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. J t " ; | . . . ■ i - 1 1 1 - - a ■ I a TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA, MEX.. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1922.— One mile. Sixty-third day. Tijuana Jockey Club. Winter Meeting of 12." or more days. Weather threatening: temperature 85r. Presiding Steward. Francis Kelsoa. Associate Stewards, J. W. off roth and Leon Wing. Starter, Harry Morrissey. Racing Secretary. Leon Wing. Baling starts at 1 :."." p. in. Chicago time 3:." p. m.. *Indicates apprentice allowance. rtlllQQ FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28, 1916— l:05/s— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-OvUtlO olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00: third, 0. Index Horses AWtllSt V, % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners ~ E |uiv. Odds Strl 58854 ••w! WHITAKRB era T M6 11 1 i" U l-l l3 K Noble Beebe and■ Fraaier tSPSk 68886 COOMBS wf. 4 111 :: .". 1" 2-i 1*1 2-1 H Saladin L Hankins 500-100 68888 MIKE DIXON w 0 m 9 10 Si 6* 6: 1*1 C Gross P Dwy.r t4850-100 B8888*VERA RITA m 4 MO M 2 S S. I] 4 ■ Donahue W L Stanfteld 186 m ."»»7;-i ROBERT LEB w I lox 1 I M », 6* ", J Hunmer J Stadler JOO-IOO 58854 *K. OF PYTHIAS wMMUl :! P 4 4" t.c Halls S Heaaaltino 70S0 1»H " !J73I .l.Tii: LADY w 6 111 4 I Pi** .. 7- B Har*toa T G .Morri.s 188BVta| .". *» 7 :i I " 1 R KENDALL W88 11 Ml E 4 1» 7 1- l| A Jacobs /. Barnett M8VM6 665S8*HODA IRISH w 4 M4 7 11 11* 11* M* I ; T Wllaoa .1 i: Mays I 58781 OLIVE 1 . am 6 HI • 1 4* 6" H |6* i- Cartet A P chenowlth 330-Ktu j!HH3 APPLE JA.K B 8 119 N 7 M* M* ll-JIl3 T Murray W P Cunningham I0B BB •QUEEN JESSTB w ■ V I !U 1 V2 L l:: H Long Palmer and Casatty | IMutuel held. Time, 24. 49, 148*4, 1:08. Track fast. mutuels paid. Walter Wkltaker, $."..40 straight, uu aaace, 62 ia» show; Coomb". $"..20 place, .20 show: Mike Dixoa, S4.M1 show. Equivalent booking odd —Walter Whitaker. 170 to 100 straight. r,0 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Coomb-. 100 to 100 place. 66 to 188 ihow; Mike P/ion. 140 to 100 how. Winner — B. g, by J. K. Otawley— Prithee, aj tiligrane trained by C. W. Crippen; bred by Mr. W. O. Jenkin-l. Went to BO t at 1 .."4. At post L minutes. Start good and llow. Woa easily: second and third driving. WALTBB WHITAKER raced COOMBS int.. defeat while r..nndiiig the far turn and. taking a com-■andlag lead, area in ■ raster. COOMBS was araaaiacal from the start and held oa gamely. MIKE DIXON Closed a biff gap from a slow beginning. 8BBA IMTA show.-d speed, but tired in the final eighth. BOBEK7 LEE i sate t it at the tmish. f4~|4T|QQ SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Taileaan June 28, 191C— 1:65V;,— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-l1*"t?t/ old:-, and upward. Claiming. Hot value to winner 50: second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtllSt i i4 % Str Hn Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Str t B8858* l;Y RIGHT m 6 M6 ." 4 ..; 8* 2J r .1 Haataaer A wlCaafman tTliTTMi r f»7:;-l BESSIE MA R ii arSlli i l i: I* I«| 2* C Thpsoa vv Maltby Sst-M .-.98-1 1 MISSOULA w "• 111 S 7 Ml »■ 4A S E Bator W B Hunter 1700 Ml 58888S*NICK KLEIN w 6 106 12 l 6** 6] C 4. C C J Gamble M83-V6 B881S*LDT BOURBON wSIN I 3 :■• U V :.- W Miller B 8 Thsrnacad M68-8M 68853 DAIST N. w 5 Ml 1 it 7" s1 6*161 A Jaeoha ; MCCaslla 10M6-MU iit»04«* CANDEGBEV v, ..111 :: . 4. 6* : 7 P Martiaaa - t: laria M8-M6 58887 PBOPHECl wb 6 113 1 t; : # -,- y R Carter V L Behaefer M8VBB r.9884 TOM SA1 sniliis a 6M611 lo li K 4 :i-! E Noble 7. I. McGreejor 3BKM6 r.«»l»4 SAM HILL 7 113 I H 1- U M M* B Taylor O Kelt 60B M6 68485 VODKA v. 7 HI 10 s ■ M« 11* 11J .1 DeTord C E Matthews-. | 68730*BONNEBEm; a 164 IK !• 6" 12 12 W Oavis Neal 8 Eartholom.w t IMntuel li.ld. Time, 24. 491 .. 1:02:1J, 1:09. Track fait. ._• iiiuti.cis paid. By Lin it. sit. -jo straight, place, 13.86 -diow ; Beaste Mad; il, JO place, S.I.l.i show; Mi--.. nl i. Best, 68.88 show. Ciuivalent I king odd- By Light. 816 io 1M» straight. SS6 to 10O place, SO to 188 show; l.essie Mack il. . 116 to 100 place, oo t.. M6 show; Miaaoola, BeM, 66 to 186 s!mw. Winner -B. in. by Cnnard — Skyo. by Cddi rest tiained by C. Sinit!,; bred by Messrs. Combs and Urad-le t. Went to post at 2:-D. At post .". minutes. Start rood and alow. Won driving; second and third the same. BT BIGHT raced within striking distance of the leader and. finishing with a rush, passed HESSE; MACK II. in the stretch to win going away. BESSIE MACK II. showed aaad sp.e.1 m pa. -making, but readily gave any to the wimers rash. MISSOULA steadily improved her position Bad was a fast-goiag third. MiK KLEIN Baishad fast. £*f-i fbfk THIRD RACE— 1 Mile. June 17. 1916—1:38—3—95.1 Purse 00. 3-year-olds and 1CrM_r JLvf 7 upward. Claiming. Net value to S350; second, 0C; third, 0. Index Ho7ses AWtPPSt M 3 % Str Fin Jockcya Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 68878 BIG SMOKE v. n !MI7 7 1 6] S 1 1 ; 1, P .Martin- I F It Irwi-i .-JlO-in1 68886**CLEAB THE WAYw 6 Ml I 3 II 1» 8* 2| f P Hum Smith it Williams "40-100 58888** LA VAGA sra 5 Ml 1 E I] 6] E] ;. E Noble Blackwel] 6 Crippen 400-100 60025 AL PORTEB w 5 IE I 4 4 4 4 :: 4 1 i: Taylor W Sims ;00-100 58745 DR. DOORLET w 6 112 :.."." " K Kator 8 P Varian 3S4MM 88886*MONTONA WISW I I I K1 |* I* %* A Jacobs W Plakataff M6 M6 56835*LOTTA SPEED m 4 163 3 7 M 71 ~_ 717 .1 Hunmer H Farrell :_:.4o-]nn 60051 HUG ME ws 7 ill I I "■ I I H H I. Hall H Baataaaaea S76i-ifi0 60071 EILLT JOE ara 10 Ml I I 1» :- s 9 E Donahue W E Behaefer l.".40-100 Time. 25. 494J,. 1:16%, 1:43-- Track fa-ot. S2 mutt;- Is p id. Bix Batoke, 812.86 straight. 67.48 place. 6446 show: Clear the Way, .66 place, .80 show; Laraga, .46 bow. I...-!. ins; odds P,ig Basoke, 586 t-. 166 straight, 270 to 100 place. 130 to 100 show; Clenr the Way, 180 to 100 place, 46 t ■ 106 show; l.avaga. 70 lo 106 show. Winner -B. a, by Bake of Orasoade — GoM Laee, by Ormonde trained by F. B. Irwia; bred by Mr. W. OB. M !• n ugh*. AVi nt to post at :J:4i:. At posl ." minutes. Start bad and -low. Won driving; arrond and third the same. BIO RMOKE was sared to the balf-BBile post, where he took the lead with ■ lush and. keeping it. won under i bard drive. CLEAB THE WAV raced forwardly, p.-rsi-tently threatened the winner and finished gamely. l.AV-ACV sared BTOoad on al! t;"- I.ii!! and was roiag Fastest of all at the end. AL POBTEB was hard i idden and did hi* best. BILLY IOE, away poorly, rushed op into forward contention on the baekatretck, hat tired finally. Scratched — 80071 uinam. 188. On rweights — Hug Me. 1 pound. pA-JA-j FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile .June 17. 191G— 1 :3and— 3— 95. Purse S500. 3-year-olds and vSl/Avri apward. Claiming. Net value to S350: scton-!. S100; third, 0; Horaea AWrPPSt~1;~1.j~v~Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odda 8trt 60825* FRANK WILSONwsB 7 164 2 4 3 I 11 II Horn V Harvi M |M 58830 JEWEL city wa 7 112 a 7 8» 1- I* 2* -■ E Pktor T Polk M6-MI 68888* GOLDIE BOSE w S Ml i ! p* 3 1*13* S E Noble II Jaaaea W-W .- • »!•: BBM1TANA W 7 Ml 1 1 1: "J S A 4P .1 Hanmer J Kern 290-1* ;00." l PERFECT DAT WB 5 112 3 3 I] K] •- B E Taylor P Elixman ."SO-ldO ."9835 "OLE HSTEAD W8B 7 112 1 I 7i 7 B 0" | 6*1 A Jacobs /. Baractt MO-loiJ 68826 VIEW W8T112 I I H 6*1 6* »•• 7*i C Studer H T Palmer 6M-I66 58848*INDIAN EEADE B 6 Ml 7 .". .V, 6j 7- 71 I * C Ralls A Wright 4160-luO 68058*CIRCCS wa 3 M I I !» !» J I J 3 W Walker 6BB Ml Time. 244i. 4935. l:153i. 1:42. Track fast. . I2 mutuels paid. Frank WiEon. 648.86 stralaht, 0. M place. 88.68 -hew; J.-wel City, fand26 place, 65 2o show: QoMIe Lose. 68.28 show. Equivalent broking; adds -Frank WiEon. 2000 to 100 straight, s..o to loo place, 200 to 100 show; Jewel City, 616 to 166 place, 168 to loo show: Geldie Lose, oo to 186 show. Winner— Ch. p. by Bearcatcher — Loretta Gale, by Magiaa train, d by I J. Wagkoaer; bred by ». Bowman and Bradley i . Went to post al 3:1C. At past 1 Bslaate. Start strasgliag and s!,,w-. Won easily; seeoad and third drhriag. FLANK WILSON dashed to Hi. Croat si the batf-aiile post and, taking a i ssasisadlag lead. easily held his opponents safe frata there oa. JEWEL CITS begaa slowly, then worked I ih way ap fast and Bnished fast. GOLDIE BOSK shaarsd speed, but tired palpably ia lac laal quarter. LRMITANA quit after raciag dose ap for three-oaarters. Bcratched -68887 Ashtoa Girl, 188. Oiet weights Perfect Bay, - poo ads. £*fk-A AO FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec 20, 1916— 1:11* ,— 3— 110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and ■3 " A. $ sal upward. Claiming. Net value to -winner 3490: second. 40: third. 0. Hides Horses AWtPPSt U V2 34 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds aTPt 88688* SISTER SUSIE wt » 185 4 I V 1 1] l»* E Noble J A Larson BMN 68877*BOBBI ALLEN w 5 110 1 - :; 3*134 2«* P Martinez C P. Irwin 166 181 58775*COFPIELD W 6 Ml ! 1 L 41 4*| 3* A Jacobs Xorth B Howe 410-Iim 68828 **BAPID STRIDE wa 5 1U 5 4 9 to ji «p Car.. 11 .1 E Earl M6-M6 5»857*,POLLY WALE w3 M 1 S 6] 5] 6* v C stud, r San Dieco Stable 6N-M6 68776*COCA COLA wa 4 Ml 7 I 7 !*• 6* 6* H P. B*wer W M Walker u vkjo 5988 4 MISS MANAGE W 6 1"7 S 7 !•* fk 78 1* Cross Hallinp. r 8 CoffBaaa lL40-100 B8748*TTJTT W 4 60 6 I s s S s p Hum Smith A. Williams 82?.t*-lu0 Time. 2333. Wb. l:134i. Track fast, miitiK-i- paid. Slater Baale, , 7.2i» straight, *4."o place, $:uhi show; Bobby Allen, to place, .00 show ■: CeOVld, . So show. Lonivalent booking odds— Sister Susie. 200 to loo straight, loo to loo place, .0 to 100 show; P.obby Allen. 120 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show: CosaOld, 90 to 100 show. Winner- P.. in. by Calv. tea Sweet Lavender, by Ooldfinch trained by J. A. Parson; bred by Mr. James B. Haggia. Weat to at 3:12. At ]iost 2 minutes. Start goad Bad slew. Wmi driving; seeoad and third the same. BI8TEB BUSTB begaa fast and. asorlBg to the front, maintained a small lead to the end and gaaiely outstayed BOBBY ALLEN la the Baal drive. The latter saved groaad aa all the turns and, fln-isiiin;; with great speed, just failed to get up. COFPIELB came with a rank and was rapidly wearing down the leaden. ILUII STRIDE tired alter raciag prominently from the start. COCA COLA was away slowly and never prominent. : Bcratched — 58884 Berder, 186; 58816 Ping. 100. Overweights — Sister Susie. 1 pound; Lobby Allen. 2: Mis Manage. 1. CA1 7f SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. 1. 1920— l:43Vv— 6— 122. Purse 00. QfJ JL V?«J 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 360. Index Horsed AWtPPSt M Vx % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. OddtTstrt 58888 EVA. HARRIGAN w I 11" IS 1- P 1- l!l" T Wilson W Loads 1368-MI 68887 *CHICK B*KLEY WBB 7 U4 I 2 3* 3*| 3* 3* 27 H Saladin S J Kelley :::»-100 68883* YORK LASSIE wa 5 181 I 4* 3» 1*1 3 *1 pa p Hum T Crvstler BaVBB 58865 IZAMLOCU w 11 117 M :» H »* .*; 7- 4 E Fator T Polk CiKI-100 58786 ZETETIC WB M 11". 3 I 6* 6J KJ 41. 6*] J Majestic AY L Stanfiebl 2T-lt0 B8888* LEWIS B. wa 7 B8 I 7 6-1 h 7" r.; 6 E Noble BlaekweU .t Crippen 500-loo 58887 *DORA W .4 ME 4 1 ::i 41 41 S1 7+ J Elunmer B J Elward M68-BB 597 93 DALWOOD sn 7 Ht9 7 10 lo 61 57 CI 8 H R Hvver J Kern 71andM00 58887*M. TILGIEMAN WSB 13 109 .". I •" a] til !»3 »1 C Ralls M Morrison t»160-100 .■ 198! CLERK WB 1- 110 1 4 7 »kio 10 10 10 P Martinez C R Irwin t tMutuel BeldBj Time. 24, 49l/5. 1:15*4. 1:43, 1:47V5. Track fast. mutuels paid. F.v.ilyn Harridan. 629.88 Straight, 3.40 place, .40 show; Chick Barkley, .80 place. 68.40 show; York Lassie. 68.46 show. Kquivalent booking odds— Lvalyn Harrigan. l.?90 to 100 straight. 570 to 100 place, 370 to 100 show; Chick Barkley, 140 to 100 place. 70 to lOO show: York Lassie. 220 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. m, by Harrigan — Vaueena. by Batten trained by W. Leeds; bred by Mr. F. C. Marti met. Went to post at 4:07. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. KVALYN HARRIOAN took the lead quickly and. never seriously menaced, won easily all the way. CHICK BABKLBT, after closely following in the wake of the speedy pacemaker, tired and had to be hard ridden to save second place. YOHK LASSIE ran well, but bore out badly in the final quarter. ZAMLOCB closed a big gap and was going fastest of all at the end. Scratched— 00071 Shenandoah, 112. USA"! ft A SEVENTH EACE— 1 1-16 Miles. June 24. 1916—1:45—3—119. Purse 8600. 3-year-: Ol/ADT olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt H, V % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqni v. Odds Strl 688B8*H BLHCOYNE wb 7 10K 1 1 11 1, 1; ll 11 M Fator W Younkraan 470-100 bB888*SALOEOROB w 6 110 I I :;- 43 4-14* 27 C Thpson Suhr and Mansfield 2360-100 1 88888 *COMMANDEB wsBiill4 I 5 4=1 rtl ,T-l 2 3] E Noble J A Parson - 360-100 68186** WHITE HAVEN w 6 104 4 7 S J* 7= B*» 41 J Hunmer LO Sawyer S50-100 68818* *OUB MAID W •". 112 I I 3* 2*1 3* o1 :.- H B Bwer V Walker 600-100 60076*MIKE DALY wsb S 106 7 8 61 6*1 6- 61 6= C Studer Murphy and Cloninger 270-100 59986 * .;. M HEEBH Was 6 114 5 4 .". 5* BJ 7* 75 A Jacobs Mannale and Baumstock 7360-100 59814ACDREY K. wsb 7 117 I :: 7i 8 8 8 S P Martinez C B Irwin 1640-100 Time. 24%. 49*s, 1:15%. 1:43, 1:49%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Hairy Burgoyue, 1.40 straight, .00 place, .20 show; Salgeorge, 3.80 place, .20 show: Commander. .00 show. Equivalent booking odds— Harry Burgoyne, 470 to 100 straight, 2oQ to 100 place, 110 to 100 show; Salgeorgo. •".!» » I" 100 phi". -10 to PHI -lew: C.iniilMi.ll. 1H to 1M show. Winner 15. ;;. by I,-, p oDay Parley, bj |-:.iikfoit trained by S. Folk; bred I.v Mr. . M. Corbia. Went to post ;ii 1:L! . At pool 1 minute. Start good and Blow. Won driving; second a Did Uiird the tease. HARRY BCBO0YNE, away fa-t. 8*1 ;i last pace under restraint and, saving ground a st II the turns, lasted i: .:u gamely. BALGEORGE was taken Mali ;.:: ;• passing the half-mile post and was s.ived to tin- stretch, where he rame with a crest rush mid almost overhauled the winner. COMMANDER raced dene up. bul caane wMa in the ln-t quarter and tired finally. WHITE Havkn closed ■ big „.p in a fast finish. £ifb~6 fki EIPHTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. M?y CO. 1920 — 69—4—107. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and Ol/lvO upward. Claiming. Net value to 5350: second. 00; third, 0. "index Horses AWtJPSt ; 2 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners F.quiv. Odds StTt 59339-SH2FTY: v. 4 IK- ! :i -■ 2 2= 1 C fhpeo . A K Btbkea JT~ " t.39884 IHAZKD DALE wall? 4 4 I] 1J 11 V E Noble .1 A Parson 160-100 .-,0930* A.M. MAID WSB 4 102 2 1 ." Si ! 3« T WIlSOU II T Palmer 1100- It „ 60930**McLANE v C Mi 16 7 I I I] 4*1 P Hum R Kmrie M20 169 .".9885 MAYFLOWER a l ■! 115. I S Is 7- ■ " P Martin*! » B Irwin 90-10 39934*ARYAXXA wit M I I I S P 6" C San Diego Stable 1720-106 ROOM OI.VMP1AD wallVl - I p ■ ■ s- ;: JI B Bwer G H Abbott SOS 10 «;«03ti-HVKRS TOPAZ wl 7 tW IS W 10 9*| 8i R Cartel .1 Lynch 12866-106 000and0 ANGELA w I IB I I ■" 1 7 .« C Kails Hollywood Stable G99S9*CL*TJDE WEAVER a 9 111 7 2 4* BUO 10 P "arm J S McDnniel K0V10 •t.Mutuel lield. Time. 24. 48«i. 1391%. Track fast. %2 mutuets paid, siiifty. 30 straight, .v.0.. 4o place, 02.01 thaw; Hazel Dale. fZM place, 02.01 shew; An..:;. .11 Maid. B8JM alMUr. Equivah nt booklax add* — Shifty, 216 to D« straight. JO to 100 place, M la 100 -Low: Baael Dale. 40 to 169 place, ::o k. km o«w; American Maid, M0 to 100 show. Winner— I.r. f. by Honeywood— 1 lirif ly. l.y lg.:. n train. ,1 hy A. E. .Siokos; bred by X-v.nla Stock I arm. Went to paat at A. ".. At p ,,t :• minutes. Start g l and Blow. Won driving; second and third tlie ■ shifty followed the pacemaker closely awl, standing i hard stretch drive, wore her down iu in going away. 1IAZKI. DALE ei a fast pace and Imiifr on resolutely when challenged, althenih tiring. AMERICAN MAip Fas prominent throughout, but tired la the last eighth and had to be liard lidd-n to -.iv linr.l place. M.I. AND made np .-round fr. in a slow start. Scratched— 59798 Km ilia* Haggle. 106; G9T76 Colonel Matt, 10.",. Overweights -Olympiad, -"i pounds; Hanovers Topaz, l: Claude Weaver, 5.