Eighth Race [8th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-05

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j i ! ; - BIOHTH HACK ::-! Mile. ::-.v«-:ir-i lils .-mil iiptvard. ClalauJauj;. Dee. 29, I BIG 1 3. 1 1 -5 :; 110. MAY MAULSBY, ch. m, 7 99 By Stalwart— Kisberdale, by Ji.n Gore. Trainer, J. Cooper. Owner. J. M. Cooper. 59931 Tijuana .V t l:10%slop 21 107 I 1 1 31 3 | E Noble 8 Arct.Kiog, IkeMills, BedgegraM 51*18 Tijuana 3-4 1 -.1 1 ..!:■ sc 3 195 6 6 5 61 6 i: Parke 9 Trusty, McLane, ! .ii Bodge 59735 Tijuana 3-4 1 :ll".-,fa; t 31 105 4 3 5 f ; 31 A Jacobs B K. Baakia, Joha Jr., Nashotab 59691 Tijuana 3-4 l:16%good il 5 MS I 1 1 Is l4 A Jacobs s Nashotah, Shortstop L laBlack 59109 Tijuana 8-4 1:17 slop 12 95 2 3 3 6*1 •* C Studer 8 Rap. Stride. L.in J.laek. Nonsuit Tijuana 3-4 1:14 fayt 22 93 7 5 6 7- 7*1 C Studer B Qea.Agraateate, IkeyT., of field 69929 Tijuana 3-1 l:14%faat 5 MB 5 4 4 4" 9*i A Jacobs 12 11. 0. Heels, Bob. Allen, Orch.King FIREPLACE, b. g, 6 103 By Os;ary— Anna Kay, by King Eric. Trainar, S. A. Ballinger. Owner, Ballinger and Coffman. 59797 Tijuana l f i:ev ..fast 3 113 5 1 1 I* 3* C Gross 7 Basel Bale. Herder, Kamadt 59655 Tijuana 5-8 1*2 fast 2] ill 1 11 l1 l*| C Gross B Kath.Baakin, McLane, JoeBtalr 63624 Tijuana 6-8 l:01%faet 6 113 1 1 1 li lh C Gross 8 Barry D., M flower, Hoa.George 59139 Tijuana 5-8 l:01%fast 4 115 4 Z S 2- 3ai C Gross 7 KlngBick. Pueblo, HooeotUearga 59007 Tijuana 61 f 1 :0S-.-.fast 44 111 3 11 1J 3a C Gross 9 BigSmok-, Tutt, Honest George S8999 Tijuana 8-8 l:02- sfast 8-5 107 4 3 1 1 i1 C Gross H H.VIopaz. II.Angleton, ElSabii SOBBY ALLEN, ch. p, 5 111 By Harrigan— Mae Irwin, by Banijuo II. Trainer, E. Alexandra. Owner. G. Alexandra. Tijuana i I 16 1:48 fast . : lei 3 111 3:, 2* II B Bwer 7 lorkist, Roisterer, W.Mtgorny 59775 Tijuana 3-4 1:15 fast 20 W8 1 3 i 3, 2» li B Bwer BBillyLane, Huron II, Coca Ola .,9715 Tiiuana 1 1-16 l:474«faat 18 MB 1112 3-1 3T C Studer 7 Voihist, Koiaterer. «ath 59653 Tijuana 61 f 1*8 faat 8-6 93 3 4 4 31 1" C Studer 7 Miss Meelick, Herder. B I let at U 59611 Tijuana 5: f l*8%faat 13-5 l"9 3 6 I i- 3*1 M Blaughr 6 Herder, Lady Small. Vic iluuoi 59369 Tijuana 3-4 l:16:,imud 14-5 102 5 7 6 5 6"i B Donhue 7 Bedaa, Ikcv T., Furbelow SJ2W Tijuana 51 f 1.09lop 13 P4 7 * T 8 8* B Duggan 8 Rapid Stride, Sedan, Rifle ORCI-IID KING, ch. g, 7 108 By Cunard— Arlire, by The Commoner. Trainer, C. B. Irwin. Owner, C. B. Irwin. 56815 Tijuana 1 1:11 fast 7-5 114 3 5 5 5 5*1 3* P Martinez «; M. Unle. Ll. tbe Way, I It Biimpi 1 59775 Tijuana 3-4 1:15 East 15 193 3 I 0 s: 6 D Hunt 8 BillyLaae, BohbyAllca, Huronll. 59735 Tijuana 3-4 l:14%faat 83 118 2 2 2 2? 62J P Martinez 9 K. Rankin. John Jr., M.Maataby 59675 Tijuana 2-4 1 :1 F . fast 4 113 2 11 11 31 II B Bwer 8 JobaJr., VlumBIosni. Ly inBlk 59411 Tijuana 51 t l:13*£alop 6 112 3 2 3 3 3i 11 B Bwer 7 8grass, C. A. Comiakey, Banna 59336 Tijuana 3-11:19 hvy 6 I08 2 3 3 8*1 4* II II B*wer »! It. Stride. SaniBeh, Hr.racel.erch BILLY LANE, b. g, 4 110 By Reform.-. tion— Barbara Lar.e, by General Robcrti. Trainer, L. II. Tryon. Owner, L. H. Tryon. 59775 Tijuana 3-4 1:15 fast 5 92 3 t 1 ::J 1" C Studer . BobhyAIlen. Huronll., CecaCala .: ■: j Tijuana 5-8 l:06%slop 17-.. 1 T 3 3 3 3s 3*2 E Noble 5 Phedoden, KingDk-k, Keaward 5904S Tijuana :.-s 1 :« 1 .-.f 1 -t 9-5 193 3 5 6 I1 2«* B Parke 7 Honll.. K.CUtimm. Q.ofTrumps 5.987 Tijuana 5-S l:«l%fast 3 106 5 4 3 21 5. .1 Hunmer U ITivatePcaJ, Bluelblle, No,,. ait 54084 Tijuana 5 f l:07%slow 3 93 1" A Gantncr li OrcbidKing, Mgbtstkk, BIMah 5E9S3 Tijuana 3-4 1:13 fast 31-19 12 U A Gantner 6 OridKing, Col.Murpby. Gr.Mint PLUM BLOSSOM, ch. f. 4 193 By Joe Carey— Berrills Choice, by Berrill. Trainer, .T, A. Paiaaa. Owner, iT. A. Parion. 5W51 Tijuana 3-4 l:18ashvy 12 lot 7 113- I" .1 Hunmer 10 Lit. Romper, Uvr.Lerrh, O.MaH 59695 Tijuana 61 f l."08Vilast 21-18 Ml 3 3 3 4-i 13 ft WIIITma 8 Mayflower, D.Dodge. C.the Way 52675 Tijuana 3-4 l:14%faat V Ht6 4 3 3 8* l|0 WUlms 8 JobnJr., OrchidKiag, Ly inBlk 59572 Tijuana 3-4 1:18 slow s-5 MB 1 ill li .1 Htamer 8 Hap. Valley. ChleyBoy, Kaffartj 59471 Tijuana 811:13 hvy 3 MS 3 3 3 2i 2» .1 Htamer B Bon Dodge, Pueblo, Iteriew 59431 Tijuana 3-4 1:20 mud 17 5 MB i 1 1 1 2J .1 Hunmer •• ItaffertyMabelRule, Bbert8top 59188 Tijuana 8-4 1:17 atop i l"9 5 2 2 3= 3»1 G Wlll*ma 7 C.A.Comiskey, Yermak, H.Vaiy 59148 Tijuana lmTOy 1:M fa:--t 10 94 3 1 2 2 4 6° P Hum 8 GLWell. S.leurll., BdingThrhg IKE KILLS, b. g. 7 108 By Stem Winder— Ida D., by His Highae*i. Trainer, S. 3. Kelly. Owner. S. J. Kelly. 59934 Tijuana 5 f 1 :la.-.slop 39 W6 3 1 I I1 25 M Fator ». Arc.King, M.Manlsby, Sedgegs 59839 Tijuana 61 t l:«7%fast 11 1M 3 5 6 6* 6*1 E Taylor 7 BaselDale, YlcMunoa Ilarryli. 59778 Tijuana 5-8 l:01Hfast 32 198 4 5 5 6 65 K Noble 8 Bhlfty, Hasei Bale. HamiltoaA. 57699 Willws 3-4 1:16 fast 6-5 188 3*1 B Neal 8 Col. Boyle, Miss Sedalia. Review 57143 Hastes 6i f l:34r*4sood 3 107 5"! C Gross t; McLane, CarlKaberta, .Mnnncheu 56919 HastgS 3-4 1:19 mud 7 105 7s ft Willims 7 Thrills, Carl BohcrtS, John Jr. 56659 B house 61 f l:M44mml 8 107 51 T Wilson 8 Keg, Boscoe Goose, Maancben KORACE LERCH. b. g. 5 108 By McGee — Sadie May, by Cesarion. Trainer, C. E. Davkon. Owner, C. E. Davi*on. 59951 Tijuana 3-4 l:18%hvy 7 113 . 1" s 8* ::- B Taylor 10 Pl.Blosm, Lit. Romper, OurMaid 69429 Tijuana lm70y l:53%mud 17-6 108 Refused. B Parka 8 Midia. Jake Hcaas. Omond 5P;c.tl Tijuana 61 f l:ll*4slop 19-5 110 3 3 4 4* 43 B Parke B Huronll.. SaiuReh. Nonsuit 59335 Tijuana 3-4 1:19 hvy 15 193 5 4 4 4s 3*1 G Willims b Rap. Stride. SamBeh, OrrbklKlag 58535 N.Kton 61 t" 1:39 hvy 16-5 115 l"* J Smwood ! Panaai.in, Sedgegrass, Nmandia S8500 N.Ktoa 6 f l:39:imud 3 115 1J J Smwood ."» GoldieS.. Ncrmandie. Leltalafie BMW N.Kton lmTOy 1:58 mud q 110 Wheeled. O Atwell 8 Gol.Dawn, Mar. Gray, T.C.Rawu 58423 N.Kton lmTOy l:50"r.fast S 119 4« O Atwc-11 7 Sandy H., Jellison, Mazola 5and314 N.Kton 3-4 1 :20ihvy IS 104 31! O Atweil 8 Oacamha, Sedgegriss. Sandy H. NONSUIT, ch. g, 4 108 By Martinet — Mai Xowary, by St. Florian. Trainer, Z. E. McGregor. Owner, Z. E. McGregor. 60O2S Tijuana 3-4 1:16 good 17 !li» 1 6 5 6* •!, B Maskriu 8 BisterSiisie, Sedan. RapidStride 51797 rijuana 51 f i:is-,fast 12-5 149 1 I I 8* 4» .1 Hunmer 7 Hazel Bale, Herder, Fireplace 59750 Tijuana 61 t lrOTftfaat 6 109 2 2 4 49 41 J Htamer IB Coca Cola, Mflower, at Msaagja 9;il Tijuana 6-8 13l%fast 33 112 6 I 6 8* 5 s:; P Hum S Herder, Si-Su-ie. HamiltonA. 59611 Tijuana 5i f l:0s%fast 17-10 106 1 3 4 6 6*4 B Parke « Herder, 1 -jdySmall, BobbyAUen PEERLESS ONE, br. g, 7 105 By Jack Atkin— Barns Parail LI., by Iroqaela, Trainer, S. Polk. Owner, S. Polk. _ 59797 iijuana 51 f 1:0 -.-.fast 164 101 7 7 7 7 7" M Fator 7 Hazel Bale. Herder, Fireplace 58576 Maplell lm?0y 1:51 slop V MB 7 7 7 6 41 4» M Foden 7 Toreador, Speedster, Blseord 5S512 MapleS 3-4 1:31 hvy 9 111 8 7 6 3" SJ R Fator 10 Fin. Rooster, War Smoke, Jam 5S450 Maplell. lmijy l:55/5mud 16 106 6 6 6 6 6 B** O Mangan *i Rouen. Discord. Toreador 5S-109 MaoleH. 5* 1 1918 good 35 109 7" E Fator 7 Bengalese, Retreat. Tom Goose 57646 Laurel 1 1-S l:54fast 6 112 6 7 6 7 7 7" E Fator 8 H.Pardner, S. Verdict, Franklin JUDGE DAVID, b. h, 6 109 By McGee— Benedetta, by The Pepper. Trainer, 3. G. Stadler. Owner, F. J. OBoorke. 5612° Willows 6 f r"--fe*t it 113 7" J Mulcahy 8 Magician, Miss Orb, John Jr. 56388 Willows 3-4 1 •16**-fast 43-10 lis S| T Wilson 8 B.sWfanr, H.Amrton. K.Chiltea 5635.-, Willows 1 1-16 l:50%fast 12 198 4«i C Cross 8 Bam.Bay, P.reOtreet, G.Bobts 55907 Bhouae 1 1-16 l:47%fast 12 111 6Ti E Neal 8 MiasOrh, NaahoUh, GoaBoherta 56834 Bhouse llll2-fast llf 112 --v Bajajw 12 Jake Schas. Jerry, L. Lacbmund

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922020501/drf1922020501_7_3
Local Identifier: drf1922020501_7_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800