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J * i i • * • " * jj in B ., , ., ., . . j . j , j j j E. R. BRADLEY9 S BEST RACING YEAR MASTER OF IDLE HOUR FARM FINISHES FOURTH ON WIN- p NING OWNER LIST OF 1921, WITH IMPOSING TOTAL OF f 13 7,6 2 9 TO HIS CREDIT E. It. Bradley, master of idle Hour farm, one of Kentnckya foremost br ling eetebUabaeenta, mi- toyed hi- nio-t sui ces-ful year as .in owner in l.lll. Not only did I.ehave Tonraelf and Black Bervaat lini-h tii-t and -econd in the Kentucky Derby, glory enough for an] owner bat twenty -four of the twenty -eevea, racera that eomprietd the Bradley stable collectively won the bnposlng anm of glS7,d8S luring la-t yeara racing campaign. That large earn gave Mr Bradley fourth place an the American owners1 list for the year, the Baacocaa Stable, H. 1. Whitney nmi J. K. I.. Bona being the only owner, winning more than the Kentucky owner and breeder. Behave Tonraelf waa the largest winner of the ■table, 140,900 with Beat Pal, M .:i;o: Black Bervaat, 7,475, and Hit of White. si7.117. aiding -uh- -tantially in acenmulnting the hi- anm to the credit of their owner. A- all tie- Bradley batnea are yoang • • yeara, of good quality ami excellent br ling, there i- everj reaaoa to expect that tiny ami the new J.1 crop of two -year-old- from Idle Hour farm will ggure promlnentlj again tlii- year The record of the |j in Bradley hoi—- li-t year follow-: • Hor-e Col. and si-x. A. Pedigree. l-t 2d. 3d. Won. i in Behave Tonraelf , c. •". By llaratl Mi-- Kinglet-, by Handball l 2 o S-lo.soo 1 t Best Iai br. •. 4 Hy Helmet Padala. bj Laveno ."• t» 2 2eS40 1 Black Servant . br. • 3 Hy Black Toaej Padnla, bj Laveno 4 S 1 .7.47o 1 r Hit of Whit- b. f S Uy sun-tar Dreamy II., bj Peraimaaoa 4 :i l 17.117 ,, Bet Mo-ie h. c. 1 Hy North Star III Santa Anna II.. hy Martagon : M 1 t£35 Believe idle Hour . .ch f. ■ By Canard Love-not, bj Voter 2 » n l.740 i. Bit • lilac k br. c. •_ By Black Jester Dreamy II., by Persimmon - 1 o 2.450 r Bobbed Hair b. f. 2 By Helmet Miss Kinglet-, by Handball 1 1 .". 1.700 h Bill ami to.. br. f. 2 By Helmet Padala, h.v Laveno l i :? 1,55a j s Black Bettj br. f. 2 By Black Tone] Macaroon, by Marco 1 J i 1,525 1 t Hanker Brown br. c. 2 By Helmet Valla, by rariaaaa 1 1 1 1 »!"• 1 1 H.-morei arefni ,b. c - By North star III. stumpy, by Handsome t 1 1 1,306 1 1 Brown Check br. 1 :• By Black Tonej Benanet, by St. Avaaicaa 1 1 0 1,200 v Busy Signal . ch. f t Hv tinard Sw.-ct Alice. b Flying Datchmaa 1 t» I I.lim • , Better still ch. ■-. 2 Hy North star III. sweet Alice bj flying Datchmaa. 1 1 0 1,125 i t Haltered ch. f. II V.y Boota and Saddle Meli-ande. hy Dteguise 1 4 tl .ISO 1 , He Sure b. c. 3 liy Helmet Ire-.inella. hy Cyllene 1 0 1 800 1 i He Good b. f. - Hy Canard folliea Bergerea, hy Himyar i» 2 i 4 io I „ Blowing Bubbtoa c. 3 Hy Cnaard— Macarooa, by Marcs • l o 300 I Bj ■••-!: b •• 2 Bj Plack T m j A iti una, bj forfarahire out 275 Bill Kendered ch. g. 5 Hy Marco— forecastle, by Bt. Angela 11 l 11 lixi f Brilliant star br. f. _ By North star III. Diamond Grain, by fowling-piece 0 1 i» 200 , H1.1-- Tack- br. f. ° By Helmet -Grail, by Atheling II l» 1 llJ t Blond Baddy ch. e, 3 By Canard May Bird, by Thrash 0 0 1 loo t H..y from 11. mil C. L By Helmet - May Bird, bj Thmah 0 0 ... f Bred at Home oil. f. •_ Hy North Star ill. Benanet, by St. Avonicil- O 0 0 ... Beaten Path i . f. -j. in- short Gra Bed of Rosea, by Cnnard 0 o 0 ... , _____ 1 lota!- i_7l 31 33 U t_S7,«_ 1