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MARYLANDS MODEST WAGERS Figures of ! 92 1 Operations at Four TtflBtltS— About 7,590 Per Race Actually Used. BALTIMORE. Md.. January 8. The ai ,.t • bel in t in- nari-mntnel nwebinea at the font n e-mile race track- in Maryland ia P»_l eras 4,121,782, according to the report of the racing commission, reci otly submitted to gov rnor Ritchi The report does n..i ghre the total amount l.-t ia the figures stated, but the resutt is obtained by an examination of the "take" or "eat" of the tracks, which hi S p r cent, and breakage, l per cent, amounting t.. nearly 1; per cent la all. Ou the smowat bet the tracks took ,200,076. This is a daily average of 81,853.50, or Ss;!. -!.li..Ll per race, and in expert opinion represents about 7,300 per race actually used, as the money is usually used over and Over and one-fifth of the race volume show- what is actttaUy in use. The totals are less than those of laat year. The aamber of admissions eras 834 !• ". The amount paid over to the state in the shape of special taxes was 05,185. The amount takes as pet entage by the various tracks in the oinety-thr • .!:■■- of racing was as follow-: Havre le Grai . 23 d j* Communiona, 28,835.-90; breakag. . 12 021.35. Lnnrel, 23 day — Commissions, 25,626.40; break-_■ . 16,435.20. PimUeo, jj days -Commiariaaa, 10,488195; breakage, 52,730 13. Bowie. - days— Commission, 23,405.05; breakage, 8113,121 The commissioa suggests to the governor that no new legislation i- necessary and states that tha mbjecl ..." further reducing the aumber of racing days has beea res d fntare consideration.