Fourth Race [4th Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-07

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FOI urn HACK — ::-i Mile, nanatif H.hkID :n». S-yr olala. It-ii. u. idih —1:11 1-." 41 1 IG. » ST. MAURICE, ch. c, 3 126 By Zeus— Even Break, by Hamburg. Trainer, C. J. Casey. Owner, Pelican Stable, f.W!73 F.Gnds Bi f IdtSifmat ti 121 s B E T," V E Hayn.-P » BaiitK:i.v. Modesty, Knot Grass 55755 Empire Bi f l:0G":.slow 12 119 4 4 4 45 4"E Hayius B Morvi.-li, tfaatJtoai, Yanke.-Siar r.4283 Jamaica B-l 1:00 fast 7-5 llf. 3 1 3 Ill* E Rayaes 7 Mawreoroa, Kirile, Corpeatet b3S59 H.deGce 4i f C3%fast 16 119 f. Ill* in* ■ Etoyaoa M G.liuies. SecThoughls. Ggarile BMM H.d.-Gc-e 1-2 4ft s!op 12 5 110 I 4 B 36 if rj,.,, 7 BfaoToal, Manna, Teddy B. t:iW3 Bowie 1-2 BStEjBaat 23-lo US ft 3 3« 2- A Johnson 7 Misdeal. Mawreoron, Miles S. r.3509 Bowie 3-2 88%faot bi 116 1 : I IM Johnson tj Mawreoron, B.Tom, TomCassldj 52974 Shport 3 f 49 hvy 4-5 115 1 1 1* 1» N Tiller 7 Bina. UelleWraek, Hn by Evelyn . G2822 E.Cnda 2-8 35jfast 6 110 2 71 8" M Barrett 11 J.Duudee. Ev.Wliite. Adventure YASHMAK, ch. f, 3 107 By Broomstick— Baksheesh, by Hamburg. j Trainer, F. Hopkins. Owner H. P. Whitney. 5!iG91 Bowi.- 7-N f*M%slop 22-5 MB fi E E 4 4* "I L Morris ; Qsabalttns, Plucky, Caretaker MBM Bowie 7-S l:28Viihy ti 112 I 3 3 3 3* 21 1. Morris 11 Champlain. AllOver. Yank. Star £ 68tkk3 Bowie ftl f l:21«tslow 9-5 108 12 Bolted. L Morris 12 All Fair, Moco. Bees Wax BM41 Bowie 3-4 1:1G*dk1ow 1-4 111 5 4 1 1« 1« L Morris S Fin. Maid, Mir.Cooper, F.Sneezy j 68324 Laurel Gi f 1:07 fast 11-5 109 4 ft 1 ft* t" L Penman 9 Dolores. Griselda, John Morrill £ 58255 laurel 54 f 1 :08%f ast 17-5 109 7 7 6 6* Vi L Penman 11 Clansman, Opperman, Dolorea £7415 Agduct 5-8 BHHfaat 2| 115 1 6 61 2J B Penman 13 Bayonne, Anna M., Conftiftlon SIMPLICITY, b. f, 3 110 By Celt— Clara Atkin, by Sain. Trainer, J. P. Smith. Owner, L. T. Bauer. E .".•154 Jeffson 3-4 1:15 good 9-5 107 I 1 1 1 I3 A GantnerlfJ Birdie C. Fred Kinney, Kirtle £ 59113 Jerfson 1 l:46":;mud 3 102 4 3 3 3 2J 2° B Marielli 4 Com.McMeekin. Modty, Colando £ B98B3 Jeffson 6 f 1:08 good 8 106 5 I 2 2- 2 H Thurber 9 WolfsCry. HobbedHair, Griselda 58989 Jeffson BI f 1:11 hvy 7 5 108 1 11 l|i| A Gantnerll L.F.ffort, F. Queen, Delhi Maid £ 589M Jeff son 3-4 BW.igood 12 113 3 11 2* 6s J Butwell 9 Modesty, Penitent, Ima?e | CS795 Jeff son Bi f 1 :07%faat 8 107 5 3 3 3| 3» M Garner 8 LdAUen, KuotGrass, Omuipott . 58702 Jeff son 5-8 1:01 if ast 11-5 10713 6 8 8 7" N Barrett 8 S weepy. Knot Grass, Image 68ti27 Pimlico 3-4 l:15i:t.hvy 17-10 92 2 ft 1 1* I* J. Callahan 5 Duncecap, Excuse Me. Moco s MABEL CURTIS, ch. f, 3 113 By McOee— Dutch Barbara, by Flying Dutchman. Trainer. C. Buxton. Owner. C. Buxton. 5 59234 Jeff son 91 I 1 :V7 fast 8 106 8 ti 10 10M0" A Gantnerl2 BrilntRay, Ashland. FdKinney £ 59053 Jeffson 51 f 1:08 good 0 lo« | 6 4 6J 6»i A Gnntner 9 WolfsCry, Siinpliey. Bob.Hnir 5 57729 K worth 51 i l:06fast 4-5 310 3 11 l| 1* A Gantner 8 Crest. Boy, Marxdale, Eve. White 5 57430 Wdbine 3-4 l:18%faat 1-5 106 3 1 1 1» 1*1 A Gantner 7 Delhimar, Alverlda. War Relief fi 57S69 Theliffe 51 f 1:07 fast 3-2 Mi 1» A Gantner 9 Marsdale, Cstwd Boy. gekKun 5 5iMi9:, V shire 51 f 1:07 fast 7 Ml 1 3 1 l1 != A Gantner 16 B.Btimpa, O.Dale, CrestwoodRoy |G |8JM17obJn ft| t 1:07.b.iocI 11 112 7 6 • BJ 7«i M Buxton 9 B. Bumps, B.Dunn, D. Riicknor ft . . I . 1 1 1 . • r J , • r , , I ; 1 t 1 , , r • 1 MODESTY, ch. f. 3 114 By Maintenant— Feminist, by Voter. Trmncr, G. W. Coburn. Owner. J. A. Coburn. -ieiv Vl.-"!s "»1 f i:W%faal I ] • fi 1 1 v 21 s Ballmaa B BaatKay, BtJaOarko, k. Grass -;;--.sJ" y ll4 5fast 2-2 110 I l 1 |i| li| H King 6 Com.M.Meekin. CapUock Stamp G .0 .ef son 3 4 1.14-fast 41 110 3 I 3 2= 2" X Barrett 7 WolfsCry. C.M.Meekin. Br.Ra, -■.rwr"0" ., :f;,mud 9-5 301i3 4 4 4 4 ftl C Cltiletti 4 Com. M.Mkin. Sp.iei.v, Colando -«•- : T/5600:1 I! I"* I * 4 ffB Marielli 9 Penitent. Image. Colando -1-n" I,-"0" -r" H rw I :1w lnud S* 10 5 I 2 1J V*F C»« Htllt maaoTTOS, JakeBerger -Ji • f?°nlh; i;JM,st I "2 4 B " 4i 4»| S M.Graw 8 Sweepy. Knot .Grass. Image 68K1 Empire Ab J-4 l|89%foat 25 91 7 8 9 9» B»« C Breningll K.of theHeather, Valor, TheBoy 87987 Jamaica BiflCfaot U MB 8 9 9 9 9" B Ambrse 9 L.Baltime. BeesWai BRM Jamak-a 51 f 3:06 Dfa3t 10 107 1 2 2 4» 3* E Ambfsell LesBMVB, Comk-Song. KnotGrsss FRE K11NNEJ- i""„g 3„ U8 B Towton Field-Maud McKee. Trainer. T. f. CarroU. Owasr, T. J. Oarroll. -i-I!r;is ■ i., i:s !H ! 4 4 ;" "" 6arajor 11 Peolteat, Comic Beag, Fiv Ball aM8. Jeff son _.-! 1 :1::«6fast -" . !!S5 ft 2 ak -. T, Coaey B GriseMa. Fnsee. Birdie 6 -;,-] ,;" D« :? fast, 6 1H ■ - l ,J 3* R Hol-wayl2 Brilliant Bay Asabtaa. GriseMa iaaiv"0" -"i I :h- KOod ! !HH 7 "* "* K M"n by 12 Simplicity, Birdie G., Kirtle 552 t"0" »- f 1:OS-sf»st 8 308 1 1 1 V 1* H TftMBrbac 18 Bartered. LuckvGirl. Cr. o« Gold .S°n a? f l:08Vifast « 111 1 7 fi 44 4» J Q Petz 14 Dariaa, Brush Boy. Voogerla rccofi MMB Jeff son .,-8 3:02 fast M 115 4 4 2 1- li J G Pets 13 Bent. Pluribelle. Execution ?H-0 Empire 5J f 1 :«s»fcfast 15 115 9 9 9 9« 9 J Pita 12 Awning. Mir.Man. Forge Ahead *;.:?. Jamaica H t 1 :o, ifast 12 113 4 6 1 4» 4* J Pita 12 Clinchfield. Awning, Iromnade EMM Jamaica CJ f 1 :0.-Efast 8 113 12 11 9 M| 7" J Pitz 13 Com. Song, Mir.Man. ForgeAhead COMMANDER McMEEKlN. ch. c. 3 114 By Peter Quince-Fallal, bv Ben Brush. Trainer, L. F. Marshall. Owner, Marshall Bros. -r;; r«S"" . !: f!Ht " 4 * 2 -1 B1J " :,ir" •Aablaaa, Ballot Mark. Marsdale 6S26S Jeff son . -4 1 :l4-»,tast .-j 112 I I 2 Zi 2i J Eoeller 8 Modesty. Cap Bock stamp l£]llet£.aon »-4 1:Wfefaat I 315 2 6 ft ft] V .1 Eoeller 7 Wolf sCry, Modesty, Brilafstes -o. V ,V son llMBfcnnal ll-S MB ill 1 |« i« j Zoeller 4 Simplicity. Modesty. Canada fSieltaon :!-41» hy n-5 105 I ft 3 H l| J SoeUer 7 Ragaasa. Bright Light-. TtokftsM MMBJeffaoa 1-4 l:17f4alow 8-2 PW 1 1 2 r * c Lang 8 Bob. Jake Burger Koy 5832 Lexton FC l:lHtolow M 109 6 4 4 ft* S* E Pool 12 Osspoteat, PdarPeel, BS248 I ,ex ton PC l:10/Bfaat 11 112 8 7 7 7i 7» F Weiner B Lord Alk-u. Billv Mir, Kekab MBB hurchl T-8 l-J6ikfaot 38 103 6 4 4 2 4* 4» B Knndy 8 Rkmlnster, M.Kallou. ThlUxVa CAP ROCK. ch. c. 3 10G By Trap Rock— Moulin Rouge, by Himysr. Irainer, K. Bpeaca. Ow:icr. Montfort Jones. C941G F.Goda lni7oy l:C, fast 1 M 4 2 5 I 7 7!- F. Scoble 8 Tharon. Bar Bear, Graf Cables 69243 Jeff son 3 4 l:14*faat ft M7 2 4 t v 3«i B Scobie 8 Modesty, Com.McMeebia. Stamp 68402 Lex ton ll:29%fast ti-5 105 5 4 3 I 61 7" F Weiner B Rockmlaister, LadyAator, Bonu» 5RC7Lexton 3-4 l :13%faat 8 Ml 5 f, ft* ftl B Scobte 12 GeatiUty. Darie Ssaay, Tharon 58134 Church 1 7-8 l:M%faat 50 112 10 1110 7 CJ 4» E Scobie 14 Preeioaslmls. Bonus. TLIbodaux and78BB Latonia ft-4 l:17%mod 39-10 IB 3 2 3 3J 4" M Garner 8 Redl/f. Prec.Lula, Wayw*dXadj 5-391 Latonia 3-11:15 slow 4 109 2 5 8 6* C« M Garner 12 Carpenter, .lanku. Tom Hare Jr o7038 Latonia 3-4 1 :r.=f;good 22-5 312 I 2 1 1« 1 «M Garner S Tulane, Demos, Spats BMMImtoata H t IM fast 12-5 115 3 2 1 2 nj E Scobie 7 BaUHag Lad, Tulane, Hamet FLY BALL. b. g, 3 108 By Garry Hemnann — Joaninja. by Voter. Tramer. L. Johnson. Owner, G. Kr.ebelkamp. 59434 K.Gnds I I M fast M KM 7 8 C 4] !■» A Mil -on 11 Peolteat, Comic Bssaj Opateat .r...2i. I.atonia 3-4 1:l" 7 5 MI 3 111 l B Parke 32 BPkBetty, 1- in-astle, Fieldljirk 3tSS8artogo 3-4 l:l:P/ifast IS 115 3 4 4 31 4» 9 Keofrh 7 Deadlock, FkK.irsi, Chesterbrk 6C214 Sartoga CA f l:05 ifast 12 MB 3 3 4 4 4» J Boeller IB Whiskaway, Peaaaea, k Grass 5€047 Sartoga -5-8 S9%faat 20 io« Lost rider. j Boeller 12 OB Baa, Blgbrart. Paaaaaa 55385 A. duct B-8 1 :01 Vislow 3 j MB I I 2 2» J Zoeller 9 Morvieh. Gccldeuta. sir.ii VMBM] TOM HARE JR., br. c, 3 110 By Vulcain— Moonet by Donald A. Trainer, G. V. Barnes. Owner, C. W. Olsrk. C7CM latonia 1 1:48 good 48 104 5 4 4 I 41 C-i B Parke B Yosliimi, f .tllftli. Bill and Coo 67530 Laioiia ft-4 1:11 fast 3 i IM 9 6 7 8* 8»i T Murray 9 Cr.Ware, M.Wlnsor, gu Garden 57462 Latonia ft-4 1 :15V.hvy 4J lOCJ fi 4 I 41 4* J D Mny B Violinist, K.PIianlom, JolioFlun E7391 Latonia ft-4 l:tt alow 45 109 8 7 9 4u -■ r Murray 12 Carpenter, Janku, Granite Wara 57114 Latonia 3 4 l:13%fast 25 109 I 4 C C* 8«f M Garn-r lo Carpeater, Wasblngtoo, B B6821 Latonta f.* f i:07.f.slow 31-10 113 6 4 4 8* 8«» WW Tlor 1 Braedalbaae, CarpMer, Yoshlwl 5 ;7I5 Latonia B f l:M%bTy 4 110 3 1 1 1» V W W Tlor 8 Smilini:La.l, Tulane, Salamander ■sltea F.Gnds 2-8 35fast 4 113 7 1 4»i M Grelner 113 Eve. While. Mawreoron. B. Track MIRIAM COOPER, h. f, 3 108 By Sweep— Ladv Eastman, bv Masetto. I Trainer, D. Vititoe. Owner. Shea Stable. 59373 F.Gnds 5J f 1 : B 109 7 7 f s- »*J e Martin !l Baat Bay, Modesty. St. Maurice 58719 Bowie SI f l:22%mud 12 307 S 111-: 31 E Bartta 10 Penitent. Plocky, Taogeriae MBM Bowie Bi f l:09%bvy 11-5 114 l 1 1 1» 1« L McAtee 12 PianishMaid. Fiiierv. LoayZeaa 58641 Howie :: 1 l:M%s!ow 34 in 1 2 3 :; 1*1 ■ Martin 8 Taabmak, PimMsId, P. Sneezv 58322 Empire 5-8 ltflfcfost 20 114 3 2 2 2- 4- E Martin B NatlveLand, Confusion, AunaM. 58000 Jamaica fii f l.-87%faat 10 114] 1 4 5 | M»» B Baade 11 GriseMa, PrettyLody, Spinning 57440 Aqdoct B-8 l.-«l%faat 31-5 310 4 1 1» 2h L Fator 9 Glenbells, Furious, Promenade 56758 Belmont 5-S st fiBfsfaat 10 IM] 9 6 81 99J J Rodgez 9 Bellatrix, Bajoaae. Lucky Girl DEVOKITE. br. c. 3 110 By Granite — Devonshire Dolly, by Broomstick. Trainer. C. F. Clark. Owner, J. H. Louchheim. 58992 Jeff son 1 l:4ft%bvy M 92 4 4 S 5 E B*» G Breoing B Tip.Witehet. Thimble, LiukyB. 5S702 Jeff son B-8 l:01-,fast 32 1!2 7 S « U1 ft» G Wails 8 Sweepy, Knot Crass, Image B8166 Laurel 3-4 3 :14,igood 44 MB 5 5 o 5 5«1 G Walls S AlesB., CberryTree, Span. Maize E78S8 Laurel 3-4 l:13Hfaot 15 3 S 3 I 5 4l» 31 G Walis I Rocket, Caretaker, Sail in-: A long 57402 Wdbine 1 l:41%good 9 110 3 8 8 6 41 6»1 G Walls 9 Marble, John. Dundee, WesaleB. TM7 Thcliffe hi t 1:08 fast 19-5 110 1 G Walls B D.Beekaer, Posh Pu Weaats B

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Local Identifier: drf1922010701_5_2
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