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FAIR GROUNDS FORM CHART NEW ORLEANS. LA.. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 6. 1922. -Fair Grounds 1 mile. Thirty -third day. Baaiaeas Ileas Racing Aswociatioo. Wlater Meetins at SO day-. Weather clear; temperature 50 . Stewards, i:. c. Smith. M. Mactarlaa, A. c. hTeiile and L, M. Holmes. ladgea, J. B. CampbeU and Joseph Mcl.ennan. Starter, A. B. Bade, Baciag Beeretary. loaeph McLenaan. Racing starts at 2:15 p. in. Chicago thne 2:18 p. mi. Indicates apprentice allowaace. £*fk-t ~t tfa FIRST RACE— 3-8 Mile. Jan. 19. 1922— 34 ,—2—114. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. * " J It/ Maidens. Claiming. Vet valna to winn r S.700; eocond, S200: third, 00. lnd- Hoi-- - AWtPPSJ J j Btr Pin Jockeys Uwncra o II I 8 00070 *THB MUUESKINNRw 11 "i 4 I I !i .1 But well H .i BMwn 4_ t; E Z I andPQ16 I vi IRA t;.i"i.i:v w in. 12 I :" B r..o! .1 L Holland 3 :. i K-5 4 3 .",!. ".J PATROI-MAN W 115 7 i !. Morris .1 A Coburn .". I ; :; 0-a :,9.." «i MISS CLAIRE w 111 r, :: :. 4 M Garner C Weidetaan 4 4 2 4 G 2-8 .■. j",i»9 FiNKli: v. irj :: 7 4 ." r CltilettiOrleana stable 13 r. IS r,0035*BOB M.ii;av w 1M i K 83 6* R Scott W Daniel M M M 12 :,* ~.~..l HIGH TEA W 112 2 I 7 JJ X Barrett J J Murphy 10 IS M 4 J .", »97:: MILDRED LRAIXE w 111 •". 2 I i i: AmbroaeT .1 Carrol! M M - i s ! MM JENNIE C w 112 M 11 M II .1 Burkeli X. nsteter M M Si I I 60007 MISS LADY w 112 I H 11s !■ R McD*ottJ S Ownbey I 15 15 3 LUEO HAMBONE • 113 11 4 It ;n E Ran* J A Carrnba M "• 13 ANTOX1A W 112 9 12 12 II Kin; McGowan .V- T.ors i". 1J r. 21 Time. 24. 3G,. Track slew. Winner— B. ■. by Bean— Raamaala, by Peep oDav trained by D. R. McDanM; bred by Meaara. White and Garaett. Went to post at 2:14. At i» ■ it 3 miaates. Btarl good and alow. Won easily; second and third driving. THE MULESKINXEB began fast and, i icing Into i rood lead at once, set a good pace and won as his rider pleased. LAURA GAFPXET was haul ridden and unnerved over In the last eighth, but Sal bed gamely. PATROLMAN ran well and Bnished resolutely, but was larky to be third. Miss CLAIRE was in tight quarters and forced to be . !ken hack la i!. last eighth, which eoat her second place. FINKIK tired after showing speed. BimUhiil fgalOO BOnae Age, 115; .".iiii:1..". llin-i.-.i.i-t. 112; 50506 Taylor Hay. 11.".: Dress Up, 112. f*£~m * ati SECOND RACE— 3-4 Kile. lab. 9. 191S— 1:111.,— C— 116. Pur-e ,000. 4-year-olds lflii/ ami upward. Claii.iiug. Net value to winner 00: second, 00: third. 00, IiLlkx Hom*fl AWtPPBI .. - Str Fin Jockey- Owners 0 H P S B07SX SANDY-!!! aaSIM i 2 :■ 5s " 1 P Murphy O Wendel M ID-s 3 -: ."9801 "piiii.A.MJi-.iiKi: a 4 J03 3 4 2 :•- 23 2* A Wilson J C Calm 18-57-5 7-10 :. i!tl ; ACTRESS i - IK 8 1 i • 1 i . .1 0 ana • C Milton ! 4 4 8-5 4-5 5M70*HOREB « "• 101 S - • " -- ■ * 1 Wallace W B Steele I 8 8 3 1 ROOM:ETTAHE wa 7 115 1 5 7 :. .1 But well Winfrey Broa 8 8 8 3 8-5 5M10*ANTICIPATE w 5 113 7 7 8« 7J S" B* i BreningJ 1. Karl 8 10 in » 2 ."•J8f. MAGNET l.AXD w 8 HO 4!" M 1" 1" 7 I D M*n*yD R Stewart W 12 12 •"■ 2] 60000 SERBIAN w 6 118 1 C • ■ 8* li • Burke H Nenateter S 8 SMlt*THBRESA wt 102J 5 9 Jl Ss 9» W Lancet G J Long B BO 28 M 00038- JAGO wiin li:: 9 I I I I Thomas W D Bernhardt 5 8 7 21 Time. 232.,. 48 5. 1:14"6. Track slow. Winner— Ch. g, by Barrigan Beatrice Soule, by Peep oDay trained hy ;. Bthington; bred by Mr. Benjamin A. Jonea. Weni to post nt i:lo. At past ." minutes. Start goad and -low. Won handily: second and third driving, sandy 11.. done up from the start, wore the leader down steadily after reaching the stretch and. taking the lead in the but sixteenth, won . ting away. PHILANDERER raced forwardly from the start and made a gunsc Ouisb. A« TRE88 Ebowed tie moat early apeed, but tired In the Onal drive. HOREB meed gamely. ETTAHE Inished fast. .:. ;o quit after going a hair mile. Uinalibtd HOI1 Oraaagg*. 116; 80006 General, 110; .".:m 71 Plain Dili. 114; .".7373-Don. lot; f.oou liii-tow. 10S: r.!U"!0 Mark Went, 110. Overweight* Ettahe, l pound: Theresa, i1.-. f*fk~t 91 THIRD RACE— 3.4 MUe. Feb. 9. 1918— 1:11%— 6— 116. Parte SI. 000. 3-year-olds. OUlil Claiminp. Net yalue to winner S703: second, 00: third. 00. "ladtea Horaea AWtPPSI j % 8trFra Jockeya On an a t H r P s- 50675* FLY BALL 1M 4 9 3 23 l"» A Wilaon i Encbelkamp 6-5 7-513-M4-2 1-4 0S000 BLACK BETTY wa MB 7 1 5J 21 M Garner M smith 3 7 8 _ 1 .".975S JPHINK WIEDEL wb 101 1 I I. McDottM A: .1 LenateinSB M N 15 i 60014 *DELH1 MAID WB i«3 l :. t .1 Wallace F Kahn 8 12 12 60011 EVELYN WHITE a 109 8 : :• S 8 1 ." ■ C DiahmorC T Worthinjrton 8 12 IB 4 2 60014 IMAGE w Mfl •". 1 2* I ■. i; 81 E AmbroaeTreacj ft Wker I IB M I 8-5 50070* MABETL CURTIS w 104 6 J 7:717 7 A GantnerC Buxton S a 10-56-53-5 SMS0*HILLSDALE wn M 9 3 I I :■ B* .1 PeycbrdJ R Slcinker 30 -:1 M •,0081 .MISS MELLISH W W81 3 S S- 8s !• 0 R McDotU 3 Ownbey M :." 5B 2B 1 Time. 23?3. 48-. 1:16. Track slow. Winner — B. g, by Garry Hermurnn— Joaninna, by Voter traiaed hy L Jehaaan; hud by Mr. George I. Will net. Went to post at 3:0!. At poet 1 minute. Start •-.• .. 1 and -low. Won driving; second and third the same, l I.Y BALL began slowly, but raced through the others with ■ rush and took the lead when weU into the stretch, hut began tiring near the end. i.I.At W BETTY closed a cap and was running fast and gamely at the end JOSEPHINE WIEDEL saved much ground an the turns and finished fast. DELHI MAID tired. HILLSDALE set a pood pace to tie hurt eighth and iiiiit. MABEL CURTIS was always antrum. Scratched— 00014:Gah 1. 1, 169; 00014 Simplicity, 110; .".M74 Bcrnlee K., 109; 59941 Bailing tan, 101. Overweight! Black Betty, l pound; Mi-- MelBah, l_. £fcf-_-g 8" *~ FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. 12. 1910—1:424—4—113. Blue Ridge x3 "_I_ AA J*l Pur,. il.COC Addtd. 5-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 00: second. 21; third. 14. Index HTir.: AWtPPSI . j_::4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners 4 11 C P S 0040 WYNNEWOOD wb € 109 3 1 lll* 1» 1» 1» A Wilaon I O Webber 7-107-1013-201-5out .",9919 TRANSLATE wa 8 IBS E 4 2J 2" :■ 2 : A GantnerH Marshall 22 4 I 7 B1-. 50632 BAIGNEUR wit 6 MO 7 3 . V : V »• M Garner F Gering .Ir I 12 12 1 6-5 90OSWAI ICEAG wa 8 io7 I t; 6* ■■ t i; C Ponce C N Freeman S I I Q 4 .",9918-" MA" X EIJT BR wn 6 MS - E ."• ., 41 E*l 51 F Wriner McGey and Lewis hi 1". 1". :. 2 "997«; BIFF BANG H" i 5 43 4:."- 6« .• N Barrett I. T Bauer IB 2S lm 7 3 59976 GAIN 1 K CAUSE wb 5 MB1 17 7 7 7 7 7 F Murphy .1 Arthur SB w 86 20 W Time. 241:. 18-,. 1:14, 1:41. 1:45. Track slow. Winner— B. g, by Ben Dru-h— Wald. an, by Btar Shoot trained by T. O. Webber; bred by Mr. John- sou X. Camden. Weal to post at 8:28. At peat 1 minute. Start k 1 and slaw. Won easily: second and third driving. WYNNEWOOD raced into Ike had at one- ami easily won all the way. TRAN8LATS had no mi--haps and raced in tloacBl pursuit all the way. BAIGNEUR raced prominently and finished well. WAUKEAG dosed np -onie ground in the last quarter. The others were always outrun. Scratched -50755*Marse John. 106; .v.n:.7 Bcourgcman, 169; r.9iiis Qrayaon, lu."l. DferanHghta — Raignenr, I pounds; Biff Bang, li1.; Gain •! ■ Panse, 4%. aQAI 99 EIETH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Fen. 9. 1918—1:114—6—116. Bushman and Bayne Handi-%J 1 Ad*J cap. Pur.;e ,500. 3-year-olds cud upward. Net value to winner ,000; second, 00: third, 50; fourth. 0. lnuVv jBatnea AWtPlSt": ■ ~:~StrTiii Jockeys Owners O H 0 P S 866I01MERCURY wiHTln-i f l l I* 1 iTlhT.iiias I. A Strube 21 3 3 1 1- 00040 i. DHONNEUB WB 6 111 2 E 3* 31 3 2»* 3 D ItneyG Drumhelhr 4 I .", 8-5 7-16 .-JI701 ! AN SON w 4 101 1 3 L" 2 2" Sl F Weiner W H tooper 4 E .". S-.". 7-10 :.94." « LUNETTA w ■• io» C i E S t 4 I. McLrbttC P Winfrey :. :. 8] 8 E ::-". 7.9308 ARCHIE ALDER W C 1"J I Z 4J 4 4 7. A Wilson .1 Randolph 0 M 10 I 7-". 7.9970 SERAPIS UTB 4 HO :: Left at ih.- post L .Morris Pelican Stable 3 7. .". J,-.". 7-10 Time. 23. 48. l:14l5. Track slow. Winner— Ch. g, by Vulcain— Rose of Dink, by Dink Coat i trained by I.. A. Strube; bred by Mr. .1. Hal Woodford I. Went :.. po-t at 3:.".4. At poet 2 minuses. Start good and -low for all but SERAPIS. Won ea-ily: sei and tliird driving. MERCURY, hard ridden, was rushed into the lead in the tirst quarter and easily laid sway to the .nd. TABLEAU DHOXXElD stood a hard drive resolutely and was going fast at the end. TAN SOX saved much ground on the last turn and a game linish. LUNETTA was taken back soon after the start and finish, d well. ARCHIE ALEXANDER tired. SERAPIS refused to go. Oct! WCigOtl Archie Alexander. 1 pound. .O/l-f B ,| SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Feb. 13, 1915 — 1:44"5— 3— 104. Purse 81.000. 4-year-OvPAi olds and upward. Claiming:. Net value to winner 00: second. S200; third. 00, index Horses A WtPlSt ; •- ~, Str Fin Jockeys Owners II C I S •0tt042~*TFRY— KHANNON WB i "i - 4 V 1- 1J 1- 1- li Thomas D Bernhardt 4 ;". 4 M 4-5 60016 il. PARDNER W 5 186 4 1 -- V V P -: J Wallace 8 C Denham 10 U 12 .". 2| 66419* DAY LILLY w I M6J 3 I :;l :; XI t* ■■* A GantnerF St Joh-i ". 19 2 1 C00423*THF7 WIT w 5 10» 6 7 7- f." li 4: 4 A Wilson R L, Rogers 1 I 13-804 96 00042 iWDNLT HALL WJt 8 IBB 7 1 i| 61 V ■■ ■• G BreaJnBfT E Crist 3 Bl A S-". 4-7, 99961 DANCING SPRY w 6 1031 8 S R1 8- 8" K3 6 J McCoy Treacy and Wker 10 17, 15 G 1 90613 S/ONE DARMEE an S 104 0 !• bi 11 1 7 17- E Martin Southland Stable 13 1". IS 6 3 ."•94 36-WRKtKKR W» 4 llO E 6 41 I 1 li1 8,u S5 C Donee Vi H Cooper 10 12 12 a Z 00010 MERRI.MAC wb 4 11". 1 7, 9 I n t» !l j D MneyF H Smith 8 13 12 I g] Time. 241i. 49. 1:14=5. 1:4123. l:48-i. Track slow. Winner — Ch. g. by Voter — Tower of Caudles, by Candlemas trained by D. Womeldorff; bred by Mr. Edward R. Bradley. Went to post at 4:1S. At post 1 rninule. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. BARRY SHANNON raced into the lead with a rush and. setting a good pace, held sway afterwards. HELLO PARDNER raced in nearest and game pursuit throughout. DAY LILLY -ave.l much ground on all the turns and finished resolutely. THE WIT had no mishaps. WALNFT HALL run a bad race. Sera l died— .".9703 Wickford, 107; 59137»Scourge! 107; 0906Z*Balauee Wheel, 108; 39978 Romeo. 102. Overweights— Day Lilly, 1% pounds; D.meing Spray, ltj. ■ , i, i ■■ . , --*■- SMII f*fk~i O 5 SEVENTH RACE— 1 0-16 Miles. Feb. 27. 1904—1:55—5—107. Purse ,000. 4-year-PfJLjU9j oh.-: Rtd upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second, 00: third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt ♦ _• " Str Fin Jockey- Owners 3 II f5 P gi 60004 *BRM PEDDLB w 7 111 10 5 31 2 2» li 1»» E Mart O Peferaon ii i r~~2 i B9979*LAZY LOU • 1 101 2 1 4 ,; ::•• ::J -• .M Garner Can and Sanford 8-3 2 2 9-102-3 COOK; MADGE P. WB 8 111 I I 1 1: I* 1» I. Morris v D Millard 3 7 5 2 1 00017 JACK REEVES w I 119 ft 9 1" M : 4; :•■ S BuUntan G Oddo 13 13 13 6 3 99979LA KRcss Or 6 911 7 7 ;■■■■" ;. .; Butv ll E J Crawford 10 12 12 3 8| 39801 LORBNA MOSS wa I 102 3 6 6s 61 4- C- 6* A GanfnerJ Cunniffe 6 12 12 3 21 cooio -.iN"! OVERTON wp. 3 100 6 s ,] 4 BJT* 7* A Wilson c X Fryman M 12 12 I 2*. BMOO MARIE RADPOI.D w 7 108 ;; 10 B*» 0" 7 P V J D MnevC W Ch.ii.oell S 10 8 I 8-5 9009 1 » ALEX JR. wr. 3 in; 4 4 v- | | 9* 9* B,s ll J BnrkeA W Jackaan M K M 4 2 B9750*GALIOT wa 4 ft9 l 3 2 7 M IB 16 ; BreningM Smith I I s | 7-3 Time. 2435. 00%, 1:15*;,. 1:42. 1:59%, 2:03. Track s!ob. Winner It. g, by Sweep — Whi-k Broom, by Ceearibn trained by t: PHernen; bred by Mr. Edward R. Bradley. Went to peat at 4:49. At paat 2 minute-. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and tliird the same. BROOM PEDDLER, while racing rhme np, saved ground on the turns and raced into a good lend in the stretch, but tired and Just mated to win. I.A/.Y I.oi . also racing In go.,.1 form, had no mishap-gad lini-iied gamely and gaining. MADGE F.. -liowing sudden Improvement, - •: a laiily good pace, but was tiring at the end. JACK REEVES eloaed a Big gap in the stretch. LA KRoss ran well. MAR1K RAPPOLD ran poorly. GALIOT tittit. Mei weights— Lazy Lou. 1 pound; La Kro-s. 4: Don -u.i Moaa, 1: Marie BlippnM. 2. =3 ,J