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|| _ T t | n a | ..f , f J I j s J . : , I 1 ! , I l I ! : I i I i c i : i i I i ,. ,. . i n - ,. _ "J; - KENTUCKY RACING SAFE Thoroughbred Interests Score a Great Victory in That State. Lee Anti-Racing Bill Defeated in Senate by Overwhelming Vote of 26 to 10. — ♦ — FKANKFoKT. Ky.. l-bniaiy s Rarb-g ia Ken tacky is safe. The efforts af the *refata»ets* Is iestraj the apart and larideatallj the creal haar-oBaThbred breediap industry af the Blue i:nss defeat in the Kentucky senate ihis aftacaaon hen the Lee sati raeiasj bill was killed br ■ rate £8 to 10. The T,ce bill was reported to the seaate this Bftei Booa by the eoMMittee aa Jadiciaty after that bady had voted four to one apaiast it and sa Metiea or the author the senate the-i rated on whether or not the bill would he read into the ealeadai despite the eaauaittee report. The vol.- raase after 1»im;ci Lee had mad" aa rxteasive speech in favac ef su|i pressioa of bettinp at the nice tracks, the present system beiag defended by senator Baaeri C. Sim imms of Coriactoa, who poiated out that the bill did not really provide a remedy for the conditions rone plained of. Seaators Bell, Cay wood, ! :iii ty, Garaer, Grata, Hall. Harris, Lee. Barshali and Bash voted in favor of first reading;, tboasrb senator Cayaraad said he probably would be nj-ainst the bill on ones ion of |i:n-n:". Senator- Baker. Btaaatetter, Btaight, Bro.k. n.ivis. Deasnahtaa, Dyeaa, BaaeMea, Bah- hard, Kelly Kiaae. Betasjer, Baanae, Mosa, Perry, Points, Beyautda, I; aas, Kimaoas Kteil, Tabor, Wallace, um-. Welch, Whit and Wbitaker rated ajcair, rt first reaa-aa; Senators Atwood and Aaxiet arere absent. Senator Lees bill a. is .i much uiofe drastic bill than the OBe introduced ai the his! s--smoi. which Merely repealed the e-esaptiea clause la the Ken tacky aati-a-uabllag statutes aader which pari niutuei aperatiaaa :re permitted. The m w bill aaa a cfiinbination of anti iiari-mutucl. sati-bnokaaakiag Ilnl aati-poolrooM lepislatioa. ITader Its provision-. if eaacted, Kentucky woaM lase aa aaaaal rereaae of more tbaa f9jBStpnaj now derived frssa the three tracks at Lexiaptoa, Laaisvllle and Lateaie The Lee bill did aaray with the e-eantioa rlaase as to mutues aad Preach paoia, repealed the ea-eaptioa rlaase as to lieeased raeiag iadosntes, i.iovid.o SI. duo t. .s.-,,iHi t":ii - -itul from eight to twelve months imprisoaateai for opera ting a paai room vbere bets are taken, amde agents punish to lit from sla aaaatlM to owe year is Jail, provideil a fiae of from 81,888 to 85,888 for rentiag arapertj .■r aae as a aaoiroom, :k ta thrty days in jail for oae playing races in a poolrpoaa, six months to one year in ail for sheriff or other peace effl-j rers for failiag to enforce regalatioa, aae to twetvt BBwatha :n Jail for triephoalng bel for self or another, one lo twelve Months for Mnkiag a bet ea i horse race. The bill farther provided thai the i Mimoawealth does no; have to prove thai the race was actaally raa. At the H-O aessioa of the Kentucky legfadatare he Sims Mil. less drastic in Its srope, was bstro-.,, dnred, ba1 was beaten bj a vote af SS ta 11 Friends of raciag are rejoicing toaight, pariicn l.-irly the breeders, wir- would bBV saffered aw«i bad the ! •*• bill passed Beeeat figares raaapl • I - ow thai Men are forty-seven breeding establlt meats of the thoroaghbred horse la this si.-m •. i i ■• ■ farms nabrace 88,831 seres of la ml. worth ,857,300 and the horses on them are rataed a; 8?;SS7,412 This means that the enormous total af S17.H11.71_ •s iavested iu the thaeaaghbred utdaatry alone m the Bias Gress state In addition to this the KeBtacky Jockey Club. apetatiag the four big tracks of the state, has paid oat M.525.375 between M83 aad 1 r»__t in tarf Bttaea and the Hfssmcia would have destroy,] ;,ll 1 1» •-3! ♦