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SARATOGA The horses which seem best in Wednesdays races are: . Saratoga Springs, N. Y., August 23, 1921. 1 Monastery. Squaw Man. Scottish Chief. 2 Royal Arch. "Wisest Fool, Ilihler. :: DOMINIQUE. Thunderstorm. Dry Moon. 4 Knot. Smoke Screen, Routledge. ." Polvthia, Dartmoor, Two Feathers. 0 Snob II., Fly Ball, Sunreigh. F. J. Ortell. : New Yorlc Ilaiulicap. 1 Tirg a-I.uijr, Turnabout, Jtlue Belle, Ocean Swell. 2 I libler. Koyal Arch, Wisest Fool, Flying Scout. :: DOMINIQUE, Valor, Lunetta, Ararat. 4 Knot, Smoke Screen, Dartmoor, Routledge. 5 Polytliia, Dartmoor, Kirklevington, John Paul "Jones. 0 G:icb II., Fly liall, Sunreigh, Heavy Artillery. Chicago and Nil Halo II ami I cape. 1 Squaw- Man, Ocean Swell, Ting-a-Ling, Blue Belle". 2 Koyal Arch. Hibler, AViscst Fool, Flying Scout. :: DOMINIQUE, Lunetta, Ararat, Valor. .4 Knot, .Koutledge, Smoke Screen, Lady Gertrude. 5 John Paul Jones, Iolythia, Dartmoor, Kirklcv-: iugtou. G Snob .11., Fly Ball, Sunreigh, Pietrus. Observers llamllcap. 1 Tiri-a-Ling, Squaw Man,. Ocean Swell, Turn about. 2 -Hibler, Royal Arch, Wisest Fool, Flying Scout. 3 DOMINIQUE, Lunetta, Valor, Thunderstorm. 1 Knot, Smoke Screen, Itoutledge, Lady Ger-. . .trude. rf Polytliia, Kirklevington, Two Feathers, John Paul Jones. G Snob II., Fly Ball, Trajanus, Sunreigh. Consensu! of Handicap. 1 Ting-a-Ling-, Monastery, Squaw Man, Ocean Swell. 2 Royal Arch, Hibler, Wisest Fool, Flying Scout. 3 DOMINIQUE, Lunetta, Valor, Thunderstorm. 4 Knot, Smoke Screen, Itoutledge, Lady Gertrude. 5 Polytliia, John Paul Jones, Dartmoor, Kirklev ington. C Snob II., Fly Ball, Sunreigh, Pietrus.