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* o MARYLAND FOES OF RACING ACTIVE BALTIMORE. Md.. January 24. — There is now a sentiment developing among some members of the assemBly to put racing --or rather race track betting "up to the people* by means of a referendum, to be incorporated iu a bill. The idea of bills i carrying referenduins continues popular, though attorney-general Armstrong has indicated grave doubts i whether a bill carrying sack s provision would b-held constitutional. On blanks aaaread throughout the state by the i Maryland anti race track betting association, petitions memorializing the general assembly to abolish i race track betting in the state began to rain into the house tonight. The petitions, many of them , containing hundreds of names, came from church i congregations. Sunday schools and bodies of voters l from nearly every county. There were no petitions from Baltimore City, nor • any from Harford. Anne Arundel or Prince George ; Mattea, wheie the states race tracks are located. A flood of such petitions is expected later i on. The anti-race track betting association is said to have its workers in every county obtaining round t robins to be forwarded to Annapolis. Dr. W. W. Davis, president of the Lords Day Alliance, and William Silver Aberdeen, presided of the anai-race track association, have attended 1 every session of the legislature thus far. The committee in Charge is expected to begin hearings on i the Hall bill soon and report favorably on it. The ; forces of the uplift have a sure majority on this i committee, whose chairman is delegate Hall.