untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1921-07-23


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ALL MISSQURIANS DOUBTERS SKEPTICS LOSERS ! ! ! " Write Today for Complete Prospectus of mmmtm WONDERFULLY I NOT A SSS THE MIRACLE SYSTEM S"H I 1 11 IIiiilVli WONDERFUL INVESTMENT mmmmmmmmJt FULLY COPYRIGHTED AND PROTECTED Immmammmmmmmmmm OUR CRYSTALLIZED RACING MANUAL, containing 28 pages of valuable turf data, vitally important racing pointers, testimonials, sworn results and statistics, the 21 FAMOUS "WALTER" SUCCESS MAXIMS, and a review of the test known "systems" published, will bo sent you absolutely without charge or obligation. Postals are ignored. YOU CAjV MAKE EVERY DAY A AVIXAIIVG day with the same assurance as you would ncgotiato a certified check! The System is not a list of horses to follow, no "double up," or first, second or third choice BUBBLE, Hundreds of prosperous, satisfied olients, located from coast to coast, have testified to the unvarying consistency of this Percentage Winner Supreme, We ever stand prepared to submit a collection of these flattering endorsements in original form, with the envelope attached showing post-mark and canceled stamp. This indisputable evidence is a hundred fold more convincing than our full-pago ad. We are waiting for you to check us up. If you appreciate the true meaning of the word N-0-W, you will soon spell it the other way around. W-0-N! Liberal terms, contingent upon resultant earnings. If the System does not win consistently and fulfill every claim, you owe us nothing. cWa M. P. WALTER and CO., CANADA THE TIFFANY OK SYSTEM CONCERNS AUSTRALIA S. E. ARTHUR, lublic Relations aiRr. PRIVATE LOCK ROX 40E TOAVSON, JI L. ALL SPECIALS ARE FREE!! PARK, Windsor, so-called the "Horsemans Million Dollar Plant," DEVONSHIRE opens July 30, continuing until August 6. Spurred on by our splendid SUCCESS, also harking to numerous requests, we will issue a DAILY ONE-HORSE WIRE ON DEVONSHIRE. GENIE Wv 5 to 1, WON. was the marhmouth special served at Empire and as previously advertised in THIS this publication. OUR OFFER for DEVONSHIRE is the ENTIRE MEETING, ONE HORSE DAILY, for 10. Not "tips," but genuine information. AS USUAL, when we issue a DAILY WIRE the subscription for the meeting INCLUDES SPECIAL: ANY and ALL advertised specials at this track. ALSO, if your subscription is received in our office on or before NOON, AVednesday, July 27, it will INCLUDE our getaway special from Kenil-worth FREE. Just one of our methods of advertising. Dont forget, its the ENTIRE MEETING for 0. Rush your order NOW. NATIONAL NEWS SERVICE, Turf Dept. SUITE 1002 - 10 J NORTH DEARRORN STREET - CHICAGO, ILL. THE COMMISSIONER 50c DAILY. For Sale at All Newsstands Everywhere. Thursday We Gave to AVin: PONGEE 2.15- WON PIERRE-A-FEU .90- WON KING THRUSH ..50- WON AJOM .50- WON Wednesday We Gave: Martha Fallon .0.00- WON YORKIST .15- WON KINBURN .35- WON Tuesday We Gave: CARETAKER ..1.00- WON CAPT. SCOTT ...25- WON TODAY Big Kenilworth Outstanding Best Under no consideration fail to get this one today. Comes direct and the 0. K. given. Get this oue sure. Should be a nice price. For Sale at CINCINNATI, 0. All Newsstands. ST. LOUIS, Mo. Wm. Laser, Lobby. 705 Market St. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind Moeslein. 112 Illinois St. Dont Miss the Commissioner a Single Day. CLOCKER J. C. STEWART FOR SALE AT ALL NEWS-STANDS. .00 DAILY. Thursdays Private Special: PONGEE 2.15- WON TODAYS KENILWORTH PRIVATE SPECIAL is ouo tlv.t you cant go wrong on today, hoys. This one comes extra strong. Nothing to tho ruc but this one all tho way. STEWARTS SPECIAL FOR SALE EVERYWHERE ALWAYS WINS if faithfully followed. Let !: WINWELL SUPER-SYSTEM pay you a worth-while income twelve months every year. Positively not a temporary proposition. Start with small or large capital, at or away from track. Win just as we are winning. This SUPER-SYSTEM not for sale at any price. 15ut our daily wire names system horses and exact amounts to be wagered. Our fee is 10 per cent of your monthly profits, payable AFTER you win. A clean-cut, straight-forward, dead-011-the-level, big-money-making offer. Starting lti-l opening day on New York tracks this truly remarkable safety method required only S capital. On New Orleans, Maryland and Kentucky races results were even better than on New York tracks. The WINWELL SUPER-SYSTEM is not for wild plungers or the twist-dodge-switch-and-run type of haphazard players. Only for men who can treat racing as a real business and not as an occasional game or amusement. We want the applications of the brainy, careful, serious-minded operators who want FINAL RESULTS, rather than temporary gain. We do not deal in "stable information" or mythical long-shot coups. Ours is a well-tested, scientific, mathematical, systematic method. Gives substantial profits in spite of "bad breaks" aud "runs" of losers. Note: Deware of all so-called systems that require doubling or RAlID progression or bets, for all such methods mean total loss when the "bad breaks" come. Investigate fully; then start making .fll to 10 daily average, according to capital employed. Dont hesitate. Dont delay. Start winning now and keep on winning forever. Your name and address brings the astonishing details. WINWELL SUPER-SYSTEM 3 N. CAROLINA AVE. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. AJOM, 11.50 WON; BRISK, 12.90 WON: MER-RIMAC. 6.75 WON; GENIE W., 5-1 WON; LU-NETTA. 4-1 WON were some nice winners reported in Book 740. Got now Book 741 on sale today. Gives tho best line on the horses that is to be obtained. 35c at All Newsstands. TODAYS FORM SPECIAL: No, 3 on the Middle Page. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE Room 403, Baltimore Bldg. Chicago, 111, CHIEF OBSERVER 35c Per Copy. TODAYS FREE CODES: EMPIRE Michigan-9-10-lG. KENILWORTH Vermont-20-4-13. SATURDAYS FREE SPECIAL: Rush-North-Cab-Nut-Ate-Nix. New Book on Sale at All Newsstands, 35c. Good for a Week. THE AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED Baltimore Bldg. .... - Chicago, HI. ON SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Latest REPORTER. Good for all next wook. Only Costs 35c. Saturdays Free X Special: Froight-Saturday-Man-Was-Was-Was THE TURF REPORTER 22 W. Uuincy St. Est. 1901 Chicago. Illinois SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM DAILY RACING T0R1C PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO. JT.T.. 165-159 East 82nd STREET, JiEw YOEK, if. Y, 74 KCOHANW 8XEi:T SUTFAXp, N. T

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921072301/drf1921072301_8_1
Local Identifier: drf1921072301_8_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800