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i i : : , ASK DAILY TAX OF 0,000 I Maryland Fairs Propose Increase for Miie ! Tracks — Legislative Situation Unchanged. BAI.TIMUKK, Md . laauarj 3». The Maryland Vssociatioo of Agricultural Fairs, arganlncd yesterday, ; will wage a battle in the legislature at Annapolis :ro;n now on to make the daily ra« track t.! on the four one mile tracks 0,not. This ; arganhmthsn. which ia backed by practically every fai.- of impoitancc ia the state, will offer ai; I a mend natal to the Barke hill, which created the Maryland Baring Commlnsloa to regulate the sport in tlii- state so as to provide a daily fee of ,0M. The same old crowd with a new name." was the riesr taken by William Jurneli Hull, concern hag tie- attitude of the Fairs a seat in thin Hall hi I chairman of tie- judiciary conunitee of the houtw and is father of the ant i-betting bill In trod need i at this session of the legislature. With practically ail the fairs in Maryland behind I the new movement it is said that raring will gain , many new friends in the session that will tak - place at tl apltal before April 1. The fairs , want 00,000 of Mo- new taxation set aside for r them, which would give each between .00b and 1 sKt.iMHt. It is proponed that the additional daily .• ,600 taxation is to saaetjmt the 1". per real ; which is now paid to the state out of the earnings of the tracks. The difference between tin 15 per cent and the St. 000 is between 5,000 0 and 0,000 annually that each track Would l c a called upon to pay. How the racing organizations view the new v taxation remains to lie seen. Pimlico already nays SO.OOO daily. ,00$ of it going to Baltimore e County. The Maryland Jockey Club wants to help the e fairs live, and tie- sentiment seems to prevail il that the other tracks will agree to the additional ,| ,000. The senate, it is said, will pass tlie anti -betting j. bill, but if racing is to survive tlie bill must be ,. killed iu the house. Proponents of the ipntl declare they have sufficient votes to let the sport t. continue as it has in the past. With Governor Ritchie rapidly recovering from a his illness, opponents of racing hope to have their bill brought iii» soon for a vote. They want the e matter settled as soon as possible. . _ — «