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EMPIRE CITY f i j i The horses which seem best in Mondays races are: Empire City Yonkers, N. Y., October 22,- 1921. 1 Knot Grass. Clinchficld. Avispa. 2 Caro; Free, Fluff, Titanlnm. 3 Sedgetield, Tntter, Irish Dream. 4 Runantell, My Play. Mary Patricia. 5 "Dark. Hill, Alexander Hamilton, Smarty. U ELECTED II., Edwina, Tcn-Lfitf. I F. J. Ortell. New Yorlc Handicap. 1 Castanet, Knot Grass, Forge Ahead, Clinch- field. 2 Fluff, Rolo, Ross R Hard Guess. 3 Sunnjland. Irish Dream. Neddam, Sedgcfield. 4 My Ilay, Runantell.: Hephaistos. Stacy Adams. C Pickwick. Dark Hill,: Alexander Hamilton, First Bullet. 0 TEN-LEC, Edwina, Light, Lady Ger trude, Chicago and Buffalo Handicaps. 1 Lucky Girl, .Castanet. Knot Grass, Vineyard. 2 Rolo. Hard Guess, Fluff, Titanium. 3 Daydue, Neddam, Tufler, Regal Lodge. 4 Runantell. Mary Patricia. My Piny, Penitent. 5 WAR PENNANT, Pickwick, Dark Hill, Alex ander Hamilton. C Edwina Ten-Lee, Light Rose, Elected II. Observers .Handicap. 1 Castanet, Lucky Girl. Kirtlo. Crcnbclls. a Fluff, Rolo, Hard Guess, Voormir. 3 Regal Lodge. Daydue.- Neddam, Tnfter. 4 Runantell, HephaiHtos, Chesterbrook. Sling. 5 War Pennant,- Dark Hill, Alexander Hamilton, Frank .Fogarty. C EDWINA,- Lady ..Gertrude, Ten-Lec, Elected II. Conwenf-ns of Handicaps. 1 ClstariCt,- KhotTGrass.- Lucky Girl. Clincbfield. 2 Fluff, Care Frce ROlo, Hard Guess. 3 Sedgefield. Snnnyhmd, Daydue. Regal Lodge. 4 RUNANTELL, My Play, Mary Patricia, Hephaistos. 5 War Pennant, Dark Hill, Pickwick, Alexauder -Hamilton. C Edwina, Elected II.. Ten-Lec, Eight Rose.