Plan for Kentucky Fight: Friends and Opponents of Racing to be Heard Friday, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-25


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PLAN FOR KENTUCKY FIGHTl Friends and Opponents of Racing to Be Heard Friday. : ■■■ ♦ m Breeders and Farmers in Defense of Racing Commission Control of the Sport. ■ 1 1 i . j i FRANKFORT. Ky.. January 24. — Plans have been perfected by t - tl» sfctea, thoae oppoaiag racing and these favoring the sport, to be liberally represented at the bearing which will be beM neat Friday aftcraooa. January *-T. ia the senate chamber, ea the Lee ami betting bill. v. iiit-li if enacted by the preaeat aeaahw of the legislature would stop the raeea at the Loeisvitle, Lexington and Latooia tracks. Bad weeM abolish that that ha—re i fix-tare, the Kentucky Derby. The hearing will be conducted by the eoaaaiittee «.n judioian. with t-bairataa White L. Hosa of Bell County ia the rhair. With hiai at the Uea-Umt a,iin laorw bench arill sii Beaatora Bca T. Davis f Hickman. Robert c. Riaaaaona of Coviag-taa ami Frank B. Baagberty of Rardstowa, neasecrata, aad Senator William Wallace of Richmond. Repablieaa. Chairman Ifoaa alaa hi a Republican All five aaiaalaia af the c aaaae ittec are lawyer-. The Lee Bill, senate bill No. IS, not aaly repeal! ilie preaeat eaeaaptaea elaaae as to operation af aari-aiataeli and fieach pools, which exeatptioa in the anti-gambling code permits the state Racing Commission to Isaac iiaccasca for atatoel ma rhinca n regulation race track*, bat it alaa authea it a fall sentence aad fine ta assise baaka en any track, t" axe;. i or auike oral aragers, and evea to make wagers over ■ telepbaae. Ir i- imt generally andcielooil. hat is ■ fact, that the baakauikera were driven oat id Keatacky, not by law. hat by tin- rating of the Mate Itacing roaaaaiaaioa. The Ckiaa bill, introduced ia w» . aad which becaase a law thai year, empowered a lacing ceaaaaiesion of five men. to l e appointed by the governor, to have authority orer the raee tracks, and the coaaaaiatsea. oa being aasembled, ■lecreed that the pari-inutuol- and aacHwa pools Khoold be the only atethoda of bettiaj! permitted. snbsei|uentiy this law was challenged in the eoarta by the CeBa interests, aba owaed the Uitdaia »ad Daaflaa Park track*. Their attaraey, Hefaa Hue.-, who is aaw active in the fii.t acaiast the atataebi aad the Keatacky Jockey tlah, tried ia every way io i»i i f aait thi- law. bat the Coart of AppealH ti[ bed it- valiility. and Tin- effotl to arias the t kmakers back to Keatacky fell flat. Rxceatioaa have beea aaade, with the tacit consent af the State Baciaaj Ooataiitwioa, la behalf of ahart aafetlaja, Mch as the Blae ;:a-.s fair at Lexiactoa; the Lexhajrtaa Colored Pair, Oweasbaro, Mt. RterliaK, Erlaaser, and other i».iins. where raaaiag racea have been coed acted in raajaactioa w i t ij « hiiiit- of agricnltaral prodacta. aad la order i.i eaabie the ataaaoterii of the fair* to nake eada meet and awa d ireaaiaat* ta briag aat tin farm eniii ariaea af tha an th». SIMS BILL KILLED LAST YEAR. At the 1"lo malea Keaator II. n. Bhoa af Worth-inttton latrodaced a bill atarh leaa drastic in its aeaac than the Bill, repealiag the exeaiptioa elaaae as ta mntuels and Preach peoh ili- bill wax departed favorably by the eoauaittee aa ati-r-ultore and State Fair, by I vote of 1 to . but on motion af Kenatec Henaaa P. Monroe if Loaut-ville the ininority repart was adapted hy a vote of -_**J to 11. which killed the tegialatJaa f r that •eaaiaa. The Lee bill is the first instrument offered in any state, it is taid, arhieh endeavors to aappreaa oral betting. That method of wagering is the style now u»ed in New York, under whieh bookmakers. ooer.iring aader KB elaborate eredll arrangement, are -aid to handle Minis of money which dwarf into significance the amounts bet in Kentucky, which are mostly in small bels of two. five and ten dollar. This year the defense of the commission Control of racing will be handled by :i committee of farmers and horse breeders, principally from the blue grass -ectiou. whan auay of ibe greaU-at .aims fa Fayette. Baachaa and Weedfard Caaattea. Men and women alike are interested in this business of laising thoroughbred horses, for ihe area tent uarae iu the world. Man o War. is now quartered at laiiii. aear Ia ikaajtaii, ia charge af Mis-Elizabeth Daingerfield. while the sire of Man o* War, the great stallion Fair Flay, with Honrlest* and other speedy thoroughbreds, and the dam af Man o War. the mare Malmbah. are at Augu-t J.eluionts Nursery Stud. I few miles aw.iy in the ■aaW caaaty in charge af Mrs. King. REVENUE FROM YEARLING MARKET. A recent report from the pritoipal sales company, which handle- tin- juuliou- af yearlings at Saratoga and afaewhere, was to the effect that this one company paid almo-t |TOB,SSt to blue gra*s farmers for their youngsters last sea-on. which makes no mention of the more numerous private sale- and the great number of horses which were bred for their owners and not for sale. In view of the fact that the fanning industy in Kentucky was at its lowest ebb in ttgl, and that the tobacco growers, until they organized, were at the mercy of an advene market, it can be -ecu that the mone from the sale of horses was almost a godsend to the blue gra-s. a-it was the only agricultural enterprise in the -late That held its own. Hreediug of horses is not an enterprise, however, which is confined to the few counties around Lexington. Already Christian County is making its i mark in that channel and through the efforts of the • Kentucky State Racing Commission blooded stallions have been sent to all sections of the state and the • breed of bataaa has been improved in counties ; which have not yet produced registered foals, but which benefit by the half-bred and quarter-bred I stock. One line of argument which is to be presented I against the L*e bill is that it carries a clause pro vidina that if any section of the act be held uncon-atitutamal lhat decision will not affect the re- • i • • ; I I • aaaadft of the hill. Advocates of the present system claim 1hat the courts will decide that the provision against oral belting and against telephoning I wager are void, in which case they say thai the only result of the act would be to destroy ,0M annual state revenue and to aahatltate the New-York system for that now in use in Kentucky. Senator John A. Iee of Owen Comity, author of the bill. Bays that it is a combination of all anti-gambling statutes, and that hii iulrodiiccd it on his own initial ivc. sad after making a study of tha situation. Be expects to explain his hill at length when the coasaalttae meets aad will eadeavar to have a favorable report submitted. Bete ally the Campaign Committee ta Abolish Ran- Track .ambling. " with offices ia the Kenyou Buibttag, at I.oui-ville, sent out Helm Urines n-apaaae to the stateasat of the Thoroughbred Horse mens Association aa to the benefits of racing in Kentucky and offered to submit to any Kentucky newspaper wishing t« puhlitdi this rsaaaaaaaa the same in type, as prepared by the Western News-i paper 1niou. Considerable funds are said to have been collected hy subscription for the conducting of a campaign aniiinst racing, aud ■ chairman for each eaagressasaal district was appointed by thoe winking for the overthrow of the sport. Whether or not the "campaign committee" will support the I,ee bill is to be learned in a few days, as. unless a bill similar to the Sims hill of 1920 be introduced, the Lee bill will be the only anti racing statute before the general assembly.

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