 100Trainer By Charles Edward Spanish Maid hy Disguise Trainer J Nizon Owner J Kilcour 55206 Hamton 1 116 l49fast 14 109 211 3 5 6 J WilPnis 7 Yowell Oakllnp Crown of Gold Gold49G58 49G58 Windsor 1 116 l49 Rood 175 102 222 2 2 = 2 = B Kenndy 4 Captain B Statim Gala Dress Dress4U589 4U589 Windsor 1 liOfast 12 102 9 4 5 4 Th 3 = J B Kenndy Azracl Flame Sturdeo 49413 FtEric 1 140 good 6 113 4 4 4 5 G3 G O Willis 7 Bcngoro Statim GalleyHead 49153 Hamtn 1 l41fist h 96 1 3 6 64S051 C 4J 431 A Richcrk 0 LadofLight Azrael S Bouquet Bouquet4S051 4S051 Kwrth Im70y 14G fast 2910 113 532 2 2l 4 = J O Willis 9 SwrctBquet Flame Gloyllead Gloyllead48S61 48S61 Windsor 1 I44 goodl910 113 212 212S656 2 I1 3s L Aron 7 Statim Flame P Moody MoodyS656 S656 FtErie Im70y l45fast 9 103 1 3 2 1 1 4 = 3 O Willis 7 Yorkist Salvatelle Old Pop Pop1S1G1 1S1G1 JEIamfn 1 18 l57J slow S2 104 124 6 63 6 O Willis 7 Primo LadofLight Ammunition ANTIKTOJr BurgomasterTrainer ch m 5 112 By Ypsllanti II Church Bell by Burgomaster Trainer H Warner Owner E Warner 33158 Connht 1 IMUfast R 103 5533 25 23 II Gibson 0 CiiifSponsor SalIe BlarneyBoy 55032 Connht 1 l42fast 225 106 3 3 3 5 4i 4i II Gibson 7 Bengali Crown of Gold Oakling 54637 Dorval Im70y l5Gsiop 135 10G 644 5 5 = Gta N Gould 0 Salvatelle SwtBquet AllAmiss 54390 Wdbine 1 11G l49slow 1G 110 2 2 2 2 15 1 II Gibson 8 Neenaii Betsy Gnldcrcst Boy 50917 Kwrth ImTOy l44fast 7 112 5 555 ii 5s3 W Hinphy 5 UnclcJolm BugleMch Algonquin 50822 Kwrth Im70y l45 fast 7 109 3 3 3 3 1 = 1 W Hinphy 0 Viola G Captain IS Anmut Anmut506S5 506S5 Kwrth ImOy l4G fast 10 117 2 6 4 4 42 4T W Hinphy 7 Mallowmot CaptainB Flame 50593 Wdbine 1 34 300 hvy 15 111 4 4 6 6 5k 4 II Gibson 0 BuglcMarch Keltic Woodbine 50512 Wdbine Im70yl46fast 7f 103 G 9 9 9 S 63 E Harbne 12 Keltie BngleMch SwtBouquet 0437 Dorval 1116150 fast 2110 107 5 5 5 5 5 = 55 A Tryon 0 Red Post All Amiss Galleylleiiil 0365 Dorval Im70y l49fast 1910 108 3 2 2 3 I3 1 A Tryon 0 HighOlympus Astraea Mistake PLYMOUTH ROCK h h 5 113 By Rockville Pnritania hy Meddler Trainer W McNaught Owner J Mcagher 54622 Tncliffe Im70y l4G6fast 1G5 108 911 H Gibson 9 Mallowmot Bengali Flame 54490 Wdbine 1 11G 150 good G 117 2 3 3 2 I1 1s H Gibson 5 MyleCrn LivySlper R Robin 50442 Thclifre 5i f 103 fast 185111 7rJ II Gibson 10 Sandy 11 Human Caller Hcrriu Hcrriu4SS93 4SS93 Windsor 1 l40fast 23 113 6 6 7 7 61 58 J Dreyer 7 Ammunition Salvo Azrael Azrael4S497 4S497 Devre 34114 fast llS 3si C Dishmon S Ilengali Mallowmot Galleyllcad Galleyllcad47S40 47S40 Thncliffe 5i f l03fast 4 110 1 = H Gibson S Gold Galore Galway Antiphon 47695 Thncliffe 34 115 fast 5 114 C12 J Ileupel 10 Azrael P Moody Galway 47613 Wdbine 34 l15fast 41 H7 7 77 6 5 ° i J llcupcl 9 Pritains Ally Bengali GKitty GKittyBLARNEY BLARNEY BOY hr c 3 103 By Galatine Sweat Colleen by Havoo HavooTrainer Trainer J G Gorman Owner P Gorman 55158 Connht 1 l41Mfast IS 97 1 2 3 2 S11 4i J Htamer 0 ChiofSponsor Antin Salvatelle 55082 Connht 1 l41fast 17 93 3 1 3 4 35 3 = C Lang 0 Salvatelle St Paul War Fox 54934 Connht 34 llGfast 7 108 5 3 G 5 4 13 Taylor 5 Nomis Heath Bell Flea 54763 BBonts 5J f lOSfast 12 110 4 53 4 = 2J J McTagt 11 Oakling Flea Mouette 54689 Dorval 1 l45Mslow G 106 2545 5 513 J Rowan G CrownofGold WarFox AH Am IRS 54637 Dorval Im70y l56slop 7 S3 3 5 5 4 4 = 4 J Rowan C Salvatelle SwtBquet AllAmis 54555 Dorval Im70y l4Sfast 14 95 2 2 2 2 I1 I1 J Rowan 5 Crot Gold AllAraiss Sulvatelle Sulvatelle544S6 544S6 Wdbine 34 l13good 133 101 S 887 = 6 ° B Parke 10 Registrar Some Baby Citizea CitizeaB0591 B0591 Wdbine 51 f 110 hvy Sf 103 6 887 73 H Stearns 12 Johns Umma BillyLune Outline 50335 Dorval 34 116 fast 6 107 4 5 6 6 67J H Myers 8 Lady Betty Monette Red Post 50326 Dorval 34 l16fast 2710 100 3 43 2 2l H Stearns 7 Mouette Aunt Lin All Amiss AmissFLAME FLAME ch m 6 110 By Charles Edward flicker by Derwentwater DerwentwaterTrainer Trainer S White Owner P G Christopher 55247 Hmn 1 1S OT l53fast 62 99 11 8 S 8 S1 St J Wallace 13 Li Foudre BrmPeddler JocToe 54C96 Thorncliffe 34 l13fast 1C 106 o J J Shelepets 7 ThornyWay Bengali RockSilk 54622 Tncliffe Im70y l40fast 9 10SJ S5i H Myers 9 Mallowmot Bengali Carry On 54382 Thorncliffe 34 118 hvy 9 112i 510 W Pmrose 0 Algonquin GaltGroom Dellahm 54456 Wdbine Im70y l4Sslow 8 110 1 2 3 3 4l 5J W Pmrose 7 Captain B Rex Gaiety Anmut 54350 Wdbine 34 116 slop IS 11Q 1 5 71 F Murphy S Manoevre EuricoCaruso Writh 50S95 Kwrth 1 116 l47fast 245 93 1 2 2 3 2 J Grune 8 Duke Ruff Hondo Douglass S LUCICY JOHN b c 4 K 103 103Trainer By Galatine Court Maid II hy Cyllene Trainer J Murphy Owner J Murphy 49SOS Conght 34 l15fast 3 34D21G 30 110 S 8 7 S S W Pmrose S Mouette PMoody Glow Worm 4D21G Hamtn 34 l14 ifast 3 30 107 2 566 C W Prnrose 0 Keltie Glow Worm Anmut 48377 Hamtn 34 115 fast 7 74S020 71 i 3 6 S 8 S S = 1C Pargton 8 Kama Mallowmot Springside 4S020 BBonnets 1 l43fast 4 4J7813 43 117 6 4 6 6 6 630 O Willis 0 Primo SweetBouquet Woodbine J7813 Thncliffe 34 l15jifast 2 25 97 53 B Hburne 7 Alice in Wonder Yowell Ostara VIOLA G br f 4 M By Charles Edward Lavana hy Dick Welles Trainer F Fox Owner E Glassco 917 Kwrth Im70y l44 fast 11 W 1 3 1 4 4 48 E Harbne 5 UnelcJolin BiigloMcli Als quiu 0822 Kwrth Im70y l45 fast 33 100 1 1 1 1 2l 2s It Moore 0 Antiplion Captain B Anmut 0085 Kwrth Im70y l46 fast 32 104 4 5 6 5 5 = 5 It Moore 7 Mallowmot Captain B Flame 0340 Wdbine 1 18 1 57slow 183 W 0 o 4 4 5i 5J 1 Grune 11 Mallowmot Flume Jim Petrie 0472 Wdbine 31113 fast 183 83 1 3 4 68 612 E Harbne 7 Keltie Uncle John Estero 0236 Thcliffe 34 l16slow SO 103 Left at the post R Moore 10 PMoody CornBroom BrovahBeu 49216 Hamtn 34 l14fast 100 4 444 = 410 R Moore 0 Keltie Glow Worm Anmut 49132 Hamtn ImTOy l4Sy5fast 42 951 S S S S S S = = R Romelli 8 Yorkist Flame Aconi AconiIS970 IS970 Kwrth 34 115 fast 21 103 3 7 10 llJll R Moore 12 Algonquin Bengore Galway BROADVIEW ch r By First Sight Loupania hy Kapanga Colt Trainer J Coloman Owner Thorncliffe St Hbl 5O4 Wdbine 5J f 110 MOW ll5 103 5 5M 7 5 7i 7s F Chlavta S Thorny Vny ItecousniiLV Fuse FuseG f04 2 Wdbini M 115 fast i 110 5 55S G i 8 S F Clila vtn S llortiidesy Ajom rtreytwuiriie Wft KtKrie 5S 102 fast 1910 lu 2 25S 2 2 2J 3 = J 1 McTagt I tlylord FraiiBritaln AniitUn 49272 llamtn 5S 101 fast 135 112 1 15S 4 4 23 2 II Myers 0 Flying 1ord Flea Aunt Liu 4 95 Windsor 5S l01fast 4 10S 1 2 4 5 5 = J McTa t 5 RoyalVisitor Greybrne WTaak 4S795 Windsor 58 l05Halow 32 1041 1 15S 1 2 2 = 2 = J McTast 0 Roy Visitor WarTank AuntLin 4S653 FLErle 5S l00gobd F 110 S 86 = 3 = 1 M Garner 8 French Miss Last One Natural 45558 FtErie 55 liOS Jaat 21 Ji 2 3 MASTER FOX ch h 6 M 111 By Red For II Miss Morgan by St Blaise BlaiseTrainer Trainer G B Hennessy Owner G McFarline McFarlineG47G3 G47G3 BBonts fil f lOSTifast 2S 112 2 11 1J 99 P Murphy 11 Oakling Blarney Hoy Flea 43946 HdcOce 34 l16hvy llf 116 10 Ifi 16 16 lti A Collins in KirsCub General Ainackassln 43762 HdcGce Im70yl47 fast 21f 115141314 14 14 14 A Collins 14 Veto Itallyconnell Musket 43741 HdeG ce 1116 l4Ssood 17f 112121314 14 15 15 5 J Bell 15 Tie Pin LCottage TlioruIMoom CARRY ON ch m 5 By Stanley Fay Skipper G W Beardmore C5120 Connlit 34 115 fast G 10S 7 7 5 5s 55 J Wallace 7 MrtleCrown Mouette JefeslcaF JefeslcaF6T032 6T032 Connht 1 l4 fast 23 301 C 2 2 2 3l G2 J Wallace 7 Bengali Crown of Golil Oakling OaklingC4G22 C4G22 Tncliffe Im70y l4GVfast 21 91 4T J Wallace Mallowmot Bengali Flame FlameM5C2 M5C2 Thrncliffe 51 f l03hvy 49 S3 1 J Wallace 8 Mallowmot ItockSilk rMoody rMoodyG43S2 G43S2 Wdbine 34 l18ijlop 49 110 3 14 G1 C A Casey 8 Mallowmot WarFox SprHalf 40228 PItnlico 34 l13fast flrtf 10512 12 13 13 12 L Stalker 13 HigliLigbt LilSIiaw CSwjier CSwjier402CC 402CC Plinlico Ci t lOS fast fclf 101 C 45 5 S ° II Lunsfdl2 ISolCraij Sweeplet Lkawauna