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! 1 1 I ,. " _ ° LATEST WORK-OUTS AT NEW ORLEANS 840 XBW OKI. FANS La.. February 8. Todays train-jinx I gallops here incladed the following: FAIR GROUNDS. Weather cb-ar: track si., v Tiii-ee-Eiirhtlis Mile. 888-Asia :-~:. SH-Uvely :c K33-AUIe Ocha . ...SI% Laaiae Groodj .38~s s::i;-i:iue Bird .. i:!-1 . BaC-Medaa 3T% 837-BetUe Wood-...."?-. R3d-raba*ka ■ ■ Car. Paatagea ;.7:;. S.57 Pimiico PA m-Clayaaon :;7 8X-Plaatooa 41 s:;s Dardaaelta . J« - BM-Pttter Pattir .::7 S17-Ii ummond . . . .ItS--, Btl-Peter Browa ...38 s.".7 Haghie ■ ! 8BT-T. lram is an ..:!7- . 833 Jerry 87 Half Mile. 89£-Arrew Paiat ..52 836-Magikaa 49.-, siM-Assume " 0 B3M rlaTa -"1 836-Bills Lack . Xt s;-». ttos..,.|if r i s::»-C. niuicter ... .ell1:. fc:t7-Nikhiin "1 -:. 838-Daraay 52 837-Tan II 52* i BtT-DartBiaar to-;, 838-Tharoa ."tt 833-peTaaite 51% flat Taiaahoal ..32 838-Kternlty -" I MS Veto 53 MS-Gra-s Tree . . . .•"-■.-. SOS-Winneeonne ...." 1 Five-Eighths Mil". 825-Ap Jack 1L.!:0J 838-Jake Bergei . 1 ul 837-Beagare 1:K 1:-. s:tf,-T,iitir Aanaiel os 837-Coraea ... . . 1:0-V. 837-Meaaatery . . 1 :ttl SOI-Courlis 1 :0.V- 838-Misa Jemima .1 :«KJ s:t7- i round Swell 1:0 S3-1-Meiise 1:07-. BSB-Bigh Geai ..l:04;0 837-Marpiiy 1:01 R37-Iriah Ki-s ..1:07 Sas-Kep 1:04 834 Jaaqataa ...i:0«-.. *s-s. ..r Pleaaarcl4fr% Three -ftnarters Mile. 837 Ballot Mark. 1:171a BW May Badiae. .1 :ls -.-. S_t-Buliet 1:2025 Kit Our Dear ...1:18 s"s-Botheration .1:17 BSS-Paet. Bwaia..l:l*H SH7-Bill Btoek ..12% SOT Passe Ptout . . 1 :19 S.S4-Comie Song .L21- SSS-Tlob 1 :1s S37-I amoris ....1:19% S.",«-Ynshmak ...1:17% Seven-Eighths Mile. BBS-Brit Liner. .1:33 SOK-H.ot. North 1:31 s;i7-Dainty Lass.. 1:32 One Mile. 823-Aea L:d8% Ml Jwk Scot . . .1 ; 10 .. 83t-Gay l:4S% BBT-Marray l:4f% 832-Geaie W. ...1:4*% BtaVFIt 1:48% BoB-Olagtr l:4B% R3l-R«nz»f 1:4". P.lue Bird ran well. Allie Oeh? and Batty Waada Is warfeed fast from the barrier. The Franciscan wa-not extended. Peter Brown was under restraint. I. Centimot"r is near racing condition. Winneeonne * was under restraint. Miss Jemima could have ■ ■Baton much faster. Monastery is training kinriiy. : Irish Kiss had an easy gallop. Comic Song galloped an easy trial. Botheration seems fresh and ,! mad- A e ran easily. Guy and lit were on even ■ terms. Genie W looks good. Jock Scot is fit and ™ ready. Ginger was under restraint all the way. A