Argentine Stake Results: Colinette Wins 0,000 Prix Las Heras at Palermo-Other Good Stake Races, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-05


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_ A t - r g y ARGENTINE STAKE RESULTS Coliristte Wins 510,000 Prix Las Heras at Palermo — Other Good Stake Races. The racing season in the Argentina is now in full s-ving. A number of rich stake events, big features of the South American turf, have been decided recently. The results of the racing at Palermo, near BhsaaMM Aires, on December .8 and 11 have just reached heie. Eight fillies stalled in the Prix Ias Heras. a 01,000 race at a mile and I quarter. tolinetle, four-year old daughter of Amsterdam — Corocha, by Old Man. was the victor after a close struggle, The three-year-old Point du Jour, by Perrier— Bruyere Blende, by Winkfields Pride, easily defeated Oran Sujet. Iacu and five other colts in the ,500 Prix Fautasio, at one mile. The ,-000 Prix ttotafogo. a handicap, resulted in victory — — a 1 for the three-year-old Chilo, son of Val dOr— Meltons. Rotija was second and Pombiquct third. The ,500 Prix Jovial XII. was marked by the graduation from the maiden ranks of Impression, a these fT-old filly by Verdun— Idette, by Goldfinch. She led eleven other starters to the finish at three-quarters. The J4..500 Prix Telovolhxiire at ■ mile and a quarter was also marked by a graduation. The winner was Jaquc al Rey, son of Irigoyen — Nueva Era, by Bachelors Button, which scored over four other starters. Buen Ojo, the consistent five-year old son of Chili II. or Craganour — View, by Martagon, added another stake to his long list of victories by winning the ,600 Prix Capital at ■ mile and a half from Caupi and Moloch. Agueros, one of the Argentine distance cracks, finished anion;; the also rans. Tlepolo. three year-old colt, by Irigoyen — Me-lisaude. by Sundridge. won the ,000 Prix Coronel Pringles from General Brusiloff by three lengths aud a half. Yesquero, the only other starter, wag a trailer at the finish.

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Local Identifier: drf1922020501_3_3
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