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MEXICO CITY RACING GOSSIP How American Owners and Horses Fare in Inca Land. ♦ Condesa Course Up-to-Date — Climate Severe on Thoroughbreds — Living Conditions. » BY I . I CONNORS I MEXICO CITY, I« xi -i . Jaiiumv 21.— Turf sport bete al praacari l« Car better than wliat American* »iii Id. anil tlif local Mexican and English caftaaiM support the program d.iil.v in a keen way. The netting iu tlie mntuels. while of small denomina-tiou, is sli owing daily iaamvcaMaM and runs aliove STi.flOB peso*, aboal 2.Wt American money, daily. suii«la - take was at I iniu-li bigger order. The people hen- appear to lie undei the impression ihat it is a matter ol ttiajawtte 10 arrive late, and some Mragule in after the third race has been contest. il. The Cnndiia proper and its plant is one that would lie I credit »•• rinv city ill the North The new stand will m com modal i- lose to ."i.iVXi people, uhile the betting iiilosnte is twice the sizi of leal »l PimlicO. The old etaad, OT tlie field slmid. i-- ghrea o -r entiiely to the peon or poorer das*, .uid the ibiily admission in that section is one ■CM This building houses the secretarys office an. I other administratiopi fcf I lift* and is on the turn entering the stretch. The center field is given Ofcr to a polo field, and mulch.-, are played two or tunc time- ■ week, but iitli the ece|njun of iln sporting -it attract bat little upi«ui. The ;. niis ux d an- iniili larger type than those u-ed in the Bast, and corresi.onilingly -lower. Ilesiileni Obr.gcii is enthusiast ie about racing and has a -triug a* barn a in targe of Geae Iviitz. The majority are Of tlion.iiphlu-d -to. U. bat the l"il: - p I- bare beea led and effort* are now being made to trace them. The pre-ident ac, oinpanicd by his family anl aaeeatara of the cabin-t i- a freqaei vi-iioi- and views the race- from I specially built b. -ititated in the main -land. While the track was in coin-e of con-ti itction the president v..i- | tall] rinitor and apateamal to be mo-t democratic He walked aboal tae tiaaaali aod toareraH «itii ■law -t anyone that rroaaoi bia path and at no time was accoinpanied by ;: gu id OT aids CONDESA TRACK AND CLIMATE. The soil on the track la atailai to that which • oiiip .sed the top I: y. r Bl the oM Overland Port al Denver. Col., while the altitude here i* higher than that at Dearer. Ataaoepherie conditions aa the whole are eleor, and Mount Popoeatapetl, some sixty kilomet-rs awa.i. can be aeeo plainly almo-t ■ Veiy day. V -ti nil m.-.iiii and smuke were no tleeaMe with the naked er« and when ghi-se- were u-ed Ihe outburst a-sunic.| big paopoti ions, hut net enough to exrite iiie natives, Tic- air ta aare and until ore geta acclini.iteil fatigm roaari quickly. During the noon hour and uniil ahoat four in the ■fteraooa t i- ipiite warm, hat later in the evening a topcoat is almo-t a |t«ally, while in the early nio.iiing heavy wrapt IK in demand The climate baa mo-t eertataljr affeeteal the bones, and aaarea and gehiing- appear to do much better lhan I oiis or Early arrivals from New Orleans fared booUj during the first few days of racing and. with the exreptiaa of Magician, all were beaten on their initial start by hOIOM that had be.n here for some time. Uriag expeaoea ore about equivalent to thane al ■B] Northern it . while eating is. according to ihe American way of thinking, almo-t a lost art. Ihe Mexican restaurants Unit cater to Americans : ml other foreigners are mo-;iy equipped with Ber-miin or Italian cooks and a real boaeit-tO goodneaa ■al. i- almost unknown Dreakfast is the besi meal here and cost- -eveni -five cent- in Amen an waeer. Wine, beer and imported v.hiskic- are plentiful, bare a limited demand. The money of the rotwrr* i- either gold or silver. Paper aoaej l» unknown, i lie goM piece-are M, 3t, in. ."» and 3.56 ncoa iltiia—laati— , while the ailrer is - and 1 neaa. and the -mailer pieces traded down l« 5 reatavoa are popper. The writer uou a hel the oilier day and the caahiei paid him off ill peoa 1iei es. Iiir load! broke him dowa although the total ..mount was only *•"•". There have been several i-bangea in owaership, and "ormoran, awtietl by p. .1. Miles, and Ralph II . belonging to i;. B. Bryooa. died Several more aie in a serious comiiiioi: .-Hid nv. expected to lire. The death* ami sickn.-- are the result ol f r cntrai ted while ihippiag from Sen Orleans to aach a high altitude. _ a —