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DELORIMIER PARK ENTRIES Probabilities: Weather clear: track fast. Racing starts at 2:45 p. m. Chicago time, 1:1.". Superior mud runner. X Good mud runner. :: Fair mud runner.. M Maidens. Apprentice nllowance. b Blinkers. First Eace 5-8 Mile. Purse $.00. 3-year-olds aud upward. Claiming. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 55505 Jill lor, 1:01 5 113.. 713 53S2S bEneoie 11." 1:00 9 115x720 53953 Vera Wood 109 1:03 3 1 OS.. 715 55901 Prince P.onero 113 1:03 Jr. 0 115X715 50071 b.Iuaiiit:i III 110 1:02:;.-. 0 10SX713 530O43 bteateful Star 107 1:04 X 115x710 50013 Scarpia II Ill 1:02 7 115x710 55S7S Guardsman 115 1:02 0 115.. 710 54502 P.rolaski Ill 1:02, 3 110. .710 53S423 Two Eyes 100 l:00s 3 103X705 55595 bllappy Valley 10S 1:03 0 11SX705 551101 bVim 10S 1:01 4 115.. 700 53901 bMadrid 110 1:03 5 115.. 700 51545 bTrapping 7 11SX700 Second Race 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Claiming. 55043 Little Less 112.. 725 55503 Adopted Da lighter.. 105 1:02 If. 112X720 35703 Desperation 107 1:03a. 112.. 715 53S245 Navisco 109 1:03 109.. 710 33279 China M 93 1:03 90.. 710 55590 Carruthers M ..111 l:09h 100X70". 550S3 Maura M 10$ 1:10".-. It 103.. 700 .".9Ji2 Mary D 101 1:05s 10!.. 700 Third Race 3-4 Mile. Purse 01. 3-year-ohls and upward. Claiming. 53989 Night- Thought . . .101 1:13 4 111.. 725 55987 -July-Fly ...115 1:11 7 111. .720 530473 bWuller Mack 105 1:12 0 113X715 53764. bDr.- Hall Itl5 1:15 4 113:!:715 35950s Twenty Seven 10Sl:l3-,- 7 1115:5:715 55S80 hLady Mildred 109 1:14 8 111X710 5C040 El Coronel 110 1:12 3 114X710 500W Finaueial Rnnster. .115 1 :13r,h 1111X703 55S51 Olive James Hi9 1:14-. 4 111x700 5570S Little Niece 100. 1:17 4 111. .700 Fourth Race 1 Mile. Purse SG00. 3-year-olds aud upward. Claiming. 335CC bTHE DESERT ...10S 1:40 5 110X725 53309 Chefa 100 1:41 3 101.. 715 53S53 Fireworth 101 1:41 a 4 105X715 53720 Sheba 9S 1:41.-. 3 9S..710 539U3 George W 110 1:43 3 108.. 710 55SS1S bOld pp no 1:42.-. S 103X705 3ii041 Mike 7 113X700 Fifth Race 5-8 Kile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds aud upward. Claiming. 55854 bSandah 113 1:02 0 113x723 510 11 5 bTruant 110 l:0t 5 1 1S.. 720 554S! Walter AVhitaker. .113 1:00 C, 115.. 715 55723 P.arber 95 1:01 3 101.. 71 5 5350S Petrograd 110 1:01 7 115.. 710 554S4 Sacajawea 112 1:01 3 10S..710 559S0 Lillian G Ill 1:01 5 113X710 5570S bMargaret X 107 1:03 S 113:5:705 55S773 Little Pete 107 1:03 9 115X705 55703 Sand River II. .. .110 1:02 4 US. .705 5U014 blIewhigh 105 1:03 3 100.. 700 55505 Miss Ouri M ...105 1:04 s f, 113X700 55004 Joes Sister 113 1:03 7 113.. 700 5570S bAigrette 105 l:00h 5 113X700 Sixth Race 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 53SS2" bltuumic 107 1:17 3 100 X 725 53953 bCount Doris 112 1:12 0 114X720 50071s blretty Raby 10S 1:13 0 111XT13 55705 bPullux: 110 1:12.-. 9 1130715 53879 Plantagenet 114 1:13 9 10SX715 558S31 bObstinate 109 1:13 3 101. .710 53SS2 bFlnis 105 1:14 4 111.. 710 55S523 American Maid 102 1:15 3 101X705 55390 bSevilliah 115 1:14 S 113x705 55S29 Dr. Campbell 113 1:10 7 113X"00 Seventh Race 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 00. 3-year-olds aud upward. Claiming. 35007 bCharlestoniau 107 1:43 10 1130725 3C013 Homani 101 1:47 7 10SX720 35309 Little Gink 110 1:48 8 108x715 35883 black Hill 113 1:40 0 113X715 53S83S bllarry M. Stevens. 103J1:4S 5 103x713 53S30 Chimera 101 1:47 5 111X715 35S83 Erowiv Favorite ...112 1:47 8 113X710 33594 bRuckhoni II 107 l:3"h 4 10SX703 ZCO10" Laughing Eyes II.. 103 1:30 3 111.. 700 55049 Capltania 110 1:47 8 10S:70O 3C029 bTimothy J. Hogan.101 1:47, 4 10S700