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BRIGHOUSE PARK STATISTICS Successful Seven-Day Meeting Concluded at British Columbia Capital. Our far northwestern neighbors in British Columbia have been enjoying some sood racing at Brig-house Park. Aancouver. During a seven-day meeting, from July 10 to July 23, forty-nine, races were run in that thriving city, and 9,130, a daily average or ,778.57 distributed in prizes. There is a constant growing interest manifested in the doings of the thoroughbreds all ver the Canadian Dominion and owners are aiding in fostering this by sending better class horses than formerly to the various meetings. A glance down tnc list of winning horses will show that many of the regular campaigners were among those present. J. A. Parson heads the list of winning owners, having five wins and ,975 to his credit. G. Drunihiller is a good second with ,080, and P. L. Short is third with . , Owners who won 00 and over are: Owner. 1st. 2d. 3d. Amt Parson. J. A r 4 2 ,975 Drunihiller. G 4 3 1,080 Short. P. L ...3 0 0 805 Hollelibeck, B. 31. ; -2 2 0 755 3Iays, J. B 2 1 0 030 Galbraith, L ..2 0 2 015 Zumwalt, B. T 2 0 0 5G0 Luckey, G 2 0 0 500 TowJiscnd, B. S ; 2 0 0 523 Cerulli. J l i; 0 -no llnzcltine, S l j n 415 Hamilton, J. L 1 1 1 400 Frahklin, J. .... 1 11 Gray, A. M 1 I 0 3SO ilcCrosson. K. II. l 1 1 Short, E. H. 1 1 0 30o AVaddle Bros 1 1 O T,W Kelly. G ..I 1 0 :iCo Agoa, ,1 1 1 0 350 James, H. L 1 0 0 350 -Mackenzie, J l l 1 ;ando .Stowcll. E. 1 0 1 320 Smith, II, C 0 4 0 320 3fnnnale, .V 1 0 1 320 JleCaslin, G. 1. 1 0 315 Doyle, F. B l o 0 315 McGregor, ,. E. ........,...1 0 1 315 Leeds, AA . .1 0 1 283 Level, E. 31 I 0 1 2S5 JIaitland and 3IaeKeuzie 10 1 280 Bipley, 11.- 1 0 0 280 Sutton, C. G. 1 0 0 280 Kyne, AA. P 1 0 0 280 Cloud, A". : 1 0 0 215 Hazard. G ..I 0 0 215 Neal. A 1 0 0 215 Bettig, II 1 0 0 245 Pierrot, with three firsts and 05 to his credit, heads the list of money-winning horses, of which the following. won 43 or more each: norso. 1st. 2d. 3d. Aiut. Pierrot ..3 0 0 05 Jake Schas 2 0 0 030 Doctor Corbel t ..: 2 0 0 595 Lady Small 2 0 0 500 3Iiss AAells ; 2 0 0 . 500 El Sabio ;.. 1- 2 r 0 440 Jerry . -. 1 1 o-: 430 Cork t. 1 :i 01? 395 3fiss Orb 1 0 1 390 Al AAick I I o- 380 Hoover 1 1 o 300 Ike Mills :.. 1 1 O 300 Little Pointer 1 l o 300 General Byug ... 1 0 0 330 Helen Hayes .....I 1 0 350 Kitty Cheatham 1 . 1 0 350 John .Ir 1 0 1 320 Celebrate 1 0 1 320 Aictory AAon 1 0 1 320 Tillotson 1 0 1 315 Tokalon 3Iareh 1 0 0 315 Killarney Belle I 1 0 315 Eliner K . 1 1 0 315 Cal Cum 1 1 0 315 Evalyu Harrigan ........ 1 0 1 285 Little Jake 1 o 1 1 o o ttSO Full 3Ioon I o o 280 Jim 8 wain 1 o 0 2S0 La Bete Noire . ,. 1 0 0 280 Marrion Flukes 1 o o 280 Min Maelcod ....I o o 2S0 Peter Payne I o o 280 Boyal Duck ;.. 1 0 t 2S0 Thrills 1 o 0 280 Trulane l o o 280 Bonnebelle 1 o 0 215 Emma AVilliams 1 0 0 245 Lndy Bourbon 1 0 0 213 McLnne 1 0 0 215 Miss Criton 1 0 0 213 Pittsburg 1 0 0 215 P.eiew 1 0 0 215 E. Neal won the saddle honors, with eight victories to his credit. The record of the jockeys who rode .cue or more winners follows: Jockev. 3Its. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp. P.C. Neal. El ...21 S 2 4 7 .38 Williams, i; ,..29 7 5 4 13 .21 Mills. L. ..21 .0 3 2 10 .29 Cloud,- A : 22 5 2 4 11 .23 Jones. II 21 4 2 2 10 .17 .MeEwcn. B. 25 4 1 4 16 .16 Gross, 1 17 2 3 3 9 .12 3Iurhy.- I- 10 2.11 6 .2i Mink. L. 14 1 3 2 8 .07 AVilson. T ...16 1 3 1 11 .W McCown. E 16 1 3 0 12 .W Crump. AV 12 1- 2 , 2 7 .08 Powell, 1 11 1" 2 2 C .09 Ilurn, 1 10 11 4 10 .00 Bettig, II 19 1 1 2 15 .05 Doritv, B 16 111 13 .W JIartin. A 4 1 1 0 2 .25 .Alorrow, G 5 1 0 1 3 .20 Matthews, 31 .. 5 1 0 0 4 .20 The following jockeys finished second or third with one or more of their mounts, but did not ride a winner: Jockey. Mts. 2d. 3d. Unp. Ijwe, B 10 5 0 5 Pinuegar, B 0 2 0 4 AAright. AV 1 2 0 2 Zeigler, A 15 I 3 11 3IcCulIoUKh. T. 14 I 1 12 AVayt, T 8 1 1 6 Frost, C. 9 1 0 .8 Dona von. J 8 0 2 0 Baker. F. J ... 9 o 1 Hay-ward, E ..." 2 0 I 1 3Iurray, J. J 1 0 1 o Tho following jockeys were unplaced with all their mounts: Jockey. 3Its, Jockey. Mts. Hafley 1 Smith, a. 3 3Iarshall .1 Turk, E. . :: .Aliller. C. E 2 AViley, AA". 3 Cantrell, F 3 Cooper, II. .... ...... 4 Cooper. F 3 .Aliller, AA. D 5 Froggatte. G 3 Garrett, 31 7 Ramsey, T. 3 3Iulcahy, J... .... 9 AV. Short, with three victories to his credit, heads the list of trainers, of which the following saddled one or more winners: . Trainer. AVins. Trainer. AVins. Parson, C. 0 Hubbard. A I Short, AV 3 Junkins, T. S 1 Galbraith, L 2 Leeds, AA I Givens, J. G 2 Kins. L. F 1 Heavencr. F 2 Level, 31. P , I Hollenbeck. R. 31. ..2 3Iaiinale, J I Luckey, G 2 3IeCaslin. G. 1 3Ialkenzie. AV. A. .. 2 3IcGi:iIey, AV. 1 .Alays, J. B 2 3IeGregor, Z. E 1 Risk. F 2 Pyle, C. 1 Zumwalt, B. T 2 Bipley. B 1 Agoa, J 1 Stowell, E 1 Baldwin. F. 1 Stralendorff. It 1 Grant, T. J 1 Sutton. C. G 1 Gray. A. 31 1 AVaddle, J. C. ...... 1 -: Hafley, AA 1 AV right, E. F 1 Hamilton, J. L, . . 1 The percentage of wlnnine favorites was below normal, as the following table discloses: Number of days 7 Number of races . . - 49 AAinning first choices j.", AVinning second choices -. It AAinning outsiders o AAinning at odds-on. -t Defeated at odds-on 4 Percentage of winning favorites 31