Todys Surprising Antics: Runs Away, Jumps the Fence and Still Wins Her Race, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-15


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TODYS SURPRISING ANTICS J ♦ Runs Away, Jumps the Fence and * Still Wins Her Race. ♦ Gourmand Victor in Edward W. Magin Memorial Handicap — i i Rain Spoils the Going. • * * — • " m:v oki.FANs. i..i . ii.m 11. The an- usual -ight f a horse throwing ■ rider while at tlio * po-t -1 1 ] I I milling BWSJ :|1 top -|Hri] for I i|lla Iter, jj in then hurdling th - fence near her -tabic ami dashing wildly for her quarter-, nheie he ma captured ami breach! back t the starting po-t to he re- B mounted b her uninjured rider ami thea surprising hj landing :| goad band from the atari ami ataxias ., a desperate dad with her ucareet contender to tri-umph bj a acaat neck waa the outstanding incident of tin- Fair Granada racing t 1 1 i — aftefaaoa. The , heroine of the above lacideat araa the recently ae- ., uniied Tody, which II U train secured ria the ., claiming mute sin- araa in with ■ bead af highly rated ctaimera la the sixth nee aad she araa be having in decorous style, while Link; It ami Attar- . any wen- euvsrtJng around and atakiag life generally aiiaenible far the aaaiataat atartera. Suddenly, without araralag Tad] lunged ami eatapulted Gaat tier from the -addle eaueiug him to turn a nun-■tote eameraault aad landing him an hi- back with fonc Tody at eacc ael off at a fa-t pace aad bnrdled the fence in etoan style, baiting far her atabto, whore ahe waa caught and brought bach to the pom. A beuvj bane enveloping the course and at . thataa making it difficult ta distinguish colore, j |Sf lagail ■ downpour and th raia materialiaed . immediately after the running of the sixth race, j when for a period of ton minute- a -olid ■heel , f water poured itowa the track aad converted the j already atou eanrae into ■ bine af sloppy mud. Bad acting -tarter- ronaaaaed ainch poat time, j ■early half an hour being wasted aa ■ reanll af j bad behavior at the harrier liy aotoriouslj knowa unruly poet actora. It entailed the kmgeal poet dewy of the pre-eiit meeting, bat the gaed atari lag attested wonderfnlly to the patience and effi- rtoncy of -tarter Dade. CLOSE FINISHES DELIGHT CROWD. The threatening weathei did aol serve a- aay drawback far anothei generous attendance waa prraeal at the conrae and the racing waa sharp, with in.ini etoae ftnlahea contributing to the eu-i".vnieiit af the throag The Edward w llagina Mem rial Handicap, at ,i mile aad i nixteeath, for a pnrae of ,500, was the bendliner nf the afternoon and it proved a i rousing eoiite-t. with Gourmand the victor over Neddam and byg Day*, with I.unotta and Blip- , aery Him the napiaced one- Luaetta delayed the atari far tea minntea bj her failure to join the utbera in lining ap ta the tape hut when the atari v waa ••tie. te,i it found Neddam the leader, with i Gourmand ■ had la-t for the firal half mile. He t then begaa gaining steadilj and when the leaden ■bowed the effecta of their early effort he began | wearing them down with I rti-h and paused into j the lead, fiftj yarda from the finlah. Neddam land- s ed in aec I place and Bygone Dnya third after a , hard drive Gourmands -bowing tin- afternoon was j i raat improvement over his race of laal Saturday, , when he waa beaten badly. He waa benefited by the that pace today, whereas on Saturday he had , to make the pace, ami till- might have accounted . f ix the contrasting raeea. It araa another dtoaatrona experience for theue , who eaafiae their faith to favorites, a- only one , ■ hoiee ancceeded. That waa C. 1. fforthingtona Betainda, ami her eecane fri ■ defeal waa by the ; i laaaat kind of a margin. Wade McLeaaore araa the good thine in the initial da-h ami lie won eaail] after apaarentl] being hojie-leaal out of any chance. Ever Hold, which fin- i-hed -ei ••ml. might have heeii the i. tor bat for being caught in the harrier :ln l far off from the ethers when fully -traichtened out. Last Effort furui-hed an aaael in the third race | by leading all the way and antataying Fied Kinney at the end. Wil-oii. who had the mount on I.a-t Effort, re prated Urn aaaae tactics in the aext race with Itirdie ;. and beat a fairij good band of three rear aide baaae Th - eanctading da-h fell to Link Hoy. which led for the entire race ami beat the favorite. Service i Star, home. THREE FOR JOCKEY WILSON. lackey Albert W liana, Tat Knehelkaaapa contract pilot, wa- a lui-y bay this afternoon lie won on I three of hi- mount-. La-t Effect, Birdie ;. ami [ I. ink Hoy, while he wa - -ecotiil with Ever Hold ami I Neddam. Wilsun ha- bona riding ill great form all winter and is -ecoml C. Ling on the Fair Gremada ; list. Starter A. H. Hade sus|,eiided joi key .1. Merimee for six days today for di-ohedicnce at the pant. His alleged offense waa committed while he wa-a-tride of Mechanic ill the -eventh race. The Hard! Oraa Hnndtoap of s.i.ikm added at one and one-quarter miles, will feature the closing in of the Fair Ground- meeting on Fehruary Us. It will lie for three ear olds and over and an entrance fee of *H» i- charged, while it will co-t fig more to start Tin- will he the richest race of the meeting. Roundel came out of the -ecoml race :n a had Way and will lie on the shelf for some time. He wa- -o lame that jo-.key M. Ilarri-on was forced to dismount at the seven-eighths past and nnaaddle him Instead of hringing him hack to the hedges stand. Jockey J. I» Monney wa- -till too -ore from his fall Monday to ride today. Hi- injurie- con-i-t of hrui-es and he will not lie absent from the saddle long. The body of Mrs. Tarbott, wife of Dr. Tarbsbt, who has been a practicing veterinarian on Ameri can race tracks for thirty years or more, was sent to her baaae in Michigan last night. Mrs. Talhott : tljed suddemy iu Iter apartment in this city Monday.

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Local Identifier: drf1922021501_1_2
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