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FOURTH HACK t4 IHilc IJitrliiiKtou Handicap yearolds ami up ¬ ward June lit 1JH1 111 11 IS MOTOR COP b h 6 137 137McDaniel By TncIe Xarco by Or W Johnion Trainer H McDaniel Owner J K I Rosa j207 Hiimton r44iifast 45 133 3 1 1 I2 I1 A Clavcr 8 UGold MOrange PrillitTester 54739 BBonta 34 Izllifast 2710 129 1 2 1 1 1 II Thurber 7 KRickher G Chance 1anauian W3SS Wdbine 34 113 slow 16 127 1 1 1 I2 41 J Gneisen 0 PillyKelly SlippyEImSoineBaby 54311 Wdbine 34 l12fast 910 131 2 1 1 I1 S F Keogh 13 Uncle John Keltic Jean Corey CoreyI r4095 Plinlico 34 l12fast 710130 2 I 1 Ink 23 T Rice 5 Knot Illy Sweep Clean CleanII G4025 Pimlico 34 l15hvy 15 123 1 II 12 II J Butwell 4 DrJoe Devildog Due de Guise HILDUP blk c 3 By Star Shoot Shelby Belle by Knight Errant Trainer H McDaniel Owner J K L Ross r13SS PimlieVi 34 l12fast 17 9S 1 1f13GO 1 2 3J 43 J Grhcisen C LordBrighton Enfilade Panoply f13GO Pimlico 4 lll fast 3110 101 3 3C04CG 3 4 SilO2 J GriieisenlO Kxodns MotorCop Audacious C04CG HdeGce 3rl l13fast 2310 112 4 4rU03S 1 1 Il 2i J Rodeess J Careful TBgage OJMGomez rU03S liHlinont 34 st I12y5fast 7 122 4 1 lb 127i G KummerlS StepLightly StarVoter GreyLag 49851 tlelmont 34 st l10fast J 114 1 1 Is 1s C KummerlU Smoke Screen Oriole Grey Lag 5i f lOCBood 75 115 1 11 I2 23 E Sande OnrFIag Sedgefield SportBlOOd SEWELL COMBS ch h 6 10B 10BTrainer By Jack Atkin Royal Captive by Golden Maxim Trainer J C Gallaher Owner Gallaher Bros 54839 IUonia 34 11 G hvy 8 103 5 3 3 41 510 J Francis 7 Angdn J HareJr Miss Jemima 54755 Latonia 34 llCmud 1910 107 C 04 4 32 J Francis 8 Hadrian Marvin May Redmon 54712 Lutonia 34 l10fast 9 106 4 4 4 4l 2 C Thpspn ThpspnG4198 7 High Cost MinMan Darjeeling G4198 Churchl 34 l12fast G 115 C 2 2 21 4 = L Allen AllenG3SS8 12 HidnJewel GGold Clintonvle G3SS8 Lcxton 34 l13good 1 112 2 2 3 32 3 = L Allen Alleni UiddenJewel Midway G Grass i LeVton 34 115 hvy 13 117 7 G G G2 G L Allen 10 CplumTenn Brkholt BUomme 49715 Windsor 34 lllfast 3 109 6 33 3 4 A Collins Collins4SX 8 DrHickn Carmandale WMask 4SX Windsor 34 lillVifast 1310 110 3 2 2 21 3J A Collins 4 Ciiriuuniltile Kstero Ticklish Kfi3 Kwrth 34 113 fast i 114 4 65 4l Cl A Collins 8 DrHinan FHdley MarHyne 43479 Latonia 31 112 fast 2i 112 2 346 6 i F Wilson C Flags Linden Truly Kural EDDIE RICKENBACHER ch c 4 123 123Trrjner By The Manager Caution by Planudoi Planudoi3s Trrjner M Smith Owner J R Skinker Skinkerr4729 r4729 BBonts 34113fast 910 llO 2 II 3s 2 = R Simpson 7 MotorCop GoldenChnre Pman 64C25 Thorncliffe 5if l07fcfast 710 126 11 R Simpson 0 JCorey SmtGuy TothMorng 62343 FGnds 1 l3Sfast 85 110 2111 2111P2294 in 21 J W Mphy 3 TipWitchet Dancing Spray P2294 FGnds 34 l13vifast 45 125 4 11 11 11 J W Mphy 10 ColumTn RapDay CHershler 62177 FGnda 34 l12tifast 1110 119 1 11 I3 1 J W Mphy 12 BulletPf CaptUshier LkyB 62117 JefSon 5S l00fast 12 114 2 22 luk 11 j H Thurber 5 MarvMay AJacklL lUsRock lUsRockBy SMART GUY b e 4 102 102A By Theo Cook Canny Miss by Ogden Ogden3U Trainer E A Steeds Owner A Swenke SwenkeEJf E4C25 Thorrieliffe EJf l07rast 9 110 3U H Myers 0 ERkbher TCorey TothMt C4TC3 Thcliffe 1 116 lilV hvy 5 107 11 H Myers 7 Sagamore Talisman MkOrange f417G Pimlico 34 117 hvy S 126 1 11 22 33 H Myers J AVhalebone Sobrigade Satana C3SOS HdeGce 34 l13ifast 19 112 4 44 41 2i H Myers 10 Pickwick CommeCi Panaman C2707 HdeGce 34 l13fast i 110 4 36 5 423 L Penman 9 Pman Pickwick UnclesLasie C35SG Bowie 1 l42iffiist 12 107 2 1 1 2 2ll42 23 22 H Myers 5 TMcTgart KJohn Columbine C3548 Bowie ll42 goodG 10C1 2 223 223Cl 21 22 H Myers 7 Lads Ixjve Frogtown Tantalus C34M7 Bowie Cl f lJOi fust 40 114 2 32 21 21 H Myers 9 Sagamore LadsLove Penelope C21CG Jefsiin 1139 fust 6 98 1 4 4 4 4341lGhvy 4Ji 4 1 F Cltllettl Sundial II Vaukeag Hadrian C194S Jefson 341lGhvy 7 103 134 4i 4i J J Mney n Vliairan Hadrian Sagamore 61 ri07fRst 32 112 6 74 GU C L Allnt 10 TdHour HidJewel Youueed 34 114 fast SO 32 3 J M Schwtz IS JLJiliacliHr Sterling VClirman VClirmanBy BItACKIE DAY blk h 8 112 112Trainer By Transvaal Mary Day by Peep oDay oDay4s Trainer A L Kirby Owner A L Kirby K034 Cqnnht 34115 fast G IOC 2 5 4 4s 4 G Walls 7 Sailing JgeEHswortli IkeyT C0709 Latpnia 1 l33fast 1710 114 2 4 4 3 3EOC41 3i IkeyT3i 3 1 W Ridenr 5 Woodtrap BroIvjve BrcadMaii BrcadMaii3l EOC41 Latonla 1 138 fast 14 114 4 4 3 3 3C058G 3l 4 = 1 W Ridenr 7 Sway Iwln Wcodtrap WcodtrapC C058G Latonia 34 lllfast 9 110 1 G C C 66 W Ridenr 7 HighCost MarjHynes ByGolIy 4S091 Latonia 34 112 fast 58 117 8 99 71 MotorCop2s 5SJ W RldenrlO SewCombs MisJima MotorCop 47849 Latonia 34 lllfast 1110 121 5 5 5 2s 22 W Wartn 5 SewCombs MHynes LErrant LErrantin 47G59 Churchl 78 l20fast 32 115 1 6 6 4 in I2 W War on S SirenMaid Brookholt MadgeF 47251 Churchl 1 116 l45fast 13 113 622 2 2BY 41 G9 W WaronlS Boniface Ginger King Gorin GorinBy BY JIMINY b f 3 102 102Trainer By Jim Gaffney lanna by Fatherlen Trainer W Irvine Owner E F Whitaoy i G4847 BBonts 1 18 l54slop 13 9S 333 4 5 5 J Rowan 7 Bface SandyBeal King Thrush 54719 BBonts 1 l39fast 8 99 2 G 3 3 31 2 1 J Rowan 8 BGrd yiccChmn SPeurll E4523 Wdbine 1 116 l46good 23 104 1 3 4 6 62 G33 R Lcaster 8 Boniface BabyGrand Irish Kiss G43S4 Wdbine 34 l13slpw 2 103 1 43 3s 2Z J Rowan C Milkmaid Wrack Grass Coming 54092 Pimlico 34 l12fast 3i 112 3 45 G 5 S T ParBton 7 PoUArin BGrand BMcLghlin 539S9 Pimlico 34 114 ysslpw 215 111 4 66 52 31 F Keogh S BMcLghlin LghStm SlingB E1332 Pimlico ll40fast G 114 2 3 3 4 4ll 53J A Johnson 15 IdleDell Broomspun BabyGha 51262 Laurel 1143 good 9 111 432 2 22 Il A Johnson 5 SailiugB BabyGrand StepLtlj 51121 Laurel 34 l14Mfast 65 107 5 11 11KINGS I1 11 A Johnson G MANopnan Bastille MRankhi MRankhiBy KINGS CHAMPION b c 4 J1J4 By Uncle Continental by Yankee Trainer W H Ryan Owner J MacManus 55034 Connht 3M 113 fast 17 103 7 77 6s G H Stearns 7 SailirigB JgeEHsworth IkeyT 13839 HdeGe Im70y l4Ufast G 112 2 3 4 4 41 35 H Thurber SportingBlood Jeg KIngJohn 53635 Bowie 78 128 fast 75 122 1 2 4 3 3J 2nk J Butwell B Wood Violet Antilles Itumjuoi 53599 Bowie 78 127 fast 2J 113J 4112 4112E35G2 22 31 J Butwell 7 Mythology NightRaidcr Shoal E35G2 Bowie 34 l13Ufast S 110 3 G 6 6C3473 5 G 3 L Ensor 0 DrClark CHershler T Archer C3473 Bowie 34 l14slow 22 111 6 65 6s 33i C Ponce 8 Jadda Manoevre Shoal 50045 BBonts 1 14 208 fast 12 109 344 4 4 I2 E Fator 4 RoyJester StPanl LadofLight 49844 Conght 1 11G l47fast 35 112 5653 2l 13 G Walls ti Fliirgibbet VMtGee Brmltd 49755 Conght 1 l40iislow 32 105 5 5 5 4 4BRILLIANT 21 2J1 W Hlnphy 5 FUbyKUibet Biddee StGermn BRILLIANT JESTER b c 4 M 98 Sy Black Jester Lady Brilliant by Susdridge SusdridgeL Trainer W 31 Bringloe Owner Seagram L Stable 55207 Hamton 34 l13ifast 40 100 7 77 62 4 R Lcaster S MotorCop UltraGold M Orange IRISH JIG ch e 3 96 96Trainer By Berrilldon Belle Clem by Contestor ContestorI Trainer J R Walker Owner T B Phelan I 55208 Hamton 114 203fast 10 US 443 3 31 C5 A Richcrk C Golden Sphere Planet Pimlico E4C99 Tncliffe Im70y l44fast 135 98 23 C Lang 7 King John Louis The Desert 54492 Wdbine Im70y l44good SI 98 C 6 G 4 21 I1 C Lang S Bestuoff Tantalus Duke John 54311 Wdbine 34 l12fast 42 S9 11 C 11 lll CopG1 102 II AndsnlS Uncle John Keltic Motor Cop 50619 Wdbine 1 l44Mihvy 2910 113 2 7 7 7 7E0529 G1 o11 J RodgezlO Our Flag Baby Grand Ikey T E0529 Wdbine 34 l13slow 32 120 1 43 3J 3ll A Richcrk 5 Polythia IkeyT Petrarch 60470 Wdbine 34 l14fast 14 115 1 43 43D4YDUE 22 lll A Richcrk 8 Dellahm Herendesy FairLassle D4YDUE br h 6 105 105Trainer By Poep oDay Babdno by Star Ruby RubyG Trainer C Buxton Owner R Firneno 54703 Belmont 34 st l10fast 20 109 6 C 6 G 591 M Buxton 7 Gladiator PeterPiper Sea Mint 6 02 Jamaica 34 lllfast 30 107 3 44 4 42 M Buxton 5 Thderclap Din Care IrishDrm IrishDrm8s 54107 Jamaica 34 l12fast 8 112 3 G 5 8s S i M Buxton 9 Carnarvon The Boy Ralco 64050 Jamaica 61 f 106 fa t 30 110 3 9 10 12 1215 M Buxton 12 Krewer PeterPiper DryMoon 62834 FGnds 34 l12fast 25 106 8 65 Gl 2n S McGraw 9 Mythology TdHon OHshler 62784 FGnds 61 f l06fast 12 114 7 33 33625S9 31 33i M Buxton 9 Blue Paradise Herald Linden 625S9 FGnds 51 f l05fast 4 ill 4 44 41 65i L Morris S TabdHncur Mytholy Gyson 62416 FGnas 84 l12faat 7 111 3 33 61 6 M Buxton 9 Mahony ColumTenn AAlexder