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MARSHALL FIELD BUYS ENGLISH PLACE Minikin. Knglaai laaaary o. The newacasaes fr-in tart hcadn, quarters at Xewsnarkel that tap-tain ltoyd Barhfort. who manages Mar-hail Fields Raglish stable has boaght for Mr. Kiold the Kuov.sley Ledge trahshsg aaartera at Xewnsnrket. Ill- American .iockey. Anhibaid. wle. lode in Spain last year, has lx--ii engagad to ride daring the raastag ractag season for V. P. GllpiaS stable. mmjltfttd at fl.r.ehaveii. at Newmarket. This is tlie Bpian Kop. Consrade, Pnragaa, Alan Breek atabie. Iteei ho. GBaass Neil Gaw Carrie Bae « ..It. js a prominent candidate for the 10-- Kpsoin llcriiv.