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LATEST WORK-OUTS EAST AND WEST 697 IATONIA, Ky.. September 11. Todays training gallops here included the following: Weather clear; track fast-Three -eighths Mile. 5fiS-Cd. Livingston. 30 094-Bepeater 33 G34-Col. Winn 30 GSO-Bedmon 35 GS7-Dcbonero 30 .S9-Sea Court 30 C95-Doiic 37 003-Tex 37 014-Mariniba 38 085-Tim MeGee :!9 693- Our Betsy ...30 095-Tom Hare Jr. 36. 033-Palmy 39 Half Mile. 089-Adonis 4S ;95-Dad 49 032-Blarney Stone .49 G!M-Ilysteri.i 48 G92-Bobbed Hair ..49 UiiMlazel " 51 692-Bit o Black ...50 OSS-Mary .1. Bakcr.50 604-Colossus 48 087-Miss Crcstwood 49 091 -Clem Theisen ..30 694-Suave Prince ..48 G93-Dainty Lass ...48 005-Spods 49 COl-Darjeeling 49 095-Talisnian 49 094-Iixie Carroll ..48 GSS-Willow Tree ...51 091-Duke Of Savoy 49 Five-eighths Mile. G9l-Big Son ..;..1:03 :95-Lniaima 1:03 059-Bojul 1:02 0 l-M.-g.ui 1:00 029-College Girl ..1:01 095 Miss Jemima. 1:02 080-Clintonville .1:02 Wl-Mis. the Timel:02 C9l-Charline 1:04 GSG-Port Light ..1:02 G93-DlHtinctiou ..1:01 089-Bapid Day ...1:02 094- Oaminer Gtonl:01 G32-Topmast 1:05 691- John Finn ...1:02 090-Wanatah 1:02 Three-quarters Mile. OSS-Asia 1:10 094-Marlha Fallonl:15 093-Braedalbane .1:13 095-Miss Joy 1:14 029-Bonus 1:14 092-Mahony 1:10 09-B. of Kltownl:18 G93-Mcmphis 1:20 093- Brimful 1:19 093-Miss Muffins 1:10 095- Carpcnter ...1:10 093-Orlova 1:15 089- Fedora 1:18 089-Bed Wingfieldl :21 091- nigh Cost ...1:15 090-W. Mcl.emorel :17 COI-Jcannc Bdre 1:15 589-War Zone ...1:10 094- Kinburn 1:17 Seven-eighths Mile. G92-Blue Jeans ..1:27 093-Marse John ..1:27 G93-.Tackstraw ...1:31 091-Tuancrea ...1:29 One Mile. 092- Abadane 1:41 092-Legal 1: G92-Bulliou 1:42 G92-Marj. Hynes.l:42 094- Bit of White 1:41 0S5-Badio 1:12 GSS-Debadou 1:42 090-Kiehelieu ...1:43 087-High Gear ..1:41 095-Unitcd Verde 1:41 OW-Harlock 1:42 582-War Spirit ..1:41 One and Five-eighths Miles. C90-Black Servant2:50 090-Behave Ysolf2:30 BELMONT PARK. Belmont Training Track. NBW VOBK. N. V.. September 14. Todays work-outs over tlie local tracks were as follows: Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. G92-Aiken ....37 ISO-Irish Confetti. .30 695-Anna M 30 CSG-LEffarc 3G G73-Becs Wax 58 092-Mission Bells... 30 Gt2-Black Fox 30 088-Simpatica 3S G89-Courtship 3G 088-rndenvriter ...30 093- Calistoga 38 Volcanic 38 092- Flying Jib 3G GS3-Zoviau 38 Half Mile, 688-Aknusti 49 G73-Cirrus , 33 095- Budana 51 093-Lanius 50 095-BIazes 49 694 -Playfellow . 51 095-Castanet 50 692-Unccrtaintv ...50 090- Consort 53 Five-Eighths MUe. 095-Frigate 1:02 Three-Quarters Mile. 694- Douiinique ...1:14 072-Santa Clara... 1:21 Harridan 1:23 095-Tulwar 1:20 692- Xaney Shanksl:20 095-Toil 1:10 607-Bose Hill 1:20 692-Turnabout 1:17 GS9-Smoke Screen. 1:16 Seven-Eighths Mile. 094- Tiilings 1:30 One Mile. 093- Eufilade 1:44 CSS-ThundercIap. .1:42 Mile and a Half. 687-Extermiuator. .2:35 Irish Confetti showed fine speed. Blazes went easily. Aknusti seems at his best. Smoke Screen was not extended. Toil worked well. Dominique did a fine trial. Thunderclap was not extended. Enfilade could have worked faster. Exterminator went easily over the long route. JAMAICA. Weather clear; track fast Threo-Eighths Mile. 6SS-Chatcau Thierry33 693-Bed Tom 30 691- Odessa 35 Bo3-allicu 3S 093-Missionary . . . .37 Welme Strnger38 067-Pirate McGce...37 Half Mile. 093 -Bon Homme . . .48 Bant 51 Clay 51 695-Sleiveconard ...51 692- Challenger 53 93-Valentia 49 IXM-Kliiff 49 ::.- Visl; IS 014-Fair Virginia... 55 093 Wireless .,,...51 i 095-LiUt Hose : Five-Eighths Mile. 693-Brilliant Kay. 1:00 693-Pitter Patter. 1:04 C95-Conine 1:07 693-Radiola 1:04 693- Mawrcoron ...1:01 093-Sun Girl 1:10 Three-Quarters Mile. 093-Apple Jack ..1:17 689-Lcghorn 1:16 C94-Bright Lights.l:18 693-Morvich 1:10 689-Deep Sinker. .1:26 094-Neddnm 1:16 093-Fusce 1:19 OSS-Nancy F 1:20 095-Grundy 1:27 095-Swift Grass. .1:10 095-Lord Herbert.l:21 089-War Pennant. 1:26 One Mile. 694- Irish Brigdierl:46 C92-Tan II 1:48 Mile and an Eighth. 693-Domingo 1:57 095-Geuie W 1:55 Chateau Thierry has her speed. Bon Homme, Vista and Light Rose went fast on even terms. Mawrcoron worked well. Ncddam was under restraint. Morvich galloped an easy trial. Apple Jack seems fresh and good. Nancy F. had an easy work. Leghorn and Swift Grass went well together. Genie W. was not extended.