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; : ! | ; I : I I FAMOUS POSITANOS UPS AND DOWNS The famon* Anatralia a aire and - .n af st. Simon. Io-itauo. which died la-t autumn, wa- twenty - eiglil year* old and wan *eat from Bngland in 1837 II.- had many no- and down- in hi rareer. Poaitanu w is honght lor le-s than ,800 b; H. c. Bnngar •• trj the Bt. Simon i.i | ii the col .- Poail tin..- mother, ioii/.i. w»r lo Springfield Napoh bj Macaroni- Sunshine, Ii; Thoininnb] It wna blood that mad.- t- mark in tlie nen field. Knur of lo-itanos hqoji won the M bourn, i ip Lard Cai digan in 1883, POaeidon 1388 Lord Nolan in 1BBH and Piastre in 131:1 Poseidon al-o won the Australian Jocke; ! tit. ami Victoria Baring Ilnh l rl.-. Io-iii.-i i a-, winner of the Mell.ourn. Cup in 1813, wa- from i Bar* Io-it.un. which -n •■! other k I performerN in Moaltam ITras lale and •laeaniar. When iostano re rlied V.-tralia from England . hi- condition wa- -.. bad that loi -ome week- M Da agar refused to accept delivery, alleging that he wa- not the horse he wa* represented to be. Ln -nit over the matter wa* even talked about. INi tana* -to. k raced for the first time iu inn.: mil tlotn that treat to 1821 th.-. won ii-.; race* anil •sin 34«