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MEVKWTH RACK r» •-- Itirlnngf. ::- ar-i»l«ls and oiparaupdL Clnimins. i.lnne SS, 15 1 ; LtdME 1-. 3 I « B. t ORLEANS GIRL, br. m, 6 107 By Jack Atkin--Lady Installator, by Inatallator. Trainer, C. Manley. Owner, H. T. Palmer. 59696 Tijuana v f 5 108 6 I E 5* 5=J A Jacobs 8 Mayflower. D.Dodge, C.the Way 5M21 Tijuana SifliMfcfaat 6 108 3 3 8 V 1» C Studer 8 MeMarahy. Pueblo, C.oldie Rose 63648 Tijuana lm70y l:3l-,siow 11 112 3 1 1 1 2 4 C Studer 9 I mlnic Lewis B lover Inaia 68468 Tijuana 6J f 113%hvy 7 M* 3 4 6 4J 5»3 C Studer T P.doOaasa. Amer.Maid, OurMaid HME Tijukna 2-4 l!l9%slop 41-10 115 3 2 3 4- 4 T Rae 7 M.i ry Liss, Baisy, Dorothy SMILING MAGGIE, ch. m. 8 110 By Smile— Margaret M., by Woolsthorpe. .Trainer, W. Bmhhart. Owner, Monia Stable. 59655 Tijuana 5-8 102 faat E 114 E I 7 7=1 1*1 B Parke 8 Fireplace. Kath. Rankin. M.Lar.e 59109 Tiiuana 5-8 ltfMHaat 3 HI 5 7 7 7 4"i B Parke 7 Perch, Sherman A., Mayflower 58932 Tijuana El f IMWmat M-M MB 3 4 2 1= l1 J Htamer 7 B.Smoke, K.Cheatham, Gwdola StLlTiuana H t 1 :"9 fast 7-5 109 2 3 3 U 1* J Htamer 10 Mannchen, Fireplace, Pltagenet EBtMTmJaaaa II f I MTtflM 2 M 6 6 2 2| ll B Parke 8 Tillotson. Earlymorn, Hap. all y HONEST GEORGE, b. g, 6 118 By Kenilworth— Mitten, by King Eric Trainer, W. Sims. Owner, W. Sims. . ,.. . _, __ ancNStaana v f 1 OS fa-t 7 31 I I I •h 4 * Murray 11 R.L.Ovvon. Mistake, Q.of Trumps vie- Tijuana "U 1 :01%faot 60 114 S 7 6 4* 4=1 W Gargan S Fireplace. Harry D., Mayflower ■• ■- Tiiuana 3-4 1 IS, slow 3 ;-i0 107 4 3 3 6 6* B Parke 9 Pl.Blosm, H.Valley. ChIeyBoy ;4;-T ua a Bill:" So, 11-5 111 11 V n B Parke 8 Czardom. Nellie Harper Thrill, MBM Tiiuara 5-1 l:0i~fast 12-5 111 6 6 4 31 4lPI/mg 7 King Dick, Fireplace. Pueblo EMM Tijuana El t lM%faat 67 107 6 3 2 3 4J O Atwell 9 Big Smoke. Fireplace, Tutt HARRY BURGOYNE, b. g, 7 108 By Poop oDay— Farley, by Frankfort. W. Younkman. Owner. W. Yotinkman. V.745 Thuaaa .V. f 109 fast 5 105 5 3 3 6| 4=3 M Fator 9 RubhorlL. Q.ofTmps. N.Harper 58576 MaDleH lmTOy 151 slop 3 lol 4 11 4 5- 6" J Htamer 7 Toreador, Speedster, Discord 685* Man eH 3 4 1:17 goodl9-W 100 5 6 5 » 2 J Htamer 7 WildFlower, MyMazie, Blazonry 58494 Ma pleH. 3-4 l:20%hvy 19-10 110 2 1 1 m 2* H Fator « N.Mileybght. Tarasn O.Jame. 68416 MaplaH 3-4 1:17 slow 3 118 6 6 4 »» 4»i K Fator 7 Hopeful, Bengalese, Glenn I I I ! I i I I i ! I I ! ! ! , DULY FASHION, ch. g, 8 112 By Rey del Shasta— Queen of Fashion, by Maanio. Trainer, J. A. Parson. Owner. J. A. Parson. E8SM Tijuana S-8 1 :0S;-.livy 16-5 111 o 4 3 3- B*| W Gargan • H.irrvP., Madam Byag ThnlN 59468 Tijuana f.l t l:18%hry 4* 112 4 5 4 6- «»JP Hum T D.deGaiae, AincrMaid OurMaid 59410 Tijuana 5-8 lM%alop 9-10 312 2 1 1 lJl1 O Willims 7 .Master. AcaaMaM Fl Sahio 59356 Tijuana El f 1 J2%sawd 5 112 2 11 U 4»1 G Willims 5 M.Stathem. K.ththm, Am Maid 69251 Tijuana 5-S ldjalaa 21-10 111 I 11 2-i Is G Wliums 9 Rafferty, Mabel Rule. F.1 Snbio VIRGE, ch. m, 8 112 By Leonid— Virginia Lindsey, by Pirate of Pen- Trainer, R. H. Good. Owner, R. H. Good. zance. 59734 Tijuana 611*9 fast 9 115 4 4 4 3= 3 W Gargan 9 M.Bvng, B.Bird Kit Cheatham 59231 Tijuana 6-1 1 : il"0slop 11 113 I 2 4 4» 611 R Garter 8 Mannchen. TUlOtaOfl Thrills 5S944 Tijuana 5-s 3 :02tfefast 3 3 v, « 8 7 41 l1 J Hunmer 8 Merry Iiss, NoWonder, El Sabio 68806 Tijuana B-8 !:" 12-5 114 3 2 2 ll 5| T Rae 9 Tutt, Duly Fashion. Manmhen LITTLE POINTER, ch. f, 4 109 By Heno— Stiletto, by Star Shoot. Trainer, W. Maltby. Owner. W. Maltby. 59674 Tijuana 11:42 fast 23-10 106 4 3 3 3 6]J 7= C Studer 7 Perch. MabelRule NellieHarper 59592 Tijuana fil f 1 :09;:.-,good I 303 I I 2 2«1 2»* C Studer 8 HamtouA., MahelRule 59371 Tijuana 3-4 1 :lS--mud 31 304 « 4 I 6J 8"J J Htani.-r Hi W.Smoke, Jf.Pule. ravahadrll. ES947 Tijuana E f LOSafast E MB 2 4 3 2 in J Haamer 8 Mannchen, Kah.Raiikin, Thrills HARRIGANS HEIR, ch. g, 5 109 By Harrigan— Admirals Daughter, by Von Tvomp. Trainer, F. V/allhauser. Owner, F. Wallhauter. 5973:. Tijuana 3-4 l:14%faat SM 113 6 9 9 9 9J W Garpan 8 K.Rankiu. John Jr.. M MauMir 59675 Tijuana 3-4 l:14%faat 24 108 9 9 9 9 9»»A Jacobs 9 JohnJr., OrchidKing, Pl.P.losiii 69022 Tijuana El f IM fast 21 Ml I 4 4 4 6*1 M Blghter B C.Moore, r.A.CiskeT. K. Rankin W967 Tijuana 6-S 1 :0i -fast 270 101 7 7 7 71 75i E Noble B MLane. CaiTie Moore, Shifty NO WONBER. ch. g, 7 112 By Fireman— Belle of Portland, by G. W. Johnson. Trainer, J. Crofton. Owner, H. D. Cates. 59710 Tijuana 3-4 l:16%faat 21-5 114 4 111* 1* C Studer 13 Sea Beach, Nepp.-rhan. Red Man 59650 Tijuana 6-8142 fast 7 312 3 3 3 3=1 3s B Parke 9 Rubbcrll.. B.MackH.. I.imerU k 5?228 Tijuana 51 f l:10%slop 8 311 5 4 4 6*1,8*8 J Htamer 7 Rafferty, Ermitana, DyFashloa 59187 Tijuana 3-4 1 :17iGslop 3 112 2 3 3 3= 4" J Hunmer 8 Rafferty, Plantagenet, LewisB. COOKMAID, ch. f. 4 M 104 By Pharmacy— Suavita, by St. Leonards. Trainer. W. L. Stanfield. Owner. L. E. Old. 59734 Tijuana 61148 fast lOf M9 5 9 9 9 851 E Donhue 9 Madam Byng. Bn-v Bird. Virge 59695 Tijuana 61 t HOSVfefast 11 MS E E I 7* 7*3 E Donahue 8 Mflower, DonDodse, CL the Way 59139 Tijuana 5-8 l:0l-r,fast 1"4 111 5 2 3 61 7" E Denny 7 King Dick. Fireplace, Pueblo 0H0W, ch. o, 4 112 By Rapid Water— Lady Oraama, by Ornament. Trainer, A. Wickham, Owner, W. Ormes, 59715 Tijuana El t IM fa.-t 7 112 4 I | 4i 64i H Saladin 1 1 K.L.Owen. Mistake. Q.ofTrumps MBM Tijuana 8-4 l:iey5good 18 113 2 3 3 31 6JH Paladin 8 M.Maulsby, Nnshotah, Sht Stop 59431 Tijuana 3-4 1:20 mud 4 314 2 2 2 42 5« H Paladin 0 Rafferty, PlumBlosm, M.Rule 59371 Tijuana 3-4 l:l8-kmud 33-10 311 3 3 4 4» 6« B Parke 10 W.Smoke, M.Rule. CavaleadrII. EL SABIO, br. g, 12 112 By Sorcerer— Schwalbe, by Saia. Trainer, J. Kern. Owner, J. Kern. 59713 Tijuana SI f IM fast 13 112 6 4 2 2J S1? II B Bwerll R.LOwcn. Mistake, Q OfTl— aa 59613 Tijuana 5-8 6 112 2 2 2 1J 11 P Caron 8 Stiletto, TQlotsoa. Uraahaa 59590 Tijuana 5J f l:16%good 13 ll« 2 2 1 11 lh H B Hwcr 8 H.Valley, T.Rkenridge, Pltagt 5:32 Tijuana 5-8 1 :0St-,hvy 19 M8 I 3 4 6» 4SJ P Hum 0 HarryD., Madam Byng, Thrills