Havana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-25


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j i | I I 1 I I HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA. CUBA. TUESDAY. JANUARY 24. 1922.-Oriental Park 1 mild. Fifty-fourth day. Puba-Aniericau Jockey and Auto ClWh. Winter Meeting of 100 or more days. Weather clear: temperature 86. Steward-. J. Ilachmeister. C. H. I.an-dale and K. Burke. Judge-, . Cornehl-.n and Edward Jusper. Starter. James Milton. Pacing Secretary. Martin Nathan-on. Pacing -tart- at 2:38 p. 111. Chicago time 1:57 p. Bt.. "Indicates apprentice allowan.-. KQry-JCr TIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlonss. Jan. 24. 1917—1:05—5—102. Purse 00. 3-year- eJtZP 4 Oe3 olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00: third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt U Vs Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C V I 59645 CO0CORRON vv 100 4 j bj li 5- 1" . Domick M V Daly :, I o 6-6 ii-;, 59645*LAST GIRL w 100 7 4 L; l" Bat gi t Burns A Allegro 8-5 2 2 7-101-2 50787 WRKCKLHSS wb 105 I I 5- 4t • Sak N Swan T J Breslin 1 31 S| 7-5 7-ID 59664*BLAZING FIRE w 100 1 tl $«| SaB-gi 4J B Seheffei T Hoffler 4 4 4 8-5 1-5 88399* ATHGARVhTN WB MS ■ 1 4 V 3i 5= J Maiben T Hodge I I b 2 I B99B3*AL4BBO ar 183] s s s s 7* n B Inajhrh C w Boss s x s s :, 5994S*CARRUTHER8 w Mi I 7 7» 7 8« 7 D Prihla P Stire H 15 li t« I 39943*CHARLTA SMITH wit 97 2 5 i; :: s ! A Tw-ntt G P Sherman I s s :: s-5 Time. 24, «.and%, l:02Vi, l:M3/t. Track fait. mntuels paid. Coscorron. .10 .straight. .00 place. S3 00 show; Last Girl. .50 place. . SO show; Wreckless. .00 show. Equivalent booking odds — Coscorron, 255 to 100 straight. 100 to 100 dace. 50 to 100 show; Lust Girl, 75 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Wreckless, 50 to 100 show. 1TI— cr B -. ky Hmmn-chill, ky gpt; trataed bj w. .1. Daly, bred iiy Mr. A. K. Macoatkee. S Went to post .if 2:31. At post 1 minulc. BUrt good and slow. Won driving; second jind third the MM. COBCORROJi begaa slowly :nnl :ts not harried ill tke early nmiiinc. hut onm- la-t -when called i.n in ike stntek and aaa in the but stride. LAST GIRL tired after disposing of BLAXING FIRE and. I .nine into the lend. fauYsked gamely. WRECK LESS finished fast and outvalued BLAZING FIRl. lie- Uttor r.icil will i iiioimliunt. iii in Bualikid 88983»Etkel Vale. 192; 89383 Baa Stefan* MS; B9343 BaBt Wrack. MS. overweight; — Aleea, i_. peeenax 5 K.€Jk7ti.£i SECOND RACE— 5 T-2 Furlong . Jan. 24. 1917— 1:05 i— 0—103. Purse $"00. 3-year- j tPtJ 4 J%3 olds ard upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 50: second. 00 :_third. 0. | ladcx Horns AWtPPsT% %"%~StrPra Jockey Owaeq 0_JB C P- 8. ■ B#B47*oiId~SIXXER «i s Hi l ] i; i t5 1? D Prikle. B Mlodow -L Z £J 4-:.-:. .-.nflM1-R-: LIABILITY w 96 I I .."• t ! 2* I. Penman M Goldblatt i b I | 1 83941 GRATIAN v.- 1 B9 ;. ;, r ■*. ::". ; - P Wilaon W C Weatnaond Z J 7-Htl-:: 59947**KD GARRISON wtlK 3 2 !» 2» 2 4 G Fields Egypt Stable 2 Z 2 7-l"l-3 B9BMI*OSGC OD «■ i; «07 I J I I I I X Barart B B Rice t I I B-5 4-3 StlSS* MOON WINKS w 3 M | I ::■.:.- .v. I B Scheff el R L Baker B I I 3 B-5 ~~ Time. 23%. 48%. 1:01%. 1:07%. Track fast. ,- Bfi mateels aakf, old sinner. .89 straight. .98 place, S3. 10 *baw; Reliability, ,*0.*jo place, :. .mi o skew: Gratiaa, 13.10 skew. I i;.;miv.iI ••:it kooklag sids OH Biaacr, loo to KM straight. 153 to MS place. 70 to MS show: Bella- Lility. 243 to Dmi place S3 to loo a«t; Gratiaa, 53 to MS show. ." Winner--B. g. ky Pea Tramp- La sinaioa. by Batpetar of Norfolk tralaeS ky K. Rites; kred i y Mr. 4 Edward hr..in I. Weal to peat at 2:33 At peat 1 miiint start % I .nil stow. Won driviag; second and third tke . Iame. OLD SINNER took tke lead it once and raced ED GARRISON into defeat la tke lir-t half, bat had io be ridden out at tke end. RELIABILITY caned ■ pap and a/as gaining at tke finish. GRATIAN saod •.•round when catering tile homestretch and finished fast, hut tired right at the end. ED GARRI- .« SON ran «-ll i- tke laM elsktk. IfOON WINKS showed speed for ■ half. y ov. r«-r-lit i -Reliability. 2 poaad»; Gratiaa, 5; Moon Winks, i. ftTQraJry THTJtB ■ ACE—I 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— 1:05/;— 5— 102. Purse 00. 4-ycar- c v9iJ 4 9 4 olds and apward. Claiming. Net value to winr.er 50: second. 00: third. 0. _ ** fc~lnd»- lli.i-sos ~ AWMIS i ..~-; str lin ".|o.k.ys Owaera O H C P 8 ! ISSSS1 SHOOT AWAY m .". lit 2 1 tl S* 4*4 la W Mor*aeyF Rector B I 1 - 1 SSSSS WAH MAP «r» S MP 3 ". Z ~h 33 T Bums E v Matrenaa 1-3 8-5 «-i 3-5 1-3 ■ BS7S4*SUGARMINT m .". liT 7 3 ;- ::: I" J» 1 Iribi-- E B .Major 39 3j :. C-3 i ■ r !»7»t WINDS OF CHCE • I MI G i l I . l t* li CtoraataG Deaacfcotea l 12 12 S 2J 374i« BLONDEL era S 111 S 2 43 4* V r- K WUaon If Herdel 33 1 1 1-5 4-3 SS7S4*HI NTRBSS ar 11 Ml I S 7-; 6" V S ■•■ W Keteay J J McCaffertjr 1 3 3 I 1-Z ■ a .r.* .;tti lilDIAN w it ;. in 1 : ii 7 7 7 .1 Matkea E I BhewkrMjfe W M IS 1 Z SSSSI*TARASCON . a S 113 ! - H II I » G PVMa M » Viae M H M I Time. 24. 48. 1:01. 1:07-.,. Track fast. ?2 iiiuiid pi i I SI t Away. Ni.M straight. .*;:!.." » plaee. S-J.JHI show: War Map, S3.SS Ilaci. S2.S0 p- *liow: Basanaiat, $: ■ skew. " Eqaivaleal I Via;; odd- s! t Away. S5S to HM» si r.ii;:ht. 7.". to ISS place, 45 to IS6 -how: War Map, , oil to MS place, :: • to I0S Rkoar: Bncanaiat, »"i to 10S show. Winner — B. ii. hy .1 im Gaffaey — Milky Way. I.v Star Shoot iraiind l.y P. Rector; hied hy Messra ! ICobhius A; l.ynehl. Weal to peal al 8:2S. Ai i»--t :$ aiiaateii. Start pood and sj,,w Won dririas; recaad and third t iio alio. SHOOT AWAY v.a- ootpaced to the stretch tare, when- ae was li.oiisht on tin tstde. and . •. finishing «i.ii a rusii ..t uo to aria in tke Ileal Rtride WAR MAP raa ■ Rood race and finished ganaely. L Secarariat saved pmaad aa all the taraa and riaiaked ta-i and eh.se. WINDS or CHANCE set a fast pace, bat tired in ih - lai gixteeath. Bcratcked 5S741 Lyric, mr.: MSSSMoUaero, IM; 585433Qaaker 1S5; 5S582 Pickle Fancy, 107. ., Uvcrareickta Winds of Chance, 1 pound. ■QTtf-ift FGUP.TH RACE— 1 Mile. March 23. 1919— 1:38-,—5— 1C5.1 Midsoason Handicap. r. 0?7 4 1 0 Pane ,000. 3-year-old:-, and upward. Net value to winner S775; second, 50: third. 8 MB. Index Horses AWtPrSt j ■ .■ ■, Sir Tin lockay I Own-i-s o II r !• s BS7ftt:Jr I K51 ! PRYOR w 4 MP 2 i l» 1* 1 V Is L Peiiman R L Baker B-5 8-5 8-3 1-2 1 -1 p 29737 SWEEP CLEAN a B IM 1 3» :•- ■■"■ S» S W Kelaay Goldapple Stable ,-.". C-S S-S 2-5 1-3 :i!t;»7 SEA PRINCE are S MS E • S a ■• 3» B KenndyH E Swan 7 7 7 2 -:. R97SSsMUMBO Jl MBO ar 8 MS 3 1 2 Z3 i" :.- 1-1S Boyle i Doyle 14 4 11-2 BS7S7:THE PIRATE wiSM 5 :: t*« 4,# 4* ! ". ; Plelda Roaedale Stable :: :: :: 4-5 2-fi Time. 24. 47%, 1:12%. 1:38%, Track last. sj mataeta paid, Jndge Pryar, 15.88 ttraickt, sj.7i» place; sweep lean. .88 place: no show mataebi .old. r . Equiraleal buokias iwlSi Tadrr Pryar, l!o to toti Btraight, S3 t» DM place; sweep Cleaa, ••". to dkj * place. Winnei -Br. p, by Palcaie— Praacei M . by Pilfarrane trained i A. Tkoaus; bred ky Mr. S. K. Nichols i . Went to peat al :::•" •-■•. At iH.st 2 atinatea. Start peed and slow for all bat sr.v PRINCE. Wea eaatering; aecoad and third dririas*. JCDGE PRYOB set a fast pace ander restrainl until after ronaaiag the far tarn, then caaM fi si iii tke last sixteenth and won eaniag up SWEEP CLEAN raced forwardly and gamely, inn roald never et to tke leader. SEA PRINCE araa as coixl as left aud closed an immense ; gap. MCMBO JUMBO tired after racing la cleaest pursuit to tke last eightk. Overweicht — Sea Prince, 1 pound. PkCnTftQ riFTE RACE— 1 »Iilo and 50 Yards. March 6, 1913—1:41— S— 117% Pane STSs! ; Ov 4 V?y 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 3550: second, S1C0: third, 0. "inrtes Iloi:-. AWtPPSt ~ % a BtrPto Jockeya Ownerti T~~ H C V S~ r !686 niBiUlTTl ~~~lT~~ T 1 I ~ A .Mei/TiliiiV .1 l3a iy If M 10 4 I SSTSS*P. AND WARMER a B 183 i l :■ !■» V i E Joaiak C .1 Wnatley 4 5 :. I l B97S3 TAWASENTHA -. I ME -..-:: B KenndyJ L Paul 12 12 12 ." -i j .-»f 68« STIR DP a-BM183 7 t B | ft* 7 IJ 1- .1 Malbea W C Kennedy S3 I 8-5 4-5 | ."»!707 •INCINERATOR «r 5 M3 I - "■ " N Barart F Wrtopen .-. 1 1-2 ! .-»»fi86 SIB ADSUM ara 7 188 12 S :, E* ■ .: Bmitk .1 Hooker Jr 8 8 8! SMISBYGONE w 1 M I M 11s ISIUSM " • Pevic .1 M Skeppard : 36 SB 8 I SS7SS OUR PCEPHEW ar 7 109 11 7 f gk 83 8* BJ E AtkinsnF J Kearna 12 12 1 5 Z| BSTM*COUNSEL ar 8 185 6 8 WJ 8* 85 11" ■ • H BrydgeaG Nibba :■• 5 :. Z l SSJS7S" LITTLE DEAR • I km x 5 12 12 W * 9J 10J B Schef fe! T Kodge t 4 t 8-5 4-5 .-.fK-Kfi GOMUL era 13 181 2 11 p- 4 ■ 7lJ113 .1 McBrideW BCrc - 12 :: - . ";»7S AUDREY v.- 1 182 1 12 :■■ . liJ 12 12 12 G Fields T Smith - 8-5 1 Time. fM, 49. 1:15%. 1:41%. 1:44%. Track fa,-,.. 83 mutiiels paid. SieMer. 849.M Btralgkt, S2S.M place, 4.10 akow; I.n;- and Warmer. Hl.M place, Ji in aWar; Taaraaentka. 83.98 sii.e.-.-. Eqalvaleal booking odd -BibMer, 2355 to D» Btralgkt, BOB to DM place, 8B5 to Dwi akaw; Fair and Wanner. t7n to 189 place, JJ» to Km. Bkoar; Taara eatka, 83 to DK akoar. Winner B. at, bj Tkeo. Cook— Bacchante, by Bacnaaaa trained by L. A. Daly: bred ky Mr. .!. " Temple Gwatttntej |. Weal i" posi al I :1 Al post J niiaatea. Start ■£■ "d iad Blow. Won eaaily; second and third driving. BIBBLER -lipieal throuii next to the Inajde rail after roundiac the far tara and. coming tit Ikreagfc tie stretch, won geiaii away. KAIB AND WARMER s-i a good pace, bat tired la tke last angrier TAWASENTHA raced arell and Hnhtkrd gangly. STIR L*P raced gaady. INCINERATOR showed Kneed, hut tired. LITTLE DEAB was bumped and almost thrown oa the tirst tarn. 1 Overweights RioMer. ■_■ pounds; Taw; neatiui, 5; Our Nepaew, 1; Audrey A.. I. prQrTr-rjTk SIXTH RACE— 1 I»IUo Utd £0 Tarda. March 6. 1918—1:41—5—117. Pur.ie S70D. O «™ 4 6 " 4-ycar-olds pnd apward. Claiming. Net value to winner S550: second, 00: third. 0. ladei ii. • AWtPPSt , -, Str Fin Jockeys Ownen ii il C P S~" S9888* BYRNE we C W2 fi »i 1% T l l t3, G Fields Roaedale Stable 2 :~~:; 1 ~ SSS19* PETRARCH araa 4 87 1 2 B* 6 M P Z* H Bckcffel Allen K- Hall 6-S 8-5 8-5 2 : S9SX4*UOLD. CHANCE ■ i 1 -i I I - -■ • 1 Prikle i: B Major I 1-2 S9SS9 DAN v ■ - 107 2 I ! ; o ■ t 1. PenmanJ H Bkreve ills ;,:•; ;; ROSEATE P 4 MS 3 3 E S 1, : "■ .." II Brydgc»Lindaay Stable 18 18 hi t Z 59687 -GOOD i!1. B 1 1 1 1 7 _ JJ 6 « S Boyle B B Rice 5 .". .". - 1 Time 23%. 47%. 1:13%. 1:38%. 1:4S%. Track fast. |2 mime!, paid. Byrae, 1.89 Btralgkt, ?i.:;i place, 83.98 akow; Petrarck, 83.78 place, S3.M show: boklea Chance, *-J.~« bbow. Bquivaleal bookinc "Id- - P.yi ne. 459 t" Dmi Ktraigkt, 113 to 199 place. :»:, |« 198 skew; Petrarck, s.7 to ton place, Lo to 108 show: GeMea Ckanee, 35 to 10D akew. Wiauei 1 h . hy The Maaagci -Caution, by Pktaoaea trained i y .!. Haggcrty; bred by Mr Tkoaaas I HcImweU. Went to Met at 1:47. At post 1 ninates. Start pood and slow Woa ridden oat; aecoad and thirrl driving. BYRNE .■•■■k tke lead qaickly and. ataking tke pace fast, drew away oa tke last tara, but ara T.uihn eat to out tay PETRARCH. The latter began ilowly and araa broagbt wide when catering tke i.eme tnieii. hut finished fast. GOLDEN CHANCE raa well and Balifcud gagaely. DAN tired after racing II te eeai 1 place la tke stretch. Overweight it — ate, I paaada.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922012501/drf1922012501_2_10
Local Identifier: drf1922012501_2_10
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800