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Lady Baltimore, 5 to 1, Won AGAIN WE KILLED EM This Was Our 00 Guaranteed Special ANOTHER demonstration that we KNOW. Just another melon cutting, like Xeatherfucs, 5 to 1, won. Read the comments of tho racing experts. Positively the ONLY horse sent JUST out on this track Tuesday. Do you think we know Let us PROVE XX. Several weeks Rgo we announced in these columns a FREE Special Runolds Run. Recently they changed her name to Lady Baltimore. Again we say, "throw away your dope books." BUY INFORMATION. Tlie purveying of "information" is, with us, a BUSINESS. GKAY GABLES 5-2 WON BROMELIA 5-1 WON MAVOURNEEN 4-1 WON CHO CHO .20 WON OUR NEXT 00 GUARANTEED Special Goes Tomorrow, Friday A EXT 00 Gnarantceil Special GOES tomorrow. If It dont Trln -not OUR run second or third we REFUND YOUR SUBSCRIPTION. This, trained by one of the shrewdest men in the ltnuinex, in, ive believe, euaally as SAFE as Iieatherfaee, .1 to 1, or Lady Baltimore, ALSO 5 to 1. Genuine VIRILE "information" for smart players. The price is 40, and no propositions accepted. In wirinj? subscriptions, Inclnde your phone number this to circumvent "pilferers." AVe PREPAY all longdistance or telegraphic charges. Rush yours XOAV. National News Service Turf Dept. SUITE 100 - lOtt NORTH DEARBORN 8TREET - CHICAGO, ILL. TIPPO SAHIB 1.20-, WON and a loser wore last Saturdays .00 XX Specials. DONT MISS NEXT SATURDAYS TWO LIVE ONES AT LATONIA. All they cost is .00, and if one of the two does not win you get the following SATURDAYS FREE. CAP ROCK 0.90 WON GINGER 430 WON were Tuesdays two dailies. Terms for this service .00 FOR SIX DAYS JOHN S. REARDON .00 WON was yesterdays Free Form Special You not only get a Free Special that appears in this paper daily, hut the hest line on the live ones at Kentucky, Now York and Canada tliat is to ho obtained. 35c AT ALL NEWS-STANDS Todays Form Speciah No. G03, Book 748. j 403, 22 W. Quincy St. Chicago, 111. "SIB" SCZZ: GET LINED UP NOW TO RECEIVE INSIDE INTELLIGENT INFORMATION. Latonia to Louisville to Lexington. WE PROMISED YOU WINNERS. HERE ARE SOME FROM LAST WEEK: GREEN GOLD WON HERD GIRL WON WAR SPIRIT WON RADIO : WON JEANNE BOWDRE Second CARPENTER Second Through an error our opening day Free Special was printed as Marjorie Hynes. This was wrong, as we sent out Cinderella, which ran away for a half milo and then finished fourth. Throw away the dope. Employ us as your Kentucky representative. Our price for this information we reiterate, "Information," not tips, is S10 for a period of one week. Do we have winners! Racing Form will verify the ahovo. Dont hesitate longer, but let us do your work for you. Remember, every horso we send out is in the pink of condition. Telegraph or mail subscription today. SOUTHERN INFORMATION BUREAU LATONIA :: : :: KENTUCKY NATIONAL 0. K. RACING LETTER JOHN S. REARDON .00 WON was yesterdays "LONG SHOT SPECIAL." Itcmeniber, we absolutely only give TWO HORSES EACH DAY DONT MISS TODAYS 50c DAILY AT ALL NEWS-STANDS 50c Mailed Direct 1 Week, ; 2 Weeks, 55. NATIONAL 0. K. PUBLISHING CO. Room 411, Baltimore Bldg. Chicago, III. CHIEF OBSERVER 35 Cents Per Copy. TODAYS FREE CODES: LATONIA: Michiffan-24-5-7. OTTAWA: Virginia-25-2C-5. : BELMONT; Georgia-l-H. "Ex" Jockey Toplin I GIVE ONE A DAY ONLY SOLD AT ALL NEWS-STANDS PRICE .00 Again We Cleaned Up ! "I TOLD YOU SO" Yesterday. MY BIG 0 "FREE" SPECIAL: MARVIN MAY .2.10- WON On my sheet I said to GO THE LIMIT, win only, as I had the 0. K. that she was a CINCH, and once again my followers WON some EASY MONEY. I HAVE ANOTHER WINNER TODAY AT LATONIA If you miss this YOU never will forgive yourself. Thats all I can tell YOU. The REST of it YOU will read on my sheet TODAY, so dont let 1 stop YOU from CLEANING UP again today NUFF SED. SOLD AT CINCINNATI, 0 Bishows, 5th and Walnut Sts. COVINGTON, Ky. Gordon, S. W. Cor. 4th and Soott St. LOUISVILLE, Ky. Eilcr and Goodman, 227 S. 4th St. HAMILTON. 0. Halpcrin. 338 High-St. AND IN ALL OTHER CITIES. daily, or mailed to you weekly. JOCKEY TOPLIN THE GREAT NORTHERN BLDG. :: CHICAGO. The Chief dockers A "GOOD THING" IN EACH RACE PRICE 50c. A CLEAN SWEEP "YESTERDAY" "I GAVE TO WIN ONLY" JOHN S. REARDON .00 WON HERD GIRL 7.30 WON MARVIN MAY 12.10 WON And this only cost YOU 50 cents. Why, how can you go wrong? TODAY "LONG SHOT" SLEEPER This is my BEST BET, so dont let 50c stop you from getting my sheet TODAY, or you sure will regret it GET ME ? Sold on all stands, 50c daily, mailed to you week. "CHIEF CLOCKER" 20 West Jackson Street :: :: Chicago. TURF LIGHT Racing Weekly 24-Winners Last Week-24 All stands 15 cents all cities There is no more up-to-date sporting news printed than is found in the columns of TURF LIGHT. TODAYS FREE CODE: Eight-twenty two-thirteen-Charity-Latonia Watch for Big Doings Next Week Our daily service daily, 0 weekly TURF LIGHT 85 West Forty-Second gtrt tfw York, rjitz