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_ « "CHAMPION MAIDEN" IS STILL TRYING Mngikon. Uadottbtedly the •champion niaiileu" of Imerica asade bis 1023 debut at ilie Fair Graaaaki Thursday. He failed to get any portion of tin- purse. This horse, which i- owned by "P.ud" Dicgs and trained by George Molea worth, is now ti n years old and ha- had numerous opportunil ies to cat 11 brackels. I.nt has always been found wanting. A peculiar trail about him is that M works in sen atioanl fashion The mce la whi.-ii be eeateetud yesterday was al three-ipiarters and it was run in 111-... Light years ago l.e frequently worked this distance iu 1:13 mid has been doing it regularly since. a.